(Television History and Trivia)from
Victor Edward Swanson,
The material provided on this page is a service of Victor Swanson and The Hologlobe Press. The material may be used freely by a person, if the person does not use the material for commercial purposes. The material may be used by persons employed in the media, such as staffers of radio stations, but persons employed in the media must announce that the material has been taken from the website of The Hologlobe Press, the main Internet address to which is www.hologlobepress.com. Of course, the material is provided for fun or to teach.
Special Important Announcement
I now have videos on YouTube, and they are history pieces, and they can be found at the channel for "The Hologlobe Press" (the search term). One of the videos is about my making of a model of 40 Mile Point Lighthouse, and other videos are about Ms. Anna May Wong, Ms. Sandy Benson (The Naked Lady of The Soupy Sales Show of KABC-TV), and WAYN-AM (of Wayne State University). By the way, you can use this Videos link to read about my videos. And I still have a document at the website for The Hologlobe Press entitled A COVID-19 Document that Shows the Rottenness of the CDC, Many in the Medical Community, Many in the Media, and All the Democrats, such as Gretchen Whitmer, Andrew Cuomo, and Joseph Biden, and the document can be reached by using this COVID-19 link.
- - - T.H.A.T., Edition No. 250 - - -
"This is Hollywood. It's a town like any other town. There may be a few more pretty girls, because of the pull of motion picture studios, but otherwise, just another American town--over-crowded, too much traffic, a main street full of the same kind of sucker traps, and men of every possible assortment...."--This material makes up most of the opening narration on the episodes of a series called Hollywood Off-Beat, which was available to television stations in the country through syndication on March 30, 1952. Today, at least two episodes can be found on YouTube. It seems there were only 13 episodes, as I found by seeing an article in Broadcasting magazine for January 17, 1955, which noted that a station called KEYD-TV (Minnespolis, Minnesota) acquired the series (13 episodes). Back in the 1940s, the city may have been a bit like many cities--or "towns"--in the country, but, in recently years, the city has evolved into a thing that is quite different from most cities in the couintry. It has been, in essence, a city controlled by hard-line socialists and communists, and the leaders--quite stupid people or freaky people and selfish people and commonsense-lacking people--have been more important in self-preservation and gaining clout in society than in taking care of the society. Forestry and land magement has been idiotic. On January 7, 2025, a big fire got started in the Los Angeles area, and, yet, on January 12, 2025, leaders were still showing off their nonsense, such as when U.S. Senator Adam Schiff (of California) said on This Week (of ABC-TV)--"...Other communities would have had the same water problem if they had 100-mile an hour winds....". The statement from Adam Schiff was and is bullshit! The Los Angeles area is, basically, different from all other areas of the country. The land structure in the Los Angeles area has been the same for decades and centuries, and the land structure (when a low pressure and a high pressure exist in a certain way) allows what are called today the Santa Ana Winds to run at up to 100-miles an hour. There is, for example, no place in Michigan where that can happen. In addition, over the last few decades, ways to work the land and clear the land have gone nutty because of, for one, environmentalists (activities with idiotic ideas about life). For decades, it has been known that big fires can be a a problem for the Los Angeles area, but politicians and others have done very little to get ready to fight them [as I will show later in this document]. The Los Angeles area is like no other area in the country, and it really has a lot of stupid people and a probably a lot of people who would be put aback by this edition of Television History and Trivia.
In the previous edition of Television History and Trivia, I reported that I have put another video on YouTube at the channel for "The Hologlobe Press", and the video shows photographs taken in France at some time between 1917 and 1919--mostly in 1918 it seems--and the photographs were taken by a U.S. Marine, but I did not report one thing that I did with the new video. The photographs came from a person related to the U.S. Marine, and the photographs had been stored way--little looked at--for decades, and I made the video as a favor for the friend, but I also made it a present thing--that is, I gave the video in a special holder as a present. I secretly bought two "TinyTV 2" units (which are related to a company called Tiny Circuits, which is based in the U.S.A.. A "TinyTV 2" unit is a small television set with a seven-eighths (diagonal) screen, and it looks like an old-time television with four legs (it is made of plastic)). A person who has such a unit can load it with videos that the person has made, adding to the few simple videos that come with the unit, such as one with Gumby. The tiny television, which has an on-and-off button, a button for sound, and a button that is used to jump from one video to another, comes with a remote control that can also control the set. By the way, one disadvantage is the television does not come with a way in which to back up videos from the start during a playing session; that is, if you start a video, and jump to another, and then you jump back to the former, you do not get the start of the video again. That is a disadvantage. Yet, a TinyTV 2 is a fun little thing. For my friend, I put on three videos--the one about the WWI-era photographs, one about the making of a model of 40 Mile Point Lighthouse (of the Rogers City area of Michigan), and one about the Owen Stanley Fawcett House of 1894 and WAYN-AM (of Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan). I report that the TinyTV 2 did not come with what I call really good directions, which a novice in using computers would find helpful, but I have to consider the company is make up of technical kids and not good writers. The unit did come with a scan code thing to be used with a smart phone or Internet-surfing phone, which I do not have. The website for the company has a weak presentation of setting-up instructions. Because of that, I have this report. When you get a TinyTV 2 unit, you have to get a "USB-C" cord (for data transfer and for charging batteries), which can be used with a UBS port of a computer and a port (the only port) on the TinyTV 2. The television has a rechargeable battery, which can be charged up with a computer or with a charging block, which gets plugged in to a wall electrical socket, but the charging unit must have a port for the other end of the USB-C cord--the end not attached to the TinyTV 2. My cord has a "USB-AM" port and a "USB-C" port, and it does the job. To have a video work on a TinyTV 2 unit, you have to convert a video digital file to the proper video format for the television set. The website for Tiny Circuits offers for free the application program that is used to make conversions. The program is in "zipped"-up form or in compressed form. Download the file to some place on your computer. Once you have the file, you unzip it. For example, if you have Windows 10 on your computer, you "right click" on the downloaded file, and the menu that pops up gives you an extraction option. Hit that option (telling the system where to put the extracted and uncompressed file or program or application). When that is done, you have the converting program on your computer. You now choose the file that you want to convert--an MP4--and you have the program convert it to the format that is used by the television set. To get videos on the TinyTV 2, you plug the USB-C cord into the computer and the television set, and you turn the television set on. Go to the file that you plan to put on the television set. By the way, you are going to be involved in a simple copying job. Click on the file, and copy it. Then, paste the copy of the file to the folder--tied to the television set--on the computer. You are simply transferring a copy of the video file (a digital file) to the television set. Then follow the process for other videos. The television set is able to hold about ten hours of video (less than 10 hours roughly). When you are done doing your transfers, turn off the television set, and remove the cord. Now, you can turn on the television set and run through the videos. Of course, you can add and subtract videos from the TinyTV 2 unit at any time. Since the television set is small and not really made strong, handle the set carefully and gently. The image on the television screen is small, but it is bright and clear. The sound is not loud, as you should expect, but it is adequate (if you are close to the set and in a relatively quiet place or room). The second TinyTV 2 unit is for me, and I will put videos on it, such as a number of the ones that exist at the YouTube channel for "The Hologlobe Press".
Announcement for the novice again (reworked in March 2019): To get useful television-delivered news or Internet-delivered news, try Breitbart News Network (the history of which goes back to 2007), WorldNetDaily.com, Newsmax TV (which was started up in 2014), CNS News (which is on the Internet and which was launched on June 16, 1998), and One America News Network (a.k.a. OAN), since the entities do not blindly support Barack Obama-type people (communists, socialists, progressives, liberals, and Shariaists), as do CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV (Note: To learn about bad journalism, you might tune in to CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV from time to time to see how they differ from the better places mentioned). I note that the Fox News Channel is evolving into a rotten channel, becoming like those that I have put down in this paragraph. If you are unclear of my intentions, I say in different words that you should boycott CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV and even now much of what is on the Fox News Channel and hope they lose more ratings and advertising revenues, since they are expendable, and it is time for you to find the guts to be mean and heartless and cancel them--since they are hurting you. In 2019, "The Drudge Report" was sold, and it should be treated as suspect for now. [Note: Everyone in the Democratic Party in the country is rotten, and the Republican Party establishment has shown itself to be socialistic and communistic within the last few years, and only a few of the rotten people tied to the Republican Party are U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, and Chris Christie.]
[Note: Here is an example of Chris Christie's rottenness. On Sunday, February 6, 2022, Chris Christie was a guest on This Week with George Stephanopoulos (of ABC-TV), which had Martha Raddatz as the host, and Chris Christie pushed out crap. For example, Chris Christie said--"...And let's face it. Let's call it what it is. January 6 was a riot that was incited by Donald Trump...an effort to intimidate Mike Pence and the Congress into doing exactly what he said in his own words last week--overturn the election. And he's trying to do a cleanup on aisle one here...." and "...He actually told the truth by accident. He wanted the election to be overturned....". That is bullshit!]Vell--I mean "well"--it is time to clear up nonsense on Wikipedia in relation to a show called Captain Midnight (the television series of the 1950s). Go see that material for that show on Wikipedia, and then come back here. You will learn what has to be taken up as fact and what has to be forgotten.
You should be back now, and I can now tell the story of Captain Midnight, the television series, which was based on comics and radio stuff and a theatrical series of the period from the late 1930s to the fall of 1954. Captain Midnight is one of those television history oddities, since it had two titles when new. Keep this in mind--In the 1950s and 1960s, a series could be on network television with a certain title, and then while the series was still on network television, the episodes that were shown on network television could be syndicated (as repeats) with another title. Foir instance, while Gunsmoke was on the air on CBS-TV, already-used episodes were syndicated as Marshal Dillon, and while Bonanza was on the air as new stuff, older stuff was syndicted as Ponderosa. In the fall of 1953, Captain Midnight (the 1942 serial) was syndicated in the country, and a few stations picked it up, such as WXYZ-TV, Channel 7, in Detroit, originally running it on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. (for 30 minutes each time). Screen Gems (the television arm for Columbia Pictures) was in the process of making new shows about Captain Midnight around that time, and it was trying to get the shows on the air for the first time in the fall of 1954. There was a problem. A company informally called Wander (which was tied to a product called Ovaltine, a drink) owned the name Captain Midnight, having gotten it during the sponsoring of the radio series. Wander wanted to sponsor a new television show with Captain Midnight on CBS-TV (or in all markets with CBS-TV affiliates that would air the show), and Screen Gems wanted to make money on the series in additional markets. Keep in mind--The new television series was going to be a syndicated product in markets not tied to showings on stations associated with CBS-TV. In April 1954, Screen Gems did something, based on a thought it had come up with, and it experimented with the thought by making each episode in two forms. The idea was this. Screen Gems shot an entire episode having "Captain Midnight" said or shown on the screen, and then it made a few additional shots (like retakes) that had "Jet Jackson" or "Jet Jackson, The Flying Commando" mentioned or shown on the screen. The plan was to have the show called Captain Midnight in markets tied to Wander and CBS-TV, and, in essence, Wander would get the shows at cost. Also, the same episodes--adjusted slightly--could be set up in other markets as Jet Jackson, The Flying Commando. If Wander wanted to pick up sponsorship in addition markets (tied to CBS-TV in some way, such as its being willing to sponsor in more markets or more affiliates signed on) after the debut had taken place, the Jet Jackson, The Flying Commando version of a market (city or town) would be replaced by the Captain Midnight version. The plan was set up as a five-year plan. Oh, when the plan became public knowledge, people had the impression that CBS-TV was going to air the series on Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. starting in the fall of 1954, and that happened when the show debuted on September 4, 1954, at 11:00 a.m.. However, WJBK-TV, Channel 2, in Detroit was an affiliate of CBS-TV at the time (the fall of 1954), but it did not air the show at 11:00 a.m. on Saturdays, and it started showing the series on Wednesday, September 8, 1954, at 6:00 p.m. (and it was not till early 1955, when the station had the show offered to viewers on Saturday mornings). WJBK-TV must have gotten filmed episodes of Captain Midnight (not Jet Jackson, The Flying Commando) on a special-case basis for a few months so that it could air the series on Wednesdays for a while [Note: Videotape was not yet available so that showings on Saturdays from CBS-TV could be shown on Wednesdays.]. In the summer of 1954, Jet Jackson, The Flying Commando was being offered for sale to stations, and I do not have the true debut date for the show or the initial available-for-use for the series, but it was supposed to be available about one month after Captain Midnight had made a debut on CBS-TV. So, the series did not get a second name some time after the original run on network television, as has happened often over the years; the series had, in essence, two titles at once.Announcement: Recently, I have added some new documents to the collection of my documents at the website for The Hologlobe Press. One of the documents is entitled A Document that Dispels Myths and Nonsense of Science-Fiction Books, Movies, and Television Shows (A Logic Puzzle), which can be reached through this Myths link. Another document is And So You Think You're Going to the Moon, Mars, or the Stars..., which can be reached by using this Moon link. And yet another of the documents is entitled And the Stupid Women Shall Lead--and Lead Every Good Individual into Shit, Driven on by Communism, Feminism, and Defective Female Beliefs and Little-Girl Thinking, which can be reached through this Stupid Women link. And here are other documents--A Review of What Television Controlled by Socialists and Communists Worked to Sell as Truth in Relation to the U.S. President Donald J. Trump Impeachment (at Impeachment) and T.H.A.T. Special Edition--The First Helicopter-based Traffic Reporters on Radio for the Detroit area of Michigan (at Helicopter Traffic).
Many editions of Television History and Trivia present information about rotten stuff about television at the beginning, but this time, I wait till now, finding it right for a change of pace--promoting my stuff first.
On Friday, January 10, 2024--hours after I had posted the previous edition of Television History and Trivia--a general topic of interest became front and center in Detroit. At 7:00 p.m., WDIV-TV (channel 4.1) and WXYZ-TV (Channel 7.1) presented live special coverage of the charity-preview event for the Detroit Auto Show, and both shows ran one hour, and the show for Channel 4.1 was called Charity Preview (the main hosts of which were Rhonda Walker and Jason Colthrop) and the show for Channel 7.1 was called Red Carpet Charity Preview Primetime Special (the main hosts of which were Carolyn Clifford and Mike Duffy). Both shows were standard fare, in which the hosts interviewed what are the standard type of guests for such a program, such as Mayor Mike Duggan (on Channel 4.1), Dave Massaron (on both stations), Rod Alberts (on both stations), and Bill Ford Jr. (on Channel 7.1), and V.P. and G.M. of Channel 7.1 Mike Murri was on Channel 7.1. Little in the way of showing cars was done. What struck me about the specials is how many uninteresting women--supposedly dressed to the hilt--could be seen in the backgroumd of shots from both stations (not purposely shown by the production teams). It is another sign of how the American woman has gone to crap as a rule--not looking good but often looking fat. I am not into fashion, but I can tell when a dress looks good on a gal, because the gal looks okay. Often the gals seen in the background seemed to be wearing stuff that did not flatter them, though they probably thought the outfits were great. Technically, both productions were passable; however, the Channel 7.1 did have one screwed-up shot (out of place) in the interview segment with, for instance, Rod Alberts. Okay, I do have to note that Rhonda Walker and Ashlee Baracy are rather boob deficient (phyically), but so goes genetics. So that is that, and both shows are remembered (roughly) on index cards in my television history files.
On Friday, January 24, 2025, I was in a hospital room with a friend, who had bed number two. Bed number one had another patient at the hospital, and the person--a woman--began to watch The Kelly Clarkson Show (at 2:00 p.m.), and I was trapped into having to be exposed to it. The first fifteen or twenty minutes had Kelly Clark talking with Joy Behar, a highly rotten woman, and Joy Behar's best friend (some gal). The conversation got involved with gay talk and having friends who are women or gay. My impression is it was another put down of men. So I got exposed to some of the shit on daytime television--while at a hospital.
Genetics--I have to bring up the topic. There is a differencet between men and women, especially in the thinking process, which I can prove if I have to, and I have talked about it in the past. To carry on the previously talked-about theme a bit farther, I have to note that when a person gets general nature screwed up, such as about what life is and what the world is, the person will probably have screwed-up other thinking. Larry Elder (of The Larry Elder Show, a nationally syndicated radio show) on the evening of Friday, January 10, 2025, reminded me during his show of how screwed up the Los Angeles Fire Department is and, in essence, how screwed up the people of the general Los Angeles area of California are. He noted that the fire chief is the first lesbian fire chief (Kristin Crowley) for the entity, and the assistant fire chief (Kristina Kepner) is yet another lesbian, and the head of the Equity Bureau (Kristine Larson) is the first black lesbian for the department. What the people of the general Los Angeles area really deem to be important is screwed up! By the way, Kristine Larson got a Bachelor's Degree in sociology from UCLA and did studies in Public Service Leadership at Capella University--both subjects of which I considered defective things for a person to have in relation to being in fire department, and Kristine Larson has "DEI" certification--useless crap (in my eyes). In around January 13, 2025, people could find video clip stuff on the Internet that showed a past statement made by Kristine Larson, and a part of the video was--"...You want to see somebody that reponds to your house or emergency--whether it's a medical call or fire call--that looks like you. It gives that person a little bit more ease knowin' that somebody might understand their situation better....". Study the statement [and for get about how the grammar and pronoun set-ups are all screwed-up]. The statement is one of the front-and-center thoughts in Kristine Larson's mind, and it is shit! The three women are screwed-up in the head, having the basics of life screwed-up in their heads, and given that, they will fail in other things, since they are grounded in nonsense.
I have an aside here. When you chose a place to live, you should understand what the environment or land set-up or structure is and what potential weather conditions could affect you. For example, if you live in Alaska or in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, you have to be aware that you will meet up with cold conditions for many days of the year, and you will have to deal with snow and ice, unlike what you can find in the Los Angeles area of California. If you decide to live in the general Los Angeles area of California, you should be well aware that you have to be prepared for things like big fires, which can involved the "Santa Ana Winds" of great force at times. The Santa Ana winds of great force have occurred from time to time for at least one-hundred years and probably for centuries. A person with commonsense would be ready for such trouble as big fires and be able to get necessary things gathered up and leave when trouble hits, and such a person should work to make it so that non-jackass persons are in government positions (through elections) and see to it that thinkers are put into government positions and not idiots and shallow thinkers, such as those with sociology degrees. For decades, the people of the Los Angeles area should have be prepared for the fires of January 2025 by seeing to it that government people were doing their jobs and setting up plans to battle forecoming big fires, which could be started by nature or bad people. I know that, if I were in the Los Angeles area, I would find a way in which to set up a system of big water tanks in the region, which can be painted nicely, which would filled up during times of rain so that more water would be able in bad times; those tanks could be used to make it easier and quicker to fill up fire trucks in times of fire, and that would result in firefighters' not having to travel so far to fill up their trucks again. Also, I would set up a separate system of water pipes to feed fire hydrants where possible, and there would be cut big cut-off valves that would shut down possible "runaways" of water when buildings burn down and pipes remain open at the former building sites. By the way, in January 2025, I saw no water tanks in news footage of the areas hit by fire, like the water tanks that I see in Michigan from time to time, such as at Flint and Cheboygan and at the Detroit Zoo. Yes, I would have years ago set up ways in which a lot of water could have been stored for bad times with fires. But the people of the Los Angeles area wanted and want people like Kristine Larson, Kristine Kepner, and Kristin Crowley in government jobs, and they wanted and want a shallow so-called handsome governor called Gavin Newsom, and they wanted and want a hard-line communist and freak known as Karen Bass to be the mayor of Los Angeles. When you live in a place with crap, then you get crap! [Note: I once again report that my father was involved with water-treatment during his lifetime, such as by drawing up routes for water pipe for the Allen Park Water Treatment Plant of the Detroit area years ago, and I have to urge you to see--fully--my video about lead water pipe that exists that the YouTube channel called "The Hologlobe Press".]
On the evening of Friday, January 10, 2025, I purposely took time to see what was on NBC-TV and ABC-TV for a short time, which is unusual (except for football broadcasts), given I am well aware the both networks have little to offer that is fun or useful. At 9:01 p.m., ABC-TV began to run American Catastrope: LA Burning, which was hosted by David Muir, who came off as arrogant and uncaring (as a handshake scene with a citizen showed, coming off as shallow and distance really and even staged in tone). Much of the program was devoted to presenting emotional stuff and not facts; the show was filled with fluff, such as seeing burned-out areas and showing displaced people. It looked as if the program was working to get viewers to sympathize with the people of the general Los Angeles area, who had put themselves in the positions that they had gotten into through idiocy and stupidity. For example, viewers were supposed to feel sorry for people who could not get fire insurance, such as a man who noted it was very hard to get insurance for a house that was built before 1976. Well, what do you expect? Insurance companies would not exist if they bet on a lost cause! For decades, insurance companies have been were well aware of the fire problems in the Los Angeles area and the idiotic ways of being ready for such big fires. The insurance companies are not the enemy! Of course, one of the reporters (Matt Rivers) got to push out the idea that manmade climate change was involved, saying that fires like this will be --"More common in the future." [Note: That is an editorial comment based on no facts, and it is bad journalism.]. The segment with Matt Rivers also had the theme that one of the reasons for the fires was there had been two wet winters that allowed plants to grow and more plants to grow, so when the dry came, there was more to burn. New stuff was not the problem probably. It has been reported over the recent years that little was done to get rid of dead stuff in the forests, such as wood that might have been turned in to cardboard boxes or something or pretty mulch. The term "climate force" was put front-and-center in the Matt Rivers segment. In all, the ABC-TV production had seven main segments, the last of which urged people around the country to donate money to help out the people of the Los Angeles area. At 10:00 p.m., NBC-TV pushed out the one-hour show called FIRE AND ASH: Devastation in L.A.. It was another hour of fluff, used to pull at the heartstrings of viewers and not really present anything useful, and it was hosted by Lester Holt. At one point, the NBC-TV production became about, in essence, NBC-TV, when reporters of NBC-TV--Jacob Soboroff and Katy Tur--became the focus of the show; more than 150,000 people were being displaced at the time roughly, so there were 150,000 other stories at least to cover, but NBC-TV promoted their reporters, hoping, it seems, viewers would sympathize with them and maybe watch NBC-TV News in the future. Josh Mankiewicz was the featured reporter for a segment, and it was as if NBC-TV pushed out the idea that as more people opened up water lines to fight the fires, such as at hydrants, the water pressure became the problem, which makes sense in a way, although most people heeded the evaculation orders and left their homes and such, so the theme is a bit defective, lacking enough people dropping the water pressure by hosing their homes, but if the fire leads to a building with damaged water pipe systems that allows water to continuely run out, then there is problem, but if a valve heats up and if it is still closed, then, for instance, a valve may still hold in water (given, if there is a washer it it, it has nowhere to go so the valve still holds back the flow of water, but water pipes of plastic and copper can melt, but the melting could seal off water at a certain point, but if there is no pressure from the city main to begin with, then....). NBC-TV did show a moment with Gavin Newsom, who was confronted by a citizen while he was supposedly trying to make a telephone connection with Joseph Biden (the U.S. president), and NBC-TV did show for a moment the mayor of Los Angeles, Karen Bass, but the segment with Karen Bass seemed to be purposely cut short because Karen Bass had passed along nonsense in the entire press event, as I had discovered earlier in the day through a longer clip on YouTube (while probably I was going to my YouTube channel to see how many hits the channel now had, such as in relation to my video that shows up the nonsense of lead water supply lines to houses). Hey, this just came to me while I was writing. One of the specials showed a man (with a lot of hair) who was worried about his two dogs (up at his place on some type of hill). I have to report that, in the opening segment of the NBC-TV show, Lester Holt made a point to say that the show would be about "heartbreak" and "hope" (which is girlie stuff and not hard news). I learned from the two specials not much really. There were no good explanations about where maybe the fires could go next, even if shown on blackboards with chalk as might have been done with like events of the 1940s and 1950s (the early days of television). The guys and gals could have even shown simple maps and could have pointed out things to help people watch for possible approaching trouble. The news guys and gals could have noted traffic problems. Oh, NBC-TV did through Keith Morrison point out that there were big fires in 1961 and in1993 (when--he said--some 700 structures were destroyed), and it was a jackass segment about--How does L.A. keep going? (though, in the past, there had not been at least 12,000 structures destroyed (at the time of broadcast) and tax bases were not wiped out completely it seems). And for NBC-TV, Liz Kreutz pushed out the girle stuff about--What is your hope for this community? (in the future). The anchors and reporters could have acted like adults and not kids. Oh, neither of the two shows showed Kristin and Kristina and Kristine and presented words or explanations from any one of them, and that was probably to shield them from more public ridicule.
Oh, in the end, I can say that American Catastrope: LA Burning was no 'American catastrope', and I say that it was a Los Angeles area catastrope brought about by stupidity, and American Catastrope: LA Burning was nothing concrete, though it did show a bunch of bare or debris-covered concrete regularly.
[Note: Between January 7, 2025, and at least January 21, 2025, I saw no reports or video clips on YouTube that were worthwhile about what was happening with the fires, such as by showing areas (on maps) where things could be a problem next and where people should be getting ready to leave or whatever). There was a lot--a lot--of repeating how many acres were burned and how many people were dead. The coverage of the fires was childish as a rule, done mostly by young people, who, it seems, have done nothing useful in their lives or built anything in their lives.]
[Note: There have already been news reports and new conferences that show people--such a stupid politicians--saying that they are going to rebuild. It is going to take decades to rebuild. It is going to take thousands of people and thousands and thousands of truck runs to transport and get rid of debris. Where is the debris going to go? It will take a lot of material--such as wood and cement and water pipe--to make buildings. Tax bases are now already screwed up so city services will be defective, and that will deter growth of neighborhoods. There are activists who want to get rid of stand-alone houses and put up only apartment-like buildings. A problem with fewer and fewer stand-alone houses and more apartment-only things is people then have less, since they do not build up equity as part of their assets of living, given they spend money to landlords, who are working (which is not bad) to make a profit. Another problem is young men will get dumber, since fathers will not set up in houses workbench areas and gather up for the homes such things as coping saws and drill presses and band saws from which boys can learn how to repair and make things. People will be less likely to work on their vehicles, which is already a problem, lacking space and tools, such as floor jacks and welders. People will be limited in what they will have or own, lacking storage space. The rebuilding will be affected probably by a lot jackass rules from government (government people who have never made anything), focusing on what can and what cannot be done in making a new building. Businesses have been shut down, so people will be put off by living in areas without businesses nearby. Schools are gone. In the past, towns and such have disappeared and become ghost towns, and I think there will be a lot of bare areas in Los Angeles County and nearby for many years to come. [Oh, look at the landscape of Detroit.] So goes life!]
[Note: I have these thoughts. On Saturday, January 11, 2025, I discovered this video on YouTube (which had been posted the previous day)--"LA Times owner: It's 'crazy we don't elect leaders with compentence.' | On Balance". Dr. Pat Soon-Shiong (the owner) said in the video--"...We don't elect people with great operational competence.". I must point out that Larry Elder through his radio program on January 10, 2025 (or so) noted that The Los Angeles Times supported Karen Bass over him [Larry Elder] for an election, and I note that Soon-Shiong's thought in the video is goof-ball stuff, given the newspaper had supported the people with bad "operational competence." On YouTube, you can find a video clip called "Resurfaced Clip of Gavin Newsom Boasting About Removing Water Supplies Goes Viral" (which was posted on January 9, 2025), and the video clip is tied to The Rubin Report (with Dave Rubin). You should see the videos]
[Note: Since I have never been in California and since I have no plans to go to California, I do not pay attention to election results of local and state stuff of California, so I had to do a little checking on the Internet. In the last election for governor, Gavin Newsom got about 60 percent of the vote, and most of his supporters are along the coast (of the Pacific Ocean) of California, such as in the big-fire areas, and, basically, east of the mountains, the people were not for Gavin Newsom. For the last presidental election, about two-thirds of the votes in California went to Kamala Harris, and about one-third went to Donald Trump. Basically, California is a haven for stupid people and freaks--it is just the way it is.]On Sunday, January 26, 2025, I first got a taste of the new CBS Evening News during a football broadcast, and on the next morning, a saw a clip about the new news show on YouTube. The weekday show is anchored by John Dickerson and Maurice DuBois, and they came off in the preview stuff as jackasses (but I already had known John Dickerson was a jackass). The new CBS Evening News made a debut on Monday, January 27, 2025, and it has Margaret Brennan as a front-and-center regular reporter, and I have shown in the past that her nature is rotten. The newscast will have Lonnie Quinn presenting weather information. Why does the newscast need Lonnie Quinn, give many local station are loaded with weather reports that leading up and sometimes following the CBS Evening News broadcast each night? Of course, the news department will probably be working to sell the idea that man is killing the planet by showing storms and such regularly and saying that--with each storm--so many millions of people are at risk. To me, the tone of the new CBS Evening News will be jackass in nature.
[Note: My friend (a gal)--whom I visited at the hospital--has now seen MSNBC for the frst time, never having had cable, and she notes that the gals on MSNBC are nasty in nature.]I report again that I saw no water tanks or towers--which are used to pressure up water lines of communities--in the news shots of the Los Angeles area, but maybe I missed them, and I report that the environmentalists want windmills (ugly things) set up everywhere but they seem not to want water tanks or towers.
On Sunday, February 9, 2025, Fox TV broadcast a show called Super Bowl LIX, and I have nothing to say about the game, but I do have something to say. The program--or the game--was shown in 195 countries. And what did people of other countries see on the half-time show, and what did other people think of the half-time show? I say that people saw a bad show. Kendrick Lamar was the featured performer--and I cannot call him a singer or musician. Kendrick Lamar did the crappy style of musical performance known as rap. In essence, the people of around the world saw a bad show at the very least. Given the show was seen in about 195 countries, I have to say that people saw a terrible show. Kendrick Lamar has a bad voice, especially for singing, if he ever does any. Kendrick Lamar presented stuff that people could not understand or could not remember and then repeat. Actually, I will say that Kendrick Lamar did shit, and the people associated with putting on the half-time show did shit. Are you going to tell me that Kendrick Lamar is a good example of the musical talent that exists in the United States of America? The half-time show should go down as one of the worse in NFL history. By the way, during the pre-game broadcast, Kendrick Lamar was seen in a short segment--designed to promote his coming up later to perform--with a young guy in a vehicle, and Kendrick Lamar had to be bleeped once. Kendrick Lamar is just another gutter guy. Where are the Nat King Coles and the Leslie Uggamses and the Dorothy Dandrichs and the Lou Rawlses and more? Such shit the half-time show was?
Well--or is it Vell?--you have had enough crap, so let us move on to Looking at the Movies for this edition of Television History and Trivia. But it will not actually be a Looking at the Movies. I have a special Looking at the Old Television Series. Recently, I stumbled upon a program with a video clip on YouTube. The video clip is "Tom Corbett, Space Cadet: Seek and Destroy (1950)", and it was uploaded to YouTube some time ago. The clip could give viewers confusion, especially children, who would have fun seeing the clip today. Actually, the clip has material from two different series. The first section is an episode of Tom Corbett, Space Cadet, and the second section has an episode of Space Patrol. Both shows were on network television--roughly--from 1950 to 1955. Tom Corbett, Space Cadet ended up on four networks (CBS-TV, then ABC-TV, then NBC-TV, and then the DuMont Television Network), and Space Patrol was on ABC-TV. I wonder, in the early 1950s, whether or not kids who were fans of one series were sort of rivals with fans of the other series. In the case of Space Patrol, the main performer was Ed Kemmer as Commander Corry, and in the case of Tom Corbett, Space Cadet, the main performer was Frankie Thomas as Tom Corbett. Since the video on YouTube is deceptive, and it really does not give the impression that it contains an episode of each series, you should see it. The good point about the video is that is allows a person to compare the style of each series sort of back to back. So look for "Tom Corbett, Space Cadet: Seek and Destroy (1950)" on YouTube.
Remember: The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan was a television show that was produced across the pond and shown on CBS-TV in the late 1960s, and I urge you to find The Prisoner on DVD, maybe from a library, and watch it, and you should show it--all the episodes--to teenagers, or buy it as a present for teenagers.
Stay well!Vic
P.S.: You are urged to see my document entitled One of "The Rules of Man"--A Rule About Health Care that No Politician May Supersede with Law, which can be reached through this Rule1 link. I have deduced that all the Democrats and most Republicans support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and have no intention of killing it, though it should be killed for violating, for one, "The Rules of Man." For example, Republicans Jeb Bush and Chris Christie support the rotten law, and that is one reason that I define them as stupid men and not men who are good enough--in this day and age--to be the U.S. President. I note that the "mandate"--which forces everyone to buy government-approved health-care insurance--violates one of "The Rules of Man," and it is a rule that is attacked in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. Anyone who supports the "mandate" is not a good enough person or a smart enough person to be the U.S. president--the mandate is "enslavism," and the "mandate" allows government people--who are often usually bad people, as history shows--decide what health care a person can get, and that is bad.
copyright c. 2025
Date published: February 10, 2025The Hologlobe Press
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