(Television History and Trivia)from
Victor Edward Swanson,
The material provided on this page is a service of Victor Swanson and The Hologlobe Press. The material may be used freely by a person, if the person does not use the material for commercial purposes. The material may be used by persons employed in the media, such as staffers of radio stations, but persons employed in the media must announce that the material has been taken from the website of The Hologlobe Press, the main Internet address to which is www.hologlobepress.com. Of course, the material is provided for fun or to teach.
Special Important Announcement
I now have videos on YouTube, and they are history pieces, and they can be found at the channel for "The Hologlobe Press" (the search term). One of the videos is about my making of a model of 40 Mile Point Lighthouse, and other videos are about Ms. Anna May Wong, Ms. Sandy Benson (The Naked Lady of The Soupy Sales Show of KABC-TV), and WAYN-AM (of Wayne State University). By the way, you can use this Videos link to read about my videos. And I still have a document at the website for The Hologlobe Press entitled A COVID-19 Document that Shows the Rottenness of the CDC, Many in the Medical Community, Many in the Media, and All the Democrats, such as Gretchen Whitmer, Andrew Cuomo, and Joseph Biden, and the document can be reached by using this COVID-19 link.
- - - T.H.A.T., Edition No. 251 - - -
I do not think people care as much about television characters as people did decades ago, when many characters were likeable and nice and fun (there were bad guys and bad gals, of course). On broadcast network television today, there are mostly characters whom I care not a moment about. On Monday, January 27, 2025, at 10:00 p.m., viewers got exposed to a batch of women--girls--who should be thought about very little. The Secret Lives of Mormon Lives appeared with Taylor Frankie Paul, Whitney Leavitt, Mikayla Matthews, Jen Affleck, Jesssi Nagatikaura, Layla Taylor, Demi Engemann, and Mayci Neeley. I would not wanted to be with anyone of them and I would not want to meet any one of them. Each is a jackass, or, really, each one is a "jackie-ass." In the future, I would never want to see the gals again through repeat showings on television. In contrast, I do like to see, for example, the characters of The Jack Benny Program, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., My Little Margie, Gilligan's Island, Gunsmoke, Get Smart, The Underdog Show, and more. Who cares about the eight gal? On Thursday, January 30, 2025, a formerly used series on Hulu called Scamanda showed up on ABC-TV at 9:00 p.m.. I shall not give the plot away. The first episode focused on a gal who it seems had cancer. The show was a so-called reality show. It was a reality that I do not want to see from week to week. Then at 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 30, 2025, ABC-TV pushed the first episode of Perfect Wife: The Mysterious Disappearance of Sherri Papini, and it focused on a gal named Sherri Papini, and it was yet another presentation like that which seen every week on 20/20 and Dateline and 48 Hours, none of which I watch on a regular basis--not carrying about anyone talked about on the shows. So much that is presented on prime-time broadcast television is forgettable stuff, and as I have noted in the past, prime-time broadcast television has a number of ugly series and shows, which is unlike what was found on broadcast network television decades ago. The more ugly and forgetable shows that show up on broadcast network television, the more viewers get in the habit of not tuning into the channels tied to the broadcast networks, and it is one of those "catch 22" ideas, and, of course, viewers give up on other programming carried by the television stations associated with the broadcast television networks. That is already underway. And I rarely watch the programming on the broadcast television stations of Detroit any more, more interested in seeing stuff on such channels as MeTV, MeTV Toons, Buzzr, Retro TV, Cozi, Movies!, and the like, and so goes the television age.
Welcome to another edition of Television History and Trivia.
Recently, I was at a hospital visiting a friend, and the friend--a woman--passed along information about a speech therapist at the hospital. It was reported that the speech therapist sort of justified as good transgender stuff because over time minds change and you can get a change in mind from being a male to a female and visa versa. It was and is a jackass thought from teh speech therapist.
For about two weeks, I did not pay attention to what was being done by the Detroit Free Press, spending many hours visiting my friend at the hospital, and then, when that was over, I saw about two weeks of missed editions of the Detroit Free Press (those of late January 2025 and early February 2025), and I came across one big piece of crap from a writer (and a freak) known as Nancy Kaffer, whom I have talked about in the past. I now note--If you have the idea that there are more than two sexes and that a person (once born) can change from one sex to the other, you have a mind that is flawed and have a mind that will screw up thought about other topics. Nancy Kaffer is surely a hard-line socialist or communist, and, certainly, she is a "feminist." Her thoughts about life are screwed up, and I have proof, and that proof is an article by her called "I don't need Donald Trump to protect me from trans women" [Kaffer, Nancy. "I don't need Donald Trump to protect me from trans women." Detroit Free Press, 26 January 2025, pp. 23A and 26A.]. Oh, one reason that I am talking about Nancy Kaffer is she has been a guest commentator on political-based television shows of the Detroit area, as have other former and present staffers at the Detroit Free Press, and so Nancy Kaffer is a television topic. Look at material from the article (the opening material), and it was opening material:
Of all the executive orders President Donald Trump signed on Inauguration Day, the one that erases trans people from federal policy -- 'Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism And Resorting Biological Truth To The Federal Government' -- is perhaps the cruelest.
It's certainly the most disingenuous, based on bizarre, fevered fantasies about who trans women really are. (Trans men, though equally affected, don't seem to loom large in these wild scenarios, in much the same way that many heterosexual men find lesbians less alarming than gay men.) In the extremism of this executive order, trans women are sinister heterosexual men who've gone to unbelievable measures to gain access to women's bathrooms and also to destroy America.
And it is anti-trans bigotry is couched in the worst sort of sexist paternalism, the notion that women require a strong male protector to define who and what we are. [Note: This is at it was presented on the page.]
It's breathtaking in scope, with profound implications for transgender Americans, for women in this country -- for anyone who values the intrinsically American right to self-determination.
I'm not afraid of trans women, and I don't need to be protected from them, no matter what Donald Trump thinks
I'm afraid of what comes next.
Later, the article had this material:
Our world is changing, and it's changing fast. It can be hard for even the most openminded person to keep up -- or even to grasp.
I don't have the same instinctive understanding of what it means to be transgender that I have for say, my gay friends. 'I love my husband, he loves his husband' -- it's not that much of a leap. 'The body I was born into does not align with my innate understanding of who I am' -- that one is more difficult for me.
Like all humans, I'm a work n progress. Empathy and compassion require attention and intention.
Here is yet another thought from Nancy Kaffer was:
I'll put my own cards on the table: I don't like the term 'assigned female at birth.' My gender is important to me, and the suggestion that it was selected arbitrarily feels minimizing.
This section was some of the material that appeared on the second page of the article:
The language it [the order] employs is grounded in the sexist notion that women are to be protected -- that we stand helpless, apart from men -- and in the nonsensical idea that anatomical differences between male and female bodies prescribe distinct and different roles in society, disregarding plentiful real-world evidence of the opposite.
And here is the final section that I will present of the article:
I'm a child of the 1970s, raised on 'Free to Be You and Me' and the promises of second- and third-wave feminism. I dream of a world in which gender is just one more thing we know about a person and not a trait that determines everything from expected lifetime earnings to what role a person plays in childrearing to whether a person is more likely to be murdered.
I wonder, in that world, what it will mean to be male or female, trans or cisgender. If women - and men -- can be or do anything, how much will the shapes of our bodies matter?
I've always known that world wouldn't exist in my lifetime. But most of the last 50 years, I thought that's where we were headed.
I'm not affraid of trans people. I'm afraid of Donald Trump. And I'm afraid of what will happen next.
That ends the presentation of what Nancy Kaffer wrote. It is all idiocy, and it is a collage of even at times unrelated things, and it is all shit, and it is all from the mind that is defective. It is what Nancy Kaffer believes and thinks about. Since it how she sees the world, she sees the world in a screwed-up manner. If you see Nancy Kaffer talking about some theme, the theme will probably be corrupt or distorted or freaky in nature. If you cannot get in the mind the idea of two sexes as fact--the way of nature--then so much else in the mind can be messed up. When you see Nancy Kaffer, see a person whom you should be afraid of, since she could end up helping to impose rottenness into your life and the lives of your family members, and she teaches shit on paper and on television! Nancy Kaffer is shit!Television seems to be loaded with rotten people, especially in the talk-show arm and the news arm, and it can be crap in the religious arm, too. On February 23, 2025, I stumbled on real shit on television at about 3:33 p.m. when I tuned into channel 15.2 broadcast, which is the channel that has WHPS-TV, which is tied to R. J. Watkins, and other people. On the air was another talk from of "The Sun of Man" or "The Son of Man"; he is a black guy who always stands in front of a big podium and runs off flap doodle and rottenness in talk. The man is tied to "The New Nation of Islam," a rotten group of people. On the screen when I joined in was a graphic card, and it stayed on the screen for a while. Bascially, on the left side of the screen (at the top) was the word "Christianity", and under that word was a flag of the United States of America, and under that flag--in a column from top to bottom--were three words: "Slavery" and then "Suffering" and then "Death". On the right side of the screen was "Islam", and under that word was a flag, which, to me, seemed to be tied to "Islam" or "The New Nation of Islam", and under the flag were three words in a column--"Freedom" and "Justice" and "Equality". Upon seeing the graphic, I knew the people involved were pushing "racism" and hatred for "Christianity" and hatred for the United States of America. In addition, I saw lies in the words pushed about about the speaker's Islam. For instance, Islam as pushed out by the speaker and his associates, has nothing to do with "freedom", given the Islam is a hard-line political system, to which all must conform or be hurt or mamed or killed. Also on the screen was thismain theme--"Which one will survive the war of armageddeon?". As usual, the speaker, who regularly rambles and pushes out thoughts that make no sense or do not come together as a unified something that a person who hears them can pass along to others, wore a uniform like thing and had sunglasses on to hide his eyes (as he always seems to do). In the end, the presentation showed that R.J. Watkins supports what spoutted out by "The Son of Man" or "The Sun of Man", who even seemed to suggest that he is the "Lord."
WHPS-TV (often called WHPR-TV on the screen, especially when old graphics are still used) has other people on the air who push out crap or shit. For years, the station has had a program called Feedback on the air, and it is regularly shown on Monday mornings in the nine o'clock hour. The main host is Theo Broughton (a black gal, who must be in her fifties at least), and she always wears sunglasses, maybe to be like "The Son of Man" or "The Sun of Man." On March 3, 2025, the co-host was Thabiti Mpendi (a black guy), who is a regular co-host, if not the main co-host. There was a guest on in the first half hour of the show, and he was Russ Bellant (a white guy with gray hair). I tuned into the program at about 9:15 a.m., and when I saw what was being offered at that time on WHPS-TV, I knew it was probably going to be another program that pushed out ignorance, having in mind that Theo Broughton and Thabiti Mpendi have always come off as ignorant people, who push stupid ideas and nonsense. Russ Bellant really went beyond Theo Broughton and Thabiti Mpendi's crap on the program on March 3, 2025. The program was another from inner-city-type stupid people, beholden to the Democratic Party, who did a lot Trump bashing with lies. Russ Bellant, who was working to sell a book called Unhumans, pushed out the idea that Donald J. Trump, years ago, ordered the killing of "George Floyd" protesters (those supporting the rotten man known as "George Floyd") in the streets. Russ Bellant pushed out the idea that Pete Hegseth (now the head of the U.S. Department of Defense) has been working to create an underground army to take over. Russ Bellant pushed out the idea that Elon Musk has been working to put fascism in control of Germany and to get rid of all private property (which would go into the hands of some type of big property-owning entity in the country). Russ Bellant pushed out the idea that, generally speaking, Donald Trump and his people are working around the globe to create neo-Nazi parties and fascistic parties. Everything from Russ Bellant sounded like crap and nuttiness and jackass conspiracy stuff from a crazy man or an evil man. Of course, no facts to back up any statement from Russ Bellant were given. At about 9:28 a.m., the interview concluded, and Russ Bellant walked off the set, and Theo Broughton and Mpendi kept talking, and while they were talking, the visual presentation switched to a commercial-like thing (which started by offering up no sound to cover up Theo Broughton and Thabiti Mpendi's sounds), and immediately on the screen were these words (tied to the commercial-like thing)--"These Nutz". The commercial like thing--which was old--had "nuts" in cartoon form pushing the idea of "social distancing" as good. Yes, I say that you should stay away from the "nuts" of Feedback, since they teach ignorance and rottenness on television on a regular basis.
If you have not been paying attention to the local broadcast television universe in Detroit, I can now pass along some information to get you up to date--it is getting worse. Recently, Channel 50.6 was given the Nosey network, and it is yuk and garbage (having stuff like the old Jerry Springer Show). Channel 31.5 now has "Busted" (launched nationally on March 1, 2025), which I finally saw officially during the 8:00 o'clock evening hour of March 3, 2025, when it was running a show called Car Chase, during which cameras of the CBS-TV affiliate in Los Angeles were following a AAA-associated tow-truck-like thing (a recorded happening) endlessly, and it was useless. Channel 3 is made up of 14 channels really, and only on Channel 3.1 can anything be seen--the other 13 channels only have audio (as they have had for some time). In way, the Fox Weather Channel is not "ugly" or "bad," but it is useless stuff, given there is television weather broadcast all over the place. Two channels of the Channel 4 group have the same thing--Cozy--so one is wasted space. Court TV is on two channels--Channel 7.4 and 31.2. Channel 15.2 has crap on a regular basis (some programming of which is reported on in this document). Channel 7.2 has the Bounce network, which I never watch for more than a few minutes (to see what is on), since it always seems to have violence and inner-city gutter stuff, like black-gang stuff movies. A bunch of channels have shopping networks (which are completely useless to me), and some particular shopping networks are on more than one channel. The religious channels do not interest me (and there are least five). And 31.7 now has the Game Show Channel, having more modern game shows (reruns from the Game Show Network), and such shows as a rule are less likable (because of the people on them, like the new ones on the broadcast networks today) than those found on Buzzr. The overall tone of the broadcast television universe in Detroit is getting worse and is probably turning people away. [Note: I could comment on more, but I will leave it at that for now.]
Announcement for the novice again (reworked in March 2019): To get useful television-delivered news or Internet-delivered news, try Breitbart News Network (the history of which goes back to 2007), WorldNetDaily.com, Newsmax TV (which was started up in 2014), CNS News (which is on the Internet and which was launched on June 16, 1998), and One America News Network (a.k.a. OAN), since the entities do not blindly support Barack Obama-type people (communists, socialists, progressives, liberals, and Shariaists), as do CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV (Note: To learn about bad journalism, you might tune in to CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV from time to time to see how they differ from the better places mentioned). I note that the Fox News Channel is evolving into a rotten channel, becoming like those that I have put down in this paragraph. If you are unclear of my intentions, I say in different words that you should boycott CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV and even now much of what is on the Fox News Channel and hope they lose more ratings and advertising revenues, since they are expendable, and it is time for you to find the guts to be mean and heartless and cancel them--since they are hurting you. In 2019, "The Drudge Report" was sold, and it should be treated as suspect for now. [Note: Everyone in the Democratic Party in the country is rotten, and the Republican Party establishment has shown itself to be socialistic and communistic within the last few years, and only a few of the rotten people tied to the Republican Party are U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, and Chris Christie.]
[Note: Here is an example of Chris Christie's rottenness. On Sunday, February 6, 2022, Chris Christie was a guest on This Week with George Stephanopoulos (of ABC-TV), which had Martha Raddatz as the host, and Chris Christie pushed out crap. For example, Chris Christie said--"...And let's face it. Let's call it what it is. January 6 was a riot that was incited by Donald Trump...an effort to intimidate Mike Pence and the Congress into doing exactly what he said in his own words last week--overturn the election. And he's trying to do a cleanup on aisle one here...." and "...He actually told the truth by accident. He wanted the election to be overturned....". That is bullshit!]For this edition of Television History and Trivia, I bring up the subjects of Clutch Cargo, Space Angel, and Captain Fathom, which were cartoon series that were offered in syndication to television stations between 1959 and at least 1966. Today, episodes of those series can be found on YouTube, and they are kid-friendly shows, which were produced on a lower budget than regular cartoon series of the time were--the later of which involved frame-by-frame production and shooting of cells. Basically, the three series were shot in the same manner. Some cells--art work with scenes and such--were made, but, for instance, they were used in conjunction with glass plates, which could be moved about while a camera rolled to make a master print (on film), and that, for one, allowed the producers to show things moving. In the process, a 16mm film camera (with color film) rolled at 24 frames a second, as was regularly done in live-action production. Remember--Commonplace cartoon stuff of years ago required individual frames and cells to be drawn and to be filmed one at a time, and that led to people having to make thousands and thousands and thousands of cells for one short production, such as a cartoon. In essence, it only took about 1,000 cells of artwork to make roughly a 30-minute episode of one of the three series under discussion here. Besides that, the producers had a process called "Syncro-Vox" (under a patent held by Edwin Gillette), in which the filmed mouths of actors (involving matte-related filming, which covering everything but the mouths of performers filmed ahead of time) could be superimposed on cells (with characters on them), and viewers then ended up with--on their television screens--moving mouths (real mouths) on cartoon characters while the characters spoke. The first production to be offered with "Syncro-Vox" involved was Clutch Cargo, which had Clutch Cargo (a blond guy) as the main character, and this sidekicks were Spinner (a boy) and Paddlefoot (a dog). Clutch Cargo could be shown by a television station as a five-minute thing for five days a week or could be shown as a half-hour for one time a week, and each week, there was a different story for viewers, mostly children, of course. For Detroit-area-based viewers, Clutch Cargo showed up as a half-hour program on October 2, 1959, at 7:00 p.m., and it ran for 30 minutes, and it was shown for a while every Friday. For the 1961-1962 season, Space Angel was in syndication for the first time, and so far, I know the show never aired as a thirty-minute thing on any station in the Detroit area in the 1960s, but it may have showed up a something presented in a locally produced children's show in which a host did things, such as introduce cartoons. Space Angel had Scott McCloud (a.k.a. Space Angel) as the main character, who was a space guy, who flew a rocket ship. I just cannot remember my seeing Space Angel while I was growing up in the Detroit area. And I do not remember seeing Captain Fathom while I was grownig up in the Detroit area, and I cannot find it as something that aired as a half-hour product on some station in the Detroit area in the 1960s. It was in 1966 when Captain Fathom, which had a sea-captain-type guy as the main character, was offered up in syndication. Captain Fathom was associated with the Oceanographic Research Laboratories. Helping Captain Fathom were such characters as Ronny (a young blond guy), the correct spelling of which is unknown to me, Miss Perkins, and Scotty. In essence, the three series were produced by the same people (roughly), such as Clark Haas, Edwin Gillette, Dick Brown, and Dave Detiege, but the production studio was not the same thing. Based on credits seen on programs, Clutch Cargo came from Cambria Studio, and Space Angel came from T-V Comic Strips, Inc. (with financing coming from California Bank -- Motion Picture Division), and Captain Fathom came from T-V III and Cambria Studio, but that information may be incomplete, since I have not seen the credits for every episode of each series made (since, for one, many episodes on YouTube lack credit information). It seems Cambria Studio could have been involved with Space Angel, but the name did not show up on the credits for any episode that I saw to get credit information. Cambria Studio, incidentally, was involved in making another cartoon series in the middle of the 1960s, and that cartoon series was The New Three Stooges, but The New Three Stooges was regular cartoon stuff and not something involving the Syncro-Vox process. I have to back up in time to 1956. In around late 1956, Cambria Studio and New Vistas, Inc., were involved in trying to make a television series called Captain Fathom, which was not designed to be a cartoon series. That Captain Fathom series was being designed to be about a skin diver, and that Captain Fathom never was developed into a finished television series.
The middle section of this edition of Television History and Trivia talks about good things, and here is part two. I normally present a Looking at the Movies segment in an edition of Television History and Trivia, but I have been away from the Detroit files for several months (watching over someone who has been ill), but, during the time, I have done research about what aired on, for instance, WABD-TV (New York City, New York) in 1946 and 1947, looking at program listings, and I have been doing that so that I could in the future write about the start of the "commercial" broadcast television networks and give the true start times for the networks (ABC-TV, CBS-TV, NBC-TV, and the DuMont Television Network). There is a lot of wrong information or vague information about the start of the "commercial" broadcast television networks out there. In the 1940s, not many movies were in syndication for television stations to use, and that means, for instance, a station in Detroit and a station in New York City could play the same movie in around the same time. On Monday, November 11, 1946, WABD-TV was a "commercial" television network (it had left the experimental status in 1944), and it aired a movie, airing it before it would air a boxing event from Jamaica Arena (of Queens, New York) that would also be broadcast at same time (through a network arrangement) on W3XWT (an experimental station in Washington, D.C.), and both stations were owned by Allen B. DuMont Laboratories. Some people hint that the movie was seen on both stations, but I cannot prove that, lacking television-show-listing information about W3XWT, but I will say that it seems very unlikely. Which Gallant Lady was it? In 1933, 20th Century Pictures and United Artists were involved in releasing a film called Gallant Lady, and the main performer in the movie was Ann Harding, and her character was Sally, and two of the other performers were Clive Brook (as Dan) and Otto Kruger (as Philip). Then in 1942, Producers Releasing Corporation released a film called Gallant Lady. There was a difference in the two productions. The first can be considered today a feature film, and the second is more like a B-picture, which features such performers as Rose Hobart and Sidney Blackmer. It seems very likely to me that it was the second movie that was shown, and the movie was broadcast starting at 9:00 p.m. on WABD-TV. One reason that I think that it was the second film is, for Detroit-area viewers, movies considered feature-length movies did not show up until February 1948, and that was probably like what happened elsewhere in the country. For this Looking at the Movies presentation, I will say you should see both movies. I have a good point to pass along. In the movie called Gallant Lady of 1933, who will see an outdoor scene of Paris, France, in 1933 or close to that date, and that scene reminds me of photographs of Paris, France, that I gathered together and put into a video for my channel on YouTube, which focuses on images of Paris, France, in about 1918. The shot of Paris in the movie comes at about the 32-minute mark. See the movie and see my video called "Images from 1917 to about 1919 -- WWI, France, Paris, Belleau Wood, U.S. Marines, and John R. Scheel" at the channel for "The Hologlobe Press". You will see the resemblance in objects, such as light poles. You will see no resemblance between Gallant Lady of 1933 and Gallant Lady of 1942.
Announcement: Recently, I have added some new documents to the collection of my documents at the website for The Hologlobe Press. One of the documents is entitled A Document that Dispels Myths and Nonsense of Science-Fiction Books, Movies, and Television Shows (A Logic Puzzle), which can be reached through this Myths link. Another document is And So You Think You're Going to the Moon, Mars, or the Stars..., which can be reached by using this Moon link. And yet another of the documents is entitled And the Stupid Women Shall Lead--and Lead Every Good Individual into Shit, Driven on by Communism, Feminism, and Defective Female Beliefs and Little-Girl Thinking, which can be reached through this Stupid Women link. And here are other documents--A Review of What Television Controlled by Socialists and Communists Worked to Sell as Truth in Relation to the U.S. President Donald J. Trump Impeachment (at Impeachment) and T.H.A.T. Special Edition--The First Helicopter-based Traffic Reporters on Radio for the Detroit area of Michigan (at Helicopter Traffic).
And now we come to the big one. Between January 20, 2025, and March 10, 2025, I was hearing reports about what an entity called the Department of Government Efficiency (or DOGE) was discovering about the spending that was being done by the U.S. government and had been done by the U.S. government, and I found out from only a few entities. I did not see, for example, any reporting done by the Detroit Free Press, which I had expected would not cover the theme, since the theme shows up--at least--the corruption of the U.S. government during the time of the Joseph Biden administration, which was a communistic and socialistic entity, which is what the Detroit Free Press has been for years and is today. Other entities of what can be called the main media probably did not cover the topic, and I know not how many did not cover the topic, since there are too many entities to cover. For example, did the program called Flashpoint (which is on the air on Sundays on WDIV-TV in Detroit and which is now hosted by Jason Colthorp) cover the topic? The topic is important! It shows how corrupt most of the politicans of the U.S. have been over the last few years and even over the last few decades. For decades, politicians--especially those tied to the Democratic Party (a communistic and socialistic entity)--have continually called for more and more taxes and more and more spending by the federal government--till the country is (in relation to general operating debt) some 40,000 billion dollars in debt. Years ago, by the way, the politicans bankrupted the Social Security Trust Fund. If your favorite news entity did not report on the wasteful spending and the corrupt spending reported by DOGE, then you know your favorite news entity is corrupt and rotten and filled with people who are bad people! I now show only one instance of information released by DOGE about money used or hoped to be used by the bad people in the U.S. government, and the information is an "X" posting from DOGE of February 15, 2025, at 2:43 p.m.:
US taxpayer dollars were going to be spent on the following items, all which have been cancelled:
- $10M for "Mozambique voluntary medical male circumcision"
- $9.7M for UC Berkeley to develop "a cohort of Cambodian youth with enterprise driven skills"
- $2.3M for "strengthening independent voices in Cambodia"
- $32M to the Prague Civil Society Centre
- $40M for "gender equality and women empowerment hub"
- $14M for "improving public procurement" in Serbia
- $486M to the "Consortiuim for Elections and Political Process Strengthening," including $22M for "inclusive and participatory political process" in Moldova and $21M for voter turnout in India
- $29M to "strenghening political landscape in Bangladesh"
- $20M for "fiscal federalism" in Nepal
- $1.5M for "voter confidence" in Liberia
- $14M for "social cohesion" in Mali
- $2.5M for "inclusive democracies in Southern Africa"
- $47M for "improving learning outcomes in Asia"
- $2M to develop "sustainable recycling models" to "increase socio-economic cohesion among marginalized communities of Kosovo Roma, Ashkali, and Egypt"
A person who sees the above information (that quoted) has to wonder about a lot of things. What are such things as "strengthening independent voices" and "empowerment hub" and "political landscape" and "fiscial federalism" and "social cohesion" and "socio-economic cohesion" really defined to be and mean? It is all flap doodle. It is pseudo-intellicual nonsense. Why is U.S. taxpayer money going to India, which is currently a rich country? Why is taxpayer money going to Nepal, Liberia, Mali, Southern Africa, Egypt, et cetera? Yet, the money has been going to such places after having been taken from the American public through all types of taxes. The American people have been, for one, propping up bad societies by having their tax money go to bad places in the world or rotten cultures in the world. Hey, what is the "Praque Civil Society Centre"? Yes, if your favorite television news entity did not cover the topic of wasteful and corrupt spending being exposed to the American public by DOGE, then that favorite television news entity is rotten and the people within it are rotten.Okay, I have to jump in which this aside, which shows rottenness in the Democratic Party--a party based on violence and corruption and fraud and the like. The attorney general of Michigan is a Democrat and a flake and a freaky--Dana Nessel. On Sunday, February 9, 2025, the Detroit Free Press (a supporter to Dana Nessel in a big way) published a piece by Dana Nessel called "Why I'm suing Donald Trump" [Nessel, Dana. "Why I'm suing Donald Trump." Detroit Free Press, 9 February 2025, pp. 21A and 23A.]. I will present some of the article, but I first have to note that nowhere in the article, which appears on two pages, does Dana Nessel report what she is suing for or about. The piece was a general fluff piece with no information provided--it was just a collection of vague words. A person has to keep in mind that Donald J. Trump--at the time the article was published--was only at the three-week-or-so spot of his new presidency. Now look at the crap that Dana Nessell--whom you should hate--put in the piece--
Last month, my department began filiing cases against the Trump administration for executive actions which are clear violations of federal law and the U.S. Coinstitution.
I filed these suits under the authority of my office, the Michigan Department of Attorney General, on behalf othe people of the State of Michigan, and as a constitutional officer of this state who is sworn to protect and defend the rights, liberties and freedoms of Michigan residents.
Donald J. Truymp is the duly elected president of the United Statess. That position and his office grant him great power and authority. But like all presidents, he and his appointees remain bound by the laws that govern our great nation.
I will not initiate or join litigation against the president simply for the sake of policy disagreements or politics.
Trump won the election, and elections have consequences. However, the concepts of separation of powers, the non-delegation doctrine and an arbitrainess review of the judiciary are not new to the oval or executive offices.
I have grave concerns regarding many of the proposed actions Trump, and those who have been nominted to serve in his administration, have publicly promoted.
Many of these actions, if implemented, would involve flagrant violations of the U.S. Constitution, the Adminstrative Procedures Act, and other federal laws and long-held standards by which all public officals must abide.
Winning an election does not allow a president to implement his policies free of all legal constraints or constitutional considerations. Simply saying so can't make this untrue. The courts have said so time and again, in regard to each and every man to serve in this office and in the federal government, since the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Marbury v Madison was published in 1980....It is all flap doodle and fluff.
What did she file on? Did she file on stuff that might be done or simply proposed or talked out as a maybe? You cannot file something on proposals or wishes made by someone. Something done as to be objected to. By the way, is Dana Nessel objecting to the Executive Branch looking into corrupt use of money within the Executive Branch? Donald J. Trump is the head of the Executive Branch! Donald J. Trump can see if waste is going on--on behelf of the America people. Incidentally, it must be remembered that, when a spending bill is passed by the U.S. Congress and is signed into law by a U.S. president, the bill often will not report exactly how money in a department will be spent and it will note that the head of the unit will make final determinations, but the head of a unit in the Exeuctive Branch is under the authority of the U.S. president, who can alter decisions made by the head of the unit.
Why did not Dana Nessel take Joseph Biden to court for his violations The U.S. Constitution?
Dana Nessel is wasting Michgian taxpayer money on crap lawsuits, which--at the moment--have themes that are unstated clearly and do not point directly at violations of law.
And Dana Nessel did not "file" cases on "my" behalf officially, and I object to her rotten actions, and I have not seen any violations of The U.S. Constitution by U.S. President Donald J. Trump, as I did with Joseph Biden.Really, Dana Nessel is like Nancy Kaffer (of the Detroit Free Press), and I come back to Nancy Kaffer, who had an article in the edition of the Detroit Free Press for Sunday, February 16, 2025, that was rotten, and that piece--on the "OPINION" page--was called "If Trump gets his way, forecasts could get really weird" [Kaffer, Nancy. "If Trump gets his way, forecasts could get really weird." Detroit Free Press, 16 February 2025, pp. 21A and 22A.]. Really, Nancy Kaffer got to waste ink and paper to what I deem to be idiocy. Look at the opening of the piece from Nancy Kaffer--
On Tuesday, I did what all Michigans do before a big storm: Forget to go to the grocery store, worry vaguely about how much rock salt I have at home and listen to my son become an amateur meteorologist -- scrutinizing weather maps with an intensity he generally reserves for the Lions' roster or the latest video game, discussing in an endless text thread with his 12 or so closest friends the likelihood that snow will fall, the amount of snow we might reasonably expect and -- most importantly -- the odds that his school will close for one or more snow days. * Thanks to smart phones, these days, the average ninth grader has access to technical meteorological data available in other eras only to your Dave Rexroths and your Jerry Hodaks. My son's got detailed forecasts and radar weather projections, there's even a website, SnowDayCaculator.com, that calculates the odds that our district will cancel school. (Yesterday afternoon, a 92% chance of no school Thursday, 0% chance for Friday. Sorry, kids.) *How does my kid get this info? It's because of -- wait for it -- the federal government. Specifically, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, of which the National Weather Service is part.
Never mind your Doppler 6000s and 7000s, the National Weather Service is where the forecasts provided by your local TV station, the weather aps on your phone and the Weather Channel start.
The NOAA is how we know to expect heavy winter storms, tornadoes, floods and hurricanes, extreme heat or below freezing temps....
So of course the Trump administration is planning, reportedly, to gut it....
Here is another one of those jackass articles--or jackie-ass articles--from Nancy Kaffer. Till something is actually done, Nancy Kaffer is shooting her jackass mouth off! It is all crap, and Nancy Kaffer put out the crap in what amounted to a full page of the newspaper.
But let us look at what weather people at local stations can do. They can get information from NOAA (the Weather Service), such as in relation to satellites and such, but they can adjust information obtained greatly. It has become commonplace, for instance, for guys and gals at television stations in the general Traverse City area of Michigan to adjust the general data from the Weather Service, and a good example of such a person is Joe Charlevoix, who can work on producing weather forecasts based on experience with Michigan weather. He is better aware of what, for instance, lake-effect snow from Lake Michigan can do and when it can show up than the people at the Weather Service or NOAA are, who are involved in the big picture (the entire country) and not really focused on spots of the country. Yes, there is a Weather Service office at Gaylord, and I know that. A smart and honorable person is well aware that the weather satellites will never be shut down and taken down and know more will be sent up in the coming years . Satellite information will not be cut by Donald J. Trump. By the way, we are seeing corrupt use of money in numerous departments or agences by the federal government, and NOAA probably has some crap in it, too, and it seems very likely that cutting spending at NOAA might be cutting crap spending that will have no affect on forecasts in the country. [Note: NOAA was involved in the "Climategate" scandal, promoting bad weather information from environmentalists.] Do you think the people at the private weather entities, such as the Fox Weather Channel and the Weather Channel, do not make adjustments to stuff put out by the Weather Service? I have proof in my television files how of Dr. Everett Phelps (of WJBK-TV and Wayne University) made forecasts for television broadcasts in the 1950s, and many local weather people have been doing the same thing for decades. The Weather Service is not the end-all thing! And it seems very likely to me that some things done by the Weather Service are being better done by local weather guys and gals today, and the television universe is flooded with too much in the way of weather forecasts as it is--look at the Detroit market.
I can say that, really, the long-opening paragraph of the article was about Nancy Kaffer, and it was wasted material, and based on the material from Nancy Kaffer that I have presented in this document, I can report that Nancy Kaffer's son must be taught a lot of idiocy and nonsense by Nancy Kaffer, who is a person who is quite stupid and bad, and, yet, she gets to be on television in the Detroit area from time to time and teach crap to the audience.Remember: The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan was a television show that was produced across the pond and shown on CBS-TV in the late 1960s, and I urge you to find The Prisoner on DVD, maybe from a library, and watch it, and you should show it--all the episodes--to teenagers, or buy it as a present for teenagers.
Stay well!Vic
P.S.: You are urged to see my document entitled One of "The Rules of Man"--A Rule About Health Care that No Politician May Supersede with Law, which can be reached through this Rule1 link. I have deduced that all the Democrats and most Republicans support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and have no intention of killing it, though it should be killed for violating, for one, "The Rules of Man." For example, Republicans Jeb Bush and Chris Christie support the rotten law, and that is one reason that I define them as stupid men and not men who are good enough--in this day and age--to be the U.S. President. I note that the "mandate"--which forces everyone to buy government-approved health-care insurance--violates one of "The Rules of Man," and it is a rule that is attacked in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. Anyone who supports the "mandate" is not a good enough person or a smart enough person to be the U.S. president--the mandate is "enslavism," and the "mandate" allows government people--who are often usually bad people, as history shows--decide what health care a person can get, and that is bad.
copyright c. 2025
Date published: March 10, 2025The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan 49721
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