(The 246th Edition)


Victor Edward Swanson,



    The reports and stories contained on this Web page have been put together with information taken from "The Victor Swanson Fabulous Files of Places to See in Michigan and Wisconsin" and with information obtained from operators and staffers of tourist attractions and from press releases, Web sites, and other sources.  The reports and stories are provided as a public service by Victor Swanson and The Hologlobe Press.  Almost all persons and entities, such as staffers of radio stations, may freely use the materials; neither AAA Michigan nor any employee of AAA Michigan may use, distribute, download, transmit, copy, or duplicate any of the material presented on this page in any way or through any means.

Special Important Announcement

    Now I have a document at the website for The Hologlobe Press entitled A COVID-19 Document that Shows the Rottenness of the CDC, Many in the Medical Community, Many in the Media, and All the Democrats, such as Gretchen Whitmer, Andrew Cuomo, and Joseph Biden, and the document can be reached by using this COVID-19 link.

- - - Travel Thoughts for Everyone - - -

    From September 1971 to June 1977, I was a regular student at Wayne State University, Detroit, and a regular member of a student-run radio station at the university that ws called WAYN-AM, and, in 1972, when I was going to Wayne State University, I began my work as a television historian--as a hobby at first.  I spent time in the Music Performing Arts section of the main branch to the Detroit Public Library from time to time to see television-history materials in such old publications as TV Guide and Variety, and I was gathering notes for index cards.  Over the last several years, I have only been to the main branch of the Detroit Public Library a few times, and I have only been to the Purdy/Kresge Library of Wayne State University a few times.  In September 2024, I went to both libraries again.  School was back in session at Wayne State University, and I was at the place on a weekday, and I was surprise by how little the library was getting used.  Back in the 1970s, I regularly saw a lot of people in the Purdy/Kresge Library, especially on weekdays, of course.  On the recent trip to the Purdy/Kresge Library, I was looking over microfilm reels of The Detroit News, especially of 1948, looking at television-show-listings materials, and I was in the library for about three hours (and then I went across the street to the main branch of the Detroit Public Library for a short while), since some microfilm reels were missing from the collection at the Purdy/Kresge Library).  I can report that, while I was at the Purdy/Kresge Library, I saw less than two-dozen persons.  Mostly, the card-catalog area (or whatever it is called today), which has some microfilm readers, was pretty much deserted during the time that I was there, and there were only a three or four library staffers around on the first floor as a rule.  I asked one of the library staffers if the library was also so vacant.  The response was a "yes."  Because of the Internet and learning through the Internet, it seems the Purdy/Kresge Library is regularly deserted.  That hints that students are getting dumber, since they are not getting exposed to seeing or searching through all that can be at a library, and they are relying on so much of the modern stuff, which can be a retelling of things of the past and have defects.  I guess libraries will soon show up in the category called "museums," and then little community groups--mostly made up of retired persons--will keep the doors open for a little bit of time each week, and that could maybe be from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays during the summer tourist season, and then--slowly--such museums will fade away.

     Warning announcement!  Because of incidents at schools for children and incidents at other places for people in general tied to "Sharia" or "Islamic Law" or even the religion/political system known as "Islam," I now regularly have this paragraph as a part of each edition of Michigan Travel Tips.  The governmental system of the United States of America based on The U.S. Constitution and "Sharia" or, informally, Islamic law, are not compatible and cannot co-exist, and one reason is "Sharia" (et cetera) is a political system, in which there is one-party rule, and that one party is basically made up or controlled by religious leaders who base all the ways of their culture or society on "Sharia" or "Islamic Law."  Those who uphold and practice "Sharia" have no tolerance for the existence of Christianity or Buddhism or Hinduism or non-religion, and that is a fact, and "Sharia" is a political system in which women are second-rate human bodies and in which clergy can be involved in determining  business transactions, and there is no "freedom of speech" tied to politics in a society related to "Sharia."  When you travel around Michigan and in other states of the country, watch for signs that rotten people are trying to teach you or family members, especially children, that "Sharia" is good and "Allah" is good and teach you or family members that the United States of America is bad and that, for instance, Christianity and Buddhism and Hinduism are bad, which I have evidence is happening and which is being brought about by people who are clearly working to make "Sharia" a dominant political system in the world (it is a political system as rotten as socialism and fascism and communism are, since it promotes violence and thuggery and coercion, and it promotes killing of non-followers behind the face of religion and a god, Allah).  By the way, a society based on "Sharia" really creates nothing in the long run and does not advance the human society as a whole since it is too busy suppressing the ideas of people and keeping the ideas of the society based on ways of only a few minds up front (the political leaders), whose main purpose is to keep themselves enriched through the work of others, the many--it is a gang-run society really.  Yes, if you run across people pushing the idea that Muslim stuff--particularly the true The Quran and not the translations of The Quran that are faked to hide the true nature of Islam--is better than the U.S. is, especially to little children, go public and make it known to other good people and fight back against it.

    Today, I know of no actual "library" in Michigan that is officially a "museum" like that which I have sort of talked about, but I can report that, for example, a building that is a museum at Cadillac (of Wexford County of the Lower Peninsula) was once a library.  Today, the museum is called the Wexford County Historical Museum and Carnegie Library, which is located at 127 Beech Street and which was built in about 1905, and in the middle of the 1900s, it was the home of the Cadillac Public Library, the use of which ended in 1969 when another building was made the public library.  Basically, the museum is only open to general visits on a few days of the week in the spring, the summer, and the fall of a year, and, for instance, it is mostly only open on afternoons of from Wednesday through Saturday in the fall.  As you should expect, the Wexford County Historical Museum and Carnegie Library has stuff--like photographs and paintings and artifacts--related to the Wexford County region of Michigan.  Hey, I wonder if the place has any books!

    Another place that is only open a few days a week in the fall is the Carl T. Johnson Hunting & Fishing Center, which is located at 6087 East M-115 at Cadillac and which is a part of Mitchell State Park.  Actually, the hunting and fishing center is open on Saturday and Sunday for a few hours throughout most of the year--it is closed from November 15 to December 31 this year.  I went to the website for the Carl T. Johnson Hunting & Fishing Center recently to see what is happening at the place, and I found a class about deer processing set for November 9, 2024, has been canceled.  The place has various classes related to hunting, fishing, hiking, and more throughout the year, and people who take classes can get certificates in the end.  What I found when I went to the website is that work is going on--not at the place--but at the viewing area for the Upper Tahquamenon Falls of the Upper Peninsula, which is many miles away from Cadillac (which is in the Lower Peninsula).  A new 900-foot walkway is being built at the Upper Tahquamenon Falls natural tourist attraction from October 14, 2024, to about August 2025.  Yet, it is reported that the viewing area, such as the three platforms, will be open the entire time.  That was unexpected news, which, in essence, I stumbled upon.  To get back to the Carl T. Johnson Hunting & Fishing Center, I report that it has archery and pellet-gun ranges.

    When you go to a library, you can stumble upon something that you did not know by grabbing a book and opening it anywhere.  When you are on the Internet, it can be very difficult to call up what you are unaware of or no nothing about--you often have to use search terms to call up something, and if you do not have a search term in mind, you cannot get to something you know nothing about. By the way, recently, I stumbled across--while looking at old articles--that the people of Detroit once had a wire-music service called "Music by Choice" (related to a company called Modern Music Company), and how the service worked is there is a central-control area (at a building), which had operators who played records and talked, and the center was sort of connected by telephone lines to "jukeboxes" (not those with records inside) that were located at businesses.  A person at a business could talk with a person at the control center and get music played through the jukebox.  I could not have called up through the Internet "Music by Choice" to get anything, not knowing "Music by Choice" was anything that could be called up.

    Yes, if libraries fade away or if some libraries fade way, people will be dumber, since--as my old rule notes--you often cannot call up in the Internet what you do not know.

    By the way, go to "The Hologlobe Press" channel on YouTube and see my video focusing on the linking of The Shanghai Cobra (a 1945 movie with Charlie Chan), the Radio Electronic Television School of Detroit, the Electronics Institute, KQ2XBB (an experimental UHF television station of Detroit), and Modern Music Company, and there is my video that shows how I made a model of 40 Mile Point Lighthouse of the Rogers City area of Michigan.

    And now I come to a big wonder.  In May 2024, Lansing became a new member of the list of the most violent cities in the country--it is another Democratic Party city, as is Detroit, which was placed at number two on the list.  In the report of May 2024, Lansing was listed as number seventeen.  I wonder whether or not I should present places to see in Lansing in editions of Michigan Travel Tips any more.

    Enjoy your traveling in Michigan!

    And keep aware of the rotten people in Michigan.

    Stay well!


    Your travel tips in this edition of Michigan Travel Tips are:

    The Carl T. Johnson Hunting & Fishing Center, Cadillac, Wexford County, the Lower Peninsula.

    The Wexford County Historical Museum and Carnegie Library, Cadillac, Wexford County, the Lower Peninsula.


- - - Contact Information - - -

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan  49721
The United States of America

copyright c. 2024
File date: October 10, 2024

To see the previous edition of Michigan Travel Tips,
    click on: Travel #245.
To see the catalog page for Michigan Travel Tips,
    click on: Travel.
To go to the main page of The Hologlobe Press,
    click on: www.hologlobepress.com.

For further reading, you should see Conservatives
    and The United States Constitution versus
    Enslavers and Enslavism (or Communism,
    Sharia, Socialism, et cetera), which can be
    reached by using this link: Enslavism.
For further reading, you should see THOUGHTS
    AND PIECES OF LOGIC for the individual
    woman and the individual man, which can be
    reached by hitting this link: Logic.
For further reading, you should see THOUGHTS
    STATES OF AMERICA for the individual
    woman and the individual man,
    which can be reached by hitting this link:
For further reading, you should see Political Lessons
    for the Individual Woman and the Individual
    Man in the United States of America, which
    can be reached by hitting this link: Lessons.
For further reading, you should see Nonsense
    Statements and Quotations of Barack Obama,
    which be reached through this link: Quotes.
For further reading, you should see my document
    entitled Madness in a President and Others
    Matters of a Defective Mind, which can be
    reached through this link: Madness.
For further reading, you should see T.H.A.T. #55,
    which has important television information and
    which can be reached by hitting this link:
    T.H.A.T. #55.
For further reading, you should see the monthly
    publications known as T.H.A.T., the catalog
    to which can be reached through this link:

Really, you are urged to go to the Site-Summary
    Page for The Hologlobe Press to see all the
    other documents that are available at the Web
    site for The Hologlobe Press and reach the
    links to all those other documents, since many
    of the documents can be defined as "proofs"
    that show the evils and defectiveness of
    Barack Hussein Obama, and the link to the
    Site-Summary Page is this link: Summary.
