(The 143rd Edition)


Victor Edward Swanson,



    The reports and stories contained on this Web page have been put together with information taken from "The Victor Swanson Fabulous Files of Places to See in Michigan and Wisconsin" and with information obtained from operators and staffers of tourist attractions and from press releases, Web sites, and other sources.  The reports and stories are provided as a public service by Victor Swanson and The Hologlobe Press.  Almost all persons and entities, such as staffers of radio stations, may freely use the materials; neither AAA Michigan nor any employee of AAA Michigan may use, distribute, download, transmit, copy, or duplicate any of the material presented on this page in any way or through any means.


To all "liberals" and "communists" and "socialists"
and "fascists" and "Shariaists," I state--I promote hate toward
Barack Hussein Obama (a killer), all Democrats, most
of the high-level people in the Republican Party, and people
who are tied to Islamic law or Sharia and Allah
(the piece of shit idea created by men).  One reason for
that is they support the "Shared Responsibility Payment."  It is
a federal tax on people for not buying federal-government
approved health-care insurance and
for not helping to pay for other people's health
care, such as foreigners who are illegal aliens (whether or not
they are children) and defects of nature like Caitlyn Jenner who
want to change their outward appearance from one sex type to
another sex type.  I do not pay for others who do not care
for themselves, especially under threat, coming for rotten
politicians.  It is not my "responsibility" to promote and support
rottenness!  A good person must learn the skill to hate on
demand to protect the self.  Hate is power to destroy
rottenness and rotten people fully.  Learn the skill!

- - - Travel Thoughts for Everyone - - -

    In the previous edition of Michigan Travel Tips, I talked about self-driving cars, and on the day after I published the edition, the Detroit Free Press published an article entitled "Google car gets boost from feds" [della Dava, Marco.  "Google car gets boost from feds." Detroit Free Press, 11 February 2016, p. 2B.].  The article had a photograph of a Google self-driving car, and the story noted how the ultimate design of the car--which looked like a pissy little thing--will have no pedals and no steering wheel.  Great!  [Do you notice the sarcasm?]  The story came out around the time that the public was talking about who was ultimately responsible for damages when a self-driving car causes an accident and causes damage to others or the property of others.  For instance, if a car with no steering wheel gets in an accident, can the driver be held liable?  You should see it is more crap.  Welcome to the world of ignorance, and that is why I say that we are in "The Pseudo Information Age and the Age of Ignorance."

    On Thursday, March 3, 2016, several Republicans who were running to be the next U.S. President showed up at the Fox Theater in downtown Detroit to take part in a debate, which was broadcast around the country.  On Friday, March 4, 2016, the Detroit Free Press published a story entitled "Outside the Fox, hundreds protest over civil rights, Flint water crisis" [Stafford, Katrease.  "Outside the Fox, hundreds protest over civil rights, Flint water crisis."  Detroit Free Press, 4 March 2016, p. 7A.].  One portion of the article showed off well the rottenness that exists in Detroit and Flint, and that portion was--"...Dozens cheered and clapped as a woman shouted repeatedly, 'Go home, Republicans!  You've wrecked Detroit and poisoned our children.  We don't want you here.  Get out!....".  The fact is "Democrats"--such as black racists with corrupt minds--killed not only Detroit but also Flint, two cities of which have been controlled by "Democrats" by decades.  Some of the Republicans who are running to be the next U.S. president are not good people, such as Marco Rubio, but that is not surprising since rotten people are easy to find in the country in this day and age, especially in the "Democratic Party," which is a political party that outwardly promotes "enslavism" for the country or an "enslavism" form of government for the country, such as a communistic-based-type country.  Once again, this edition of Michigan Travel Tips does not promote Detroit as a place to see, even though so many people say that Detroit is getting better [Note: It is not getting better since the culture is not changing for the better in any way], and I do not promote Flint as a place to see either.  The ignorance in both cities can be dangerous to the health of good people--blacks, whites, asians, American Indians, whatever.  [Note: Actually, the entire article by Katrease Stafford was "bullshit," but that is the nature of the people at the Detroit Free Press.]
    [Note: To learn a bit about the stupidity of Marco Rubio, see T.H.A.T. #143, which can be reached through this T.H.A.T. #143 link, and to learn more about the rottenness of the people of Flint, who really are the persons to blame for the Flint water crisis, see the same publication.]

    Warning announcement!  Because of incidents at schools for children and incidents at other places for people in general tied to "Sharia" or "Islamic Law" or even the religion/political system known as "Islam," I now regularly have this paragraph as a part of each edition of Michigan Travel Tips.  The governmental system of the United States of America based on The U.S. Constitution and "Sharia" or, informally, Islam law, are not compatible and cannot co-exist, and one reason is "Sharia" (et cetera) is a political system, in which there is one-party rule, and that one party is basically made up or controlled by religious leaders who base all the ways of their culture or society on "Sharia" or "Islamic Law."  Those who uphold and practice "Sharia" have no tolerance for the existence of Christianity or Buddhism or Hinduism or non-religion, and that is a fact, and "Sharia" is a political system in which women are second-rate human bodies and in which clergy can be involved in determining  business transactions, and there is no "freedom of speech" tied to politics in a society related to "Sharia."  When you travel around Michigan and in other states of the country, watch for signs that rotten people are trying to teach you or family members, especially children, that "Sharia" is good and "Allah" is good and teach you or family members that the United States of America is bad and that, for instance, Christianity and Buddhism and Hinduism are bad, which I have evidence is happening and which is being brought about by people who are clearly working to make "Sharia" and "Islamic Law" a dominant political system in the world (it is a political system as rotten as socialism and fascism and communism are, since it promotes violence and thuggery and coercion and killing under the face of religion).  By the way, a society based on "Sharia" really creates nothing in the long run and does not advance the human society as a whole since it is too busy suppressing the ideas of people and keeping that ideas of the society based of ways of only a few minds up front (the political leaders, whose main purpose is too keep themselves enriched through  the work of others, the many--it is a gang-run society really.  Yes, if you run across people pushing the idea that Muslim stuff--particularly the true The Quran and not the translations of The Quran that are faked to hide the true nature of Islam--is better than U.S. is, especially to little children, go public and make it known to other good people and fight back against it.

    This summer, you may decide to visit the Museum Ship Valley Camp at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, which has been a museum since the late 1960s.  Since the end of the previous tourism season, I have helped the museum.  I reported to Paul Sabourin (the curator at the museum) what one radar antenna unit on display is (it has been on display for a long time it seems).  The radar antenna unit is tied to a CR-101-A radar unit (which is the civilian name) or an SPN-5 radar unit (which is the military name, used by, for instance, the U.S. Coast Guard), and the unit was made by Radio Corporation of America, and one like it was used on The Mackinaw WAGB-83 (originally called The Mackinaw WAG-83), a former U.S. Coast Guard cutter on the Great Lakes, and the radar type was used from 1948 to 1962 it seems.  Paul Sabourin reported about two months ago that he was going to move the antenna unit on display to a new location--near materials that focus on the former icebreaker.  By the way, I am making four little models of the icebreaker, which will be displayed in a portable display case that I have made; within the past month, I worked on the superstructures, which are made out of small pieces of wood and aluminum siding.  Also, within the last two months, I learned something that many people of today are unaware of.  Up until recently, I believed--based on information from others--The Mackinaw did not go through the Welland Canal for the first time till 1967.  I was able to find information that shows the ship went through the Welland Canal for the first time--it seems--in August 1949, and the ship went through the canal so that, for one, it could be the escort ship for a yacht race around Lake Ontario (the 2nd Annual Rochester Race Around Lake Ontario), and at that time, the ship temporarily had a "DUKW" (informally known as a "DUCK" (the "w" is not pronounced) with it, which had been picked up from the Summerville Coast Guard Base.  "DUKWs" were, for instance, amphibious vehicles used in World War II by the U.S. military.  Base on the information about the "DUKW" used with the icebreaker, I recently roughed out a "DUKW" (a little model, which has the right proportion to my models of the icebreaker) for my display.  If you want to see a "DUKW" this year, you could go to the Saginaw Valley Naval Ship Museum, which is in the Bay City area (of Bay County of the Lower Peninsula).  On March 4, 2016, I contacted the museum to see whether or not the "DUKW" at the Saginaw Valley Naval Ship Museum was on display, and within two hours, Ms. Carla Monteiro of the museum reported that it was, and the vehicle is in the parking lot, and the vehicle is in better shape than it was when it arrived at the museum last year--a bit of work has been done to it, but a lot--a lot--more work needs to be done on  the vehicle (the museum staffers are working to raise money to restore the vehicle fully).  The Saginaw Valley Naval Ship Museum, the heart of which is a real destroyer called The U.S.S. Edson, is open for the season again, having opened on March 1, and it is open seven days a week for self-guided tours from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

    Several times a week, I go to a nearby store in the morning to pick up a newspaper (it is good to see what bad people are doing in print), and when I go to one particular store, I talk with a senior-citizen women whose husband has a race car (or drag-strip car), and he runs it from time to time.  Oh, it is not a "funny car" or a "top-fuel dragster."  Around the state, there are race tracks or drag strips, many of which amateur drivers or semi-professional drivers can use.  Hold it!  Did you hear that race-car teams in the country have a new problem--the federal government has set up new rules about modifying cars, and, to me, it sounds like more crap from Barack Obama.  I shall not run off the features of the rottenness.  You will have to look that up for yourself.  The crap is there to find!  Now, this summer tourist season, I hope you will consider seeing a race at a race track in Michigan.  I drive by one regularly throughout the year, and it is the Onaway Speedway at Onaway, Michigan (of  course, it is not open in winter).  Some of the other tracks are--all of which are weeks away fromr opening for the season--the Owosso Speedway (at Owosso of Shiawassee County in the Lower Peninsula), which has the Owosso Nationals on September 24, 2016, the Merritt Speeway (at Lake City of Missaukee County of the Lower Peninsula), which has the 2nd Annual Merritt Speedway Showdown on June 9, 2016, and the Berlin Speedway (at Marne of Ottawa County of the Lower Peninsula).  Hey, will not racing be great in the years to come when the race cars will be all electric and be self-driving vehicles (with no steering wheels)?  That previous sentence is a sarcastic attack on Barack Obama and all his associates--all really rotten and bad people.  I really--really--do urge you to hunt down information about how the Barack Obama administration is screwing up auto racing in the United States of America, such as the race tracks in Michigan.

    Stay well!


    P.S. #1: Remember: While you travel in Michigan, remind your children or grandchildren that they should never pledge to be a "servant to Obama" or a servant to any politician or sing the praises of Barack Obama, and to help you remember other matters that you should teach children about bad politicians, such as Barack Obama (who can be described as an "enslaver"), see such other documents of mine as Conservatism for Children and What Conservatism Means (which can be reached through this link: Conservatism) and Lessons for Children about Politics and Dangerous People (which can be reached through this link: Children).  (Note: I first passed along the subject of not being a "servant to Obama" and the like in the publication entitled T.H.A.T. #58, which can be reached through this link: T.H.A.T. #58.)

    P.S. #2: While you travel in Michigan, it is easy to come across evidence of rotten people or to meet rotten people. One really rotten man is Richard Bernstein, who is a new member to the Supreme Court for the State of Michigan.  Evidence of his rottenness can be found in my document entitled Richard Bernstein--A Man Who Hopes You Are Blind to His Rottenness, which can be reached through this Bernstein link.  Yet, on Monday, January 12, 2015, the Detroit Free Press did a story about Richard Bernstein to sell Richard Bernstein as something good, though he is not (Ahern, Louise Knott.  "State's 1st blind justice aims to be inspiration."  Detroit Free Press, 12 January 2014, p. 4A.).  I report--I urge anyone who runs a business and loses a court case in which Richard Bernstein was one of the presiding judges to file to have the decision thrown out or killed through another case, since Richard Bernstein, while running to be elected to the Supreme Court of Michigan, made it clear that he was going to be biased against businesses if he were to be elected to the Supreme Court of Michigan, and that is a fact.  Richard Bernstein is a rotten man!

    Your travel tips in this edition of Michigan Travel Tips are:

    The Berlin Speedway, Marne, Ottawa County, the Lower Peninsula.

    The Onaway Speedway, Onaway, Presque Isle County, the Lower Peninsula.

    The Owosso Speedway, Owosso, Shiawassee County, the Lower Peninsula.

    The Merritt Speeway, Lake City, Missaukee County, the Lower Peninsula.

    The Saginaw Valley Naval Ship Museum, the Saginaw River, Bay City, the Lower Peninsula.


- - - Contact Information - - -

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan  49721
The United States of America

copyright c. 2016
File date: 10 March 2016

To see the next edition of Michigan Travel Tips,
    click on: Travel #144.
To see the previous edition of Michigan Travel Tips,
    click on: Travel #142.
To see the catalog page for Michigan Travel Tips,
    click on: Travel.
To go to the main page of The Hologlobe Press,
    click on: www.hologlobepress.com.

For further reading, you should see Conservatives
    and The United States Constitution versus
    Enslavers and Enslavism (or Communism,
    Sharia, Socialism, et cetera), which can be
    reached by using this link: Enslavism.
For further reading, you should see THOUGHTS
    AND PIECES OF LOGIC for the individual
    woman and the individual man, which can be
    reached by hitting this link: Logic.
For further reading, you should see THOUGHTS
    STATES OF AMERICA for the individual
    woman and the individual man,
    which can be reached by hitting this link:
For further reading, you should see Political Lessons
    for the Individual Woman and the Individual
    Man in the United States of America, which
    can be reached by hitting this link: Lessons.
For further reading, you should see Nonsense
    Statements and Quotations of Barack Obama,
    which be reached through this link: Quotes.
For further reading, you should see my document
    entitled Madness in a President and Others
    Matters of a Defective Mind, which can be
    reached through this link: Madness.
For further reading, you should see T.H.A.T. #55,
    which has important television information and
    which can be reached by hitting this link:
    T.H.A.T. #55.
For further reading, you should see the monthly
    publications known as T.H.A.T., the catalog
    to which can be reached through this link:

Really, you are urged to go to the Site-Summary
    Page for The Hologlobe Press to see all the
    other documents that are available at the Web
    site for The Hologlobe Press and reach the
    links to all those other documents, since many
    of the documents can be defined as "proofs"
    that show the evils and defectiveness of
    Barack Hussein Obama, and the link to the
    Site-Summary Page is this link: Summary.
