(Television History and Trivia)from
Victor Edward Swanson,
The material provided on this page is a service of Victor Swanson and The Hologlobe Press. The material may be used freely by a person, if the person does not use the material for commercial purposes. The material may be used by persons employed in the media, such as staffers of radio stations, but persons employed in the media must announce that the material has been taken from the website of The Hologlobe Press, the main Internet address to which is www.hologlobepress.com. Of course, the material is provided for fun or to teach.
Special Important Announcement
I now have videos on YouTube, and they are history pieces, and they can be found at the channel for "The Hologlobe Press" (the search term). One of the videos is about my making of a model of 40 Mile Point Lighthouse, and other videos are about Ms. Anna May Wong, Ms. Sandy Benson (The Naked Lady of The Soupy Sales Show of KABC-TV), and WAYN-AM (of Wayne State University). By the way, you can use this Videos link to read about my videos. And I still have a document at the website for The Hologlobe Press entitled A COVID-19 Document that Shows the Rottenness of the CDC, Many in the Medical Community, Many in the Media, and All the Democrats, such as Gretchen Whitmer, Andrew Cuomo, and Joseph Biden, and the document can be reached by using this COVID-19 link.
Special Annoucement about the Fires of California
Generally speaking, from the morning of January 7, 2025, to the morning of January 10, 2025--basically, uncontrolled and unconstrained on January 10--big fires were affecting the people, many of whom have supported communists and socialists and progressives and communism and socialism and progressivism for years, of Los Angeles County, California. In the middle of the period, some 1,000 structures (or buildings and such) were already destroyed, and on the morning of January 10, 2025, some 10,000 structures were destroyed, and somewhere around 10 persons were now known to be dead from the fires. In the period, I heard politicians work to sell the idea that climate change was the reason for the disaster, but I also heard people with commonsense note that the causes were related to defective ideas of the politicians of the region. People could not get rid of debris from plants well, and people could not collect water, such as in barrels, on their properties during rain storms. Forestry work was rotten, allowing dry debris to collect in woods and forests. The politicians had blocked the idea of saving big areas of water that could be used in the future for fire fighting, and they worked to make it so that most water from storms would simply run away to the ocean, and so firefighters lacked enough water to fight fires. I thought--Now that the 10,000 structures or more were gone, there goes the tax base for the area. You cannot tax what does not exist. In addition, I thoughtless fires are really going to affect the television industry (and the movie industry). With several hundred-thousand people pushed out of their homes, who will be left to make television productions. Big name actors, such as jackass Rose O'Donnell, lost homes, but nothing gets done without directors, writers, electricians, gaffers, riggers, grips, painters, editors, drivers, carpenters.... For the Los Angeles area, a lot of television production is going to get screwed up, because there will probably be a lack of enough people to do things. Oh, well. And that is what you get from freaks and communists and such.
- - - T.H.A.T., Edition No. 249 - - -
In April 2024, I started up a video channel--"The Hologlobe Press"--on YouTube, and now, the channel has 11 videos. The newest video was placed on the channel on December 24, 2024, and like the other videos, it is not a fluff piece, such as about a dog playing with a ball or a Katie Couric--an idiot--talking with some idiot. The video shows about 100 photographs of Paris and France that were taken in the period from 1917 to about 1919. Most of the photographs are two inches and a half by one inch and a half when seen in person, but they look bigger on a screen, and they were taken by a U.S. Marine. In the very near future, the video will be sent to the National Museum of the Marine Corps, and the individual images (in digital form) will be sent, too. It took five days to put together the simple video, which was made with, for instance, Live Movie Maker (of Microsoft), but the end result is probably more important than what most television journalists do in their lifetimes. I have saved some history and have helped show what France was in about 1918, and the video is not corrupted by what can be in the mind of a documentarian beholden to the way of socialism and communism and liberalism and progressivism, like that of Ken Burns, who supports the Democratic Party, which makes him untrustworthy. By the way, the channel for the video can be reached by using "youtube hologlobe press" while on Google, or you can go into YouTube and go to the channel--"The Hologlobe Press". I remind you that the channel has a video that shows up the scam that is about changing lead water supply lines to houses (at a cost of billions and billions of dollars) and has a video that reports on the bad information that exists almost everywhere about the end of the DuMont Television Network and has a video that shows fake images of Ms. Anna May Wong and has a video that shows who was the naked gal on The Soupy Sales Show of KABC-TV in about 1961. Take a look once you have seen this edition of Television History and Trivia.
In the fall of a year, I do a full survey of who is going what for the local newscasts on the television stations of Detroit, and, each year, there are changes to the staff lineups, mostly because of the rotating in and out of--in essence--newbies or beginners, but, this fall, there was at least one big change. Devin Scillian left WDIV-TV, Channel 4.1, on Friday, December 13, 2024, and Ty Steele took over Devin Scillian's duties. Incidentally, "Ty Steele" makes me think of "Dash Riprock", a character who was a movie star on The Beverly Hillbillies television series of some 60 years ago. Around the time that Devin Scillian was leaving the station, I stumbled on some things, such as an interview piece (lasting about one hour) on YouTube, in which Kimberly Gill had a sit-down talk with Devin Scillian, and an interview on All Talk (with Kevin Dietz) on WJR-AM, during which Kevin Dietz interviewed Devin Scillian. Several things stuck out in my mind from interviews, and, by the way, I did not see the entire one-hour thing with Kimberly Gill, giving up upon hearing one thought from Devin Scillian. Devin Scillian reported that he was so happy that people could not tell what side he was for or on in relation to politics. I found that stupid--that he was happy his political standing or stance was unclear. Reporters want to be known for playing it down the middle or being objective, but that does not mean the person has keep quiet about what the person stands for in relation to politics. There are good politics and bad politics, and, today, many politicians have bad politics, following the ways of communism and socialism and progressivism, and most of those politicians are in the Democratic Party, but some are in the Republican Party, such as Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney. Communism and socialism and progressivism hurt people in the long run, except for, as a rule, the rulers. Because of the ways of Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris, and other socialists and communists and progressives of recent years, the country is in deep debt, and the country has millions and millions of illegal aliens within the borders, and the social programs, such as Social Security, are, in essence, bankrupt, and foreign countries have been able to map, such as with spy balloons, the location of defense systems within the continental United States of America, and other crap has been and is going on, but the crap is necessary for communists and socialists and progressives to protect themselves and keep them from having to be like the common people (workers), and it is all related to self-preservation in life. While all the crap has been getting worse and worse, such as the economic crash of Detroit or the bankruptcy of Detroit, Devin Scillian found it important to be more concerned with not letting on to people what he stands for. The goal of a good journalist is to tell both sides of the story and not hide the truth, and the goal of a good journalist is to show what is bad and why it is bad, especially about the way in which life is better for the country and for the people under given politics and government rules, and the goal of a journalist is not to work hard to hide what the journalist is and what is in the mind of the journalist, unless the journalist supports rotten ideas to protect the self and enrich the self. Anyway, if a journalist stands for good ways of life for people, that journalist gets respect from the people and becomes trusted when the people see that their lives are not hurt. In the case of Devin Scillian, what does he really stand for? We have clues. During interview segments recently, he talked about PBS, and he gave me the impression that he supports PBS. Yet, I am well aware the PBS NewsHour is corrupt, and evidence is how the program has covered Donald J. Trump over the last decade and more. I see crap from PBS regularly! Amanpour & Company on PBS-associated stations seems to present crap every time that I tune to it, while just running through the dial and staying on it for a few moments. I have talked about the rotten coverage done by, for instance, NBC-TV News in relation to Donald J. Trump, such as in relation to the government hearings tied to impeachment--it was all highly biased stuff and highly deceptive stuff. WDIV-TV is an affiliate of NBC-TV, and in a recent interview segment, Devin Scillian praised Lester Holt (of NBC Nightly News). Really, for the most part over 30 years, Devin Scillian was involved with telling "stories"--he likes telling "stories"--such as about house fires and car crashes and shootings, and what Devin Scillian presented over the 30 years was mostly useless news, given how big things have gone to crap. Oh, we now have "transgender" crap being promoted.. Basically, Devin Scillian as a journalist was useless in helping make the lives of people better. The nature of local television news--in each half hour--is designed to present fluff in this day and age, or even though many television stations air numerous blocks or hours each day of so-called news, much of the news has little value, and much of it is repeated over and over over a 24-hour period, and weather takes up a lot of time and sports takes up a lot of time and human-interest stories (such as fund-raisers) take up a lot of time, and Devin Scillian and like persons do little in each half hour. Devin Scillian is no big hero, but some day on the grave stone, it will be noted that people could not tell what he stood for. It is worse when a person spends, in essence, a lifetime working hard hide what the person really stands for, because onlookers always have to wonder whether or not the person is worthwhile or will be worthwhile when hard times or bad times come. I report that, when you know a person is a "conservative," the person is very likely to tell both sides of the story, and when you know a person is a communist or socialist or progressive or liberal, that person will very likely not tell the truth about both sides. And now we have Dash Riprock--I mean, Ty Steele.
Hey, did Ty Steele report on this? In 2023, there were about 3,000 store closures (related to chains) in the country, and by December 19, 2024, there had been about 5,818 store closures (related to chains), such as Rite-Aid, Walgreens, and Macy's, for 2024 [Boggs, Justin. "US store closings up 69% amid Big Lots, CVS, Family Dollar cuts." scrippsnews.com, 19 December 2024.]. Since WXYZ-TV is associated with Scripps News, maybe Glenda ("Ms. Erotic News Gal") Lewis of Channel 7 read a story about the subject. That closing information is a sign of the results of the Biden economy and Bidenomics at least a little. Okay, if 5,818 is the number we can play with, and if each store had 10 employees, the closures affected 58,180 persons (at a minimum).
Before I jump back into WDIV-TV and Devin Scillian, I have this subject. In the fall, I get the credits of the new and returning television shows or series on broadcast television, learning who is doing what and learning what crap is being offered. This fall, I have tried several times to get the credits for Saturday Night Light, and, often, an episode ran long, and I could only catch a partial sample. Finally, on December 21, 2024, I was able to catch--by taping--the end credits for an episode, which was hosted by Martin Short. For the last ten minutes of the show, I watched, getting ready to start the recorder. I was exposed to highly ugly television, which is commonplace on NBC-TV. The final so-called comedy bit was a take off on Peanuts (the thing with Charlie Brown and Lucy and the others), and the overall theme was Christmas, but the real theme was gay stuff. The Saturday Night Live people turned the "Peanuts" franchise into a gay thing, with at least two gay guys. Nothing was funny about the bit, and, in fact, the sketch looked like it was a last-minute (or last-second) unscripted thing used to fill time. And that ugliness is tied to WDIV-TV, since WDIV-TV is associated with NBC-TV, and that ugliness is tied to the anchors and reporters at WDIV-TV.
And I have now a teaching aside. When relatives stand for communists and socialists and progressives and communism and socialism and progressivism and the Democratic Party, they are expendable, which is not what mush-heads and girlie guys and many females want to hear. Socialism and communism and progressivism hurt people--often millions of people--since socialism and communism and progressivism are political forms based on violence and coercion. Look at what Joseph Biden has done in his lifetime! If you have a relative who votes for crap, that person is crap, and you need not get along with the person or have the person come around, and you do not have to get along with the person or be nice to the person or have the person over for dinner or whatever. It is said that blood is thicker than water, but that crap, when millions of people can be hurt through the support of crap. Feel not sorry that you shun a family member or never see a family member again. Throw away that often-female-driven nonsense that you have to get along. Your knocking down communism and socialism and progressivism and you survival are more important. That is a rule from a man--me.
On Sunday, December 22, 20243, NBC-TV ran another episode of Meet the Press, which was hosted by Kristen Welker, a highly rotten journalist, as I have shown in the past editions of Television History and Trivia, and she is at least a hard-line socialist. At the opening of the episode, there was a news bit from a reporter called Steve Kornacki. It was a propaganda piece of high order, though many viewers were probably unconcerned about it or were probably ambivalent to it, having years of experience accepting what NBC-TV offers as okay. Well, the piece from Steve Kornacki was used to put down many citizens in the United States of America--particularly those who voted for Donald J. Trump. The viewer was beaten over the head with the idea that educated city-type people did not vote for Donald J. Trump and that uneducated or poorly educated out-of-the-city-type people or rural people voted for Donald J. Trump. The piece was used to sell to the people who voted for Donald J. Trump that they can become smarter by not voting for Donald J. Trump and like people and by not standing up for Donald J. Trump and like people--Hey, if you do not want to be seen as stupid, vote for the Democrats. It truly was an hard-sell thing by Steve Kornacki. Yes, the report was working to get people to support the Democratic Party--communism and socialism and progressivism. Another part of the show had a round-table thing, commonplace on the series. For the episode, Kristen Welker was host to Antonia Hylton (an NBC-TV reporter, which means a supporter of the Democratic Party), Doris Kearns Goodwin (a so-called historian), and Russell Moore, the editor in chief of Christianity Today. Remember--Religion is socialism. During the segment, which was about how the country is so divided, which is so-called tearing families apart and leaving people not talking or seeing relatives, Russell Moore came off as a soft socialist (at least), going with the idea that families should come together, which was really the theme of the entire group. By the way, Doris Kearns Goodwin is at least a hard-line socialist. Doris Kearns Goodwin is someone whom I would not trust as a historian. A few minutes before I began to write this segment, I looked up on the Internet what books Doris Kearns Goodwin has written, and, basically, everything was about the Democratic Party. So far, everyone whom I have talked who was on the episode of Meet the Press was far from being, for example, an anti-communist or anti-socialist. One more segment that I will talk about had U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock (a Democrat) and U.S. Senator James Lankford (a Republican), and they were talking about the so-called divided country and divided family thing, and it was all fluff and nonsense. James Lankford pushed out a racist thing, in which he wondered how many whites have invited blacks over for dinner, and the idea suggested that whites who have not invited blacks over are sort of racists. That was crap from James Lankford! The segment with Lankford and Warnock worked to sell the idea that "common ground" is good and "bipartisian" is good. That is crap! When you compromise with socialists and communists and progressives, you end up going more communistic and more socialistic and such, and the country gets worse and the way of life for people gets worse. The episode was more Democratic Party propaganda, designed to help the Democratic Party.
Here, I come to the topic of Flashpoint, a weekly political discussion show produced and put on the air by WDIV-TV. On December 15, 2024, Devin Scillian was seen for the last time as the host for the program; he had hosted the series for years and years. Look at the guests for that program, which ran a half hour. By the way, the guests in the program made up a panel. Nolan Finley works on the editorial staff of The Detroit News, and he was on the program, and I have shown in the past that Nolan Finley is a low-level thinker and a semi-socialist, though he so-called supports the Republican side of the aisle. U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell (a Democrat related to Michigan) was on the program, and she is a hard-line socialist, and she often gets to be interviewed on Flashpoint and on programs pushed out by WJR-AM. Stephen Henderson (a black) was on the panel, and, for years, he has been associated with WTVS-TV and American Black Journal, and, yes, he is a black socialist at least, and I have shown in the past some of the nonsense that he stands for. Steve Mitchell (of Mitchell Research and Communications) was on the panel, and when I saw him, I knew nothing about him, but, at one point, he did talk about he is now big supporter for Obamacare, and he noted how Obamacare has saved millions of lives, and that showed me that Steven Mitchell is crap and rotten. The last panelist to talk about was Mario Marrow (a black), who is associated with Mario Marrow & Associates, and when I saw him, I knew nothing about him, and I wondered why he would be on the show--the final show with Devin Scillian--and I later would do no research on Mario Marrow, well aware the panel was highly one-sided anyway. At the end of the episode, Devin Scillian introduced the new host for the weekly program, who would be taking over the series next week, and the person was Christy McDonald, who had been for a lot of years at WTVS-TV (which is associated with PBS, the communistic and socialistic-based television network, as the television news shows from the entity prove). Christy McDonald is yet another female mush put on as a host of a political talk show in this day and age (though she already has a hosting stint related to political talk show stuff on her resume), and only a few of the other mush heads or rotten females are Kristen Welker, Norah O'Donnell, Martha Raddatz, and Margaret Brennan. Yes, if a new political talk show job is to be opened up, it seems it has to have a female, especially a mush female, in this day and age. On December 22, 2024, Christy McDonald was indeed the host of Flashpoint. On that program, the panel was made up of Zoe Clark (political director for Michigan Public), Lauren Gibbons (capitol reporter for BridgeMichigan), and Chad Livengood (of The Detroit News), and, really, it was a female fluff fest overall, and it looked like another show promoting the Democratic Party. The main guest of the episode was U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (a Democrat related to Michigan), who is a big supporter of communism and socialism, and the program did well to praise Debbie Stabenow for all her years of doing stuff in the federal government, and I say that--knowing information and history about Debbie Stabenow--what she did was crap as a rule.
Given what I have shown in at least the previous two paragraphs, do you have an understanding of what Devin Scillian stands for?
I have in this paragraph a bunch of "nothing." Since September 2024 at least, the owners of the Channel 3 group of the Detroit area have been adding to the number of feeds or channels from time to time, and now there are 13 feeds or channels. Yet, the viewers have for the most part a lot of nothing. Over the period of time, the group has mostly had a couple channels that have video and audio and had a bunch of channels that are only audio if that (since for some reason, the video does not show). For example, on my big-screen TV, I have something on every channel of the 13 group, but only four have audio and video, and on small TVs (using converters), I only have four channels available, which have video and audio. What the heck is going on with the management of the Channel 3 group? Are the people unaware of what is happening? I surely do miss the days of the previous owner, who had "Television Drive-In" on the air (having old-time B movies), and it was fun to see. So the newish owner got rid of "Television Drive-In" and replaced it with--for the most part--nothing, up to nine channels of nothing--and two of the channels that I can get are selling-stuff channels, which I care nothing about. Now, let my report on the biggest nothing on television that I saw recently. On December 23, 2024, I happened to end up on Channel 38.1 (WADL-TV) at about 10:30 p.m., and another episode of a locally made series called One Mike (related to a so-called "cozy" club in Detroit) was on the air. Let me jump ahead a moment. The end credits for the show noted that the host of One Mike is Rev. Horace Sheffield III, but he was not on the episode, and the host was Andre Ash. Okay, I return to the main train of thought. The show had Andre Ash hosting four or five other guys, one of whom was in a living-room-like room and one of whom was sitting in his car behind the steering wheel. Basically, all the guys were in front of--it seems--tiny cameras of phones or computers or the like. Visually, the show came off a super-super low budget, and it had the feel of a super cheap public access show of the early days of public-access history. Oh, the guy behind the steering wheel could not stop saying "Ya know what I mean?", saying it, for instance, six or more times in a minute or two. When you have to keep saying "Ya know what mean?" every minute, it shows you are not saying anything that others can understand or care about. Basically, the guys said nothing useful or funny. It was like a bunch of idiot guys sitting around flapping their gums, while being seeing from tiny little cameras. Television presentation at WADL-TV has really hit bottom with this series--One Mike. But maybe WADL-TV is finding it hard to fill time, and it will air anything, having budget problems and viewer-attracting problems. One Mike is probably a series in which the producers buy time to air their show, and WADL-TV must charge $10.00 for a half-hour block of time (I say as a joke) just to have something on the air on Saturday evening. One Mike is truly "nothing television," and if what is presented on One Mike is like what is offered for comedy at the club, then a person should forget about going to the comedy club, because it will be a bunch of unfunny nothing--gutter stuff. Actually, One Mike was a bunch of stupid guys talking to themselves and about themselves, which a smart viewer probably did not care about. [Oh, Horace Sheffield III has shown himself to be a screwed-up guy over the decades.]
Announcement for the novice again (reworked in March 2019): To get useful television-delivered news or Internet-delivered news, try Breitbart News Network (the history of which goes back to 2007), WorldNetDaily.com, Newsmax TV (which was started up in 2014), CNS News (which is on the Internet and which was launched on June 16, 1998), and One America News Network (a.k.a. OAN), since the entities do not blindly support Barack Obama-type people (communists, socialists, progressives, liberals, and Shariaists), as do CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV (Note: To learn about bad journalism, you might tune in to CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV from time to time to see how they differ from the better places mentioned). I note that the Fox News Channel is evolving into a rotten channel, becoming like those that I have put down in this paragraph. If you are unclear of my intentions, I say in different words that you should boycott CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV and even now much of what is on the Fox News Channel and hope they lose more ratings and advertising revenues, since they are expendable, and it is time for you to find the guts to be mean and heartless and cancel them--since they are hurting you. In 2019, "The Drudge Report" was sold, and it should be treated as suspect for now. [Note: Everyone in the Democratic Party in the country is rotten, and the Republican Party establishment has shown itself to be socialistic and communistic within the last few years, and only a few of the rotten people tied to the Republican Party are U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, and Chris Christie.]
[Note: Here is an example of Chris Christie's rottenness. On Sunday, February 6, 2022, Chris Christie was a guest on This Week with George Stephanopoulos (of ABC-TV), which had Martha Raddatz as the host, and Chris Christie pushed out crap. For example, Chris Christie said--"...And let's face it. Let's call it what it is. January 6 was a riot that was incited by Donald Trump...an effort to intimidate Mike Pence and the Congress into doing exactly what he said in his own words last week--overturn the election. And he's trying to do a cleanup on aisle one here...." and "...He actually told the truth by accident. He wanted the election to be overturned....". That is bullshit!]I have reported in the past that Wikipedia cannot be trusted to present good information about the history of television, and, for instance, I have shown how the history of the DuMont Television Network is screwed up on Wikipedia, as it is on many other websites and webpages on the Internet, and now I present more knock-down stuff. There are several main reasons that the information on Wikipedia is often defective. One reason is non-television historians are authors of the stuff. Another reason is bad researchers and writers are putting out information. And yet another reason is a writer often is only thinking about the market in which the person grew up or lived in or lives in. The last idea leads to writers thinking--in the case of syndication--that a series shows up everywhere for the first time on a whole bunch of stations on the same day. Recently, I looked at the entry for Playboy After Dark on Wikipedia, and, of course, I found a big problem. The entry noted that the series existed from January 18, 1969, to August 25, 1970. With a syndicated show, I can say that it is difficult to say when the last show aired, because stations carrying the show have different schedules, and that was a clue to a problem. By the way, with a network series, it is easier to determine the last showing time and date. So let me clear up things about Playboy After Dark. The series was a weekly series with one-hour episodes, and it was available in original release for the 1968-1969 television season (having 26 episodes) and the 1969-1970 season (having 26 episodes). The maker of the program was Playboy Enterprises, and the distributor of the program was Screen Gems, which was a unit of Columbia Pictures. The format was a variety show/talk show, and it presented interviews, singers, comedians, et cetera. Hugh M. Hefner was the host, and, for most of the episodes Barbi Benton was a co-host or a companion to Hugh M. Hefner; Barbi Benton became a regular after a few shows had been made. I report that--in relation to Detroit television history--the show was never aired in Detroit, but some people--down in what are often called "down-river communities"--might have seen it, since the show was aired (though not till early 1969) by WNWO-TV, Channel 24, in Toledo, which could be seen by some people a little south of Detroit. It was not till March 15, 1969, when a station in Michigan began to carry the series, and that station was WWTV-TV (Channels "9/10") of the Traverse City area, offering it up up at 10:00 p.m. on Saturday. I have no idea when the series first showed up for viewers in the country and when the series last aired for viewers, since I cannot see all the television listings of all the newspapers in the country to make a determination. Screen Gems advertised that it was available for fall 1968; production had begun in August 1968. In the fall of 1968, ten television stations were signed up to carry the series, such as KTLA-TV (Los Angeles, California). Not having the ability to see every program listing in newspapers in the country, I can only note that, in the fall of 1968 (such as in early November 1968), WYTV-TV (Youngstown, Ohio) was showing the series on Saturdays at 11:15 p.m.. Basically, about 40 stations in this country and a few stations in three other countries were carrying the series for the start of the 1969-1970 season. The series was loaded with familiar performers, such as Jack E. Leonard, Bill Cosby, Bill Dana, Pat McCormick, Steppenwolf, the Nitty Gitty Dirt Band, Dan Rowan and Dick Martin, Don Rickles, Shecky Greene, Sammy Davis Jr., Jim Brown, Joey Bishop, Joe Williams, Marty Ingels, Don Adams, Carol Burnett, Louis Nye, and the Cowsills, and it had others, such as so-called rising stars. Yet, the series only last for two seasons. It seems it was an expensive series to make, costing (at first) about $30,000 for each episode. I looked at number of episodes of the series recently, and the series seems rather lame, looking like something for 4:00 a.m. on Sunday and not as something for about 11:00 p.m. on Saturday or Friday. For the record, I will say that the heyday for the series was from October 1968 to October 1970, and that is the best that can be said about Playboy After Dark.
Announcement: Recently, I have added some new documents to the collection of my documents at the website for The Hologlobe Press. One of the documents is entitled A Document that Dispels Myths and Nonsense of Science-Fiction Books, Movies, and Television Shows (A Logic Puzzle), which can be reached through this Myths link. Another document is And So You Think You're Going to the Moon, Mars, or the Stars..., which can be reached by using this Moon link. And yet another of the documents is entitled And the Stupid Women Shall Lead--and Lead Every Good Individual into Shit, Driven on by Communism, Feminism, and Defective Female Beliefs and Little-Girl Thinking, which can be reached through this Stupid Women link. And here are other documents--A Review of What Television Controlled by Socialists and Communists Worked to Sell as Truth in Relation to the U.S. President Donald J. Trump Impeachment (at Impeachment) and T.H.A.T. Special Edition--The First Helicopter-based Traffic Reporters on Radio for the Detroit area of Michigan (at Helicopter Traffic).
I have mentioned in editions of Michigan Travel Tips recently that it is hard to see pleasant and attractive women in Michigan while traveling; for example, I have noted how, when I go to a Speedway gasoline station at Cheboygan, Michigan, I most often see fat girls and gals (young and old) and sloppily dressed girls and gals, and I have said that the American woman has gone to crap as a rule since the rise of the modern "Feminist Movement." It seems most woman care not if they look like attractive women and pleasant women. Certainly, it seems to me that Ms. Veronica Dengle would really be disappointed--if not outraged--with the American woman today. Who is Veronica Dengle? I did not know till I did research. I came across her name recently as a guest on a very early in history television show of a Detroit television station, and the show was an episode of a locally produced show called Shopper's Quiz, which was hosted by Charles Layton, and the show aired on WWJ-TV, Channel 4, Detroit, when that station was the only commercial television station in Detroit, and the day was March 15, 1948, at from 4:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.. By the way, in 1948, the main newscasters--of official newscasts--on television for WWJ-TV were Ted Grace (early in the period), Kirk Knight, and Bruce Wood, and sometimes Charles Layton did fill-in duty and did "news items"-type shows from time to time. Veronica Dengle was based in New York City, N.Y., and she was nationally known for writing books and giving lectures on topics related to having women look like women and attract men and to other things, such as in relation to fashion, and by 1948, she had been in her chosen field for about a decade. I came across some articles about Veronica Dengle of years past, and one was published in the Spartanburg Herald-Journal on June 15, 1947 (which was exactly six years before I would be born), and the article was entitled "Mrs. Dengle Proves Glamour Can Be Bought for Less Than $30". Here is the beginning of the article--"BOSTON, June 14 (UP)--Sex appeal is a straw hat, a saucy hair-do and a husky tone of voice, according to Veronica Dengle of New York who proved here today that glamour could be bought in 3 hours by anyone for less than $30. Wife of a successful Wall Street broker, Mrs. Dengle is author of 'Hold Your Man' and a host of similar works. She's been selling the secrets of the come-hither arts for a decade. Now she's giving 'em away because 'I can afford it and somebody has to get American women out of their mental rocking chairs.'....". If Veronica Dengle thought things were bad or sort of bad in the middle of the 1940s, I bet Veronica Dengle would find things in the terrible category today. Broadcast network television has almost no pleasant gals on the air; for instance, the star of Found is highly ugly and unpleasant, and the gals of The Conners are a mess, and there is that Matlock ugly woman now, and so many gals are model types (with no boobs) who try to look tough, and many gals have that angry look, and all the female news reporters and news anchors are highly ugly and rotten! It is one reason why I rarely tune into the prime-time networks broadcast shows; I only tune in to get sample credits of all the shows and see what tone all the shows have (new and returning). To get back to the travel theme, I can report that, for the summer tourist season of 2024, I saw only one gal who was pleasantly shaped in Northeast Michigan, and I saw her at Rogers City, and although she was no model-type gal and only a country-type gal, she put the gals on broadcast television to shame, and she would have been even better if she was wearing a fluffy and skimpy sundress.
In the 1940s, television listings in newspapers were rather weak, so when I go looking for information about what people saw on television screens in the 1940s, it can be hard to determine what was being seen and shown. Over time, I have been able to determine what people were seeing by putting together information from many sources. From August 1948 to December 1949, WWJ-TV, Channel 4, aired a series called It's Serial Time. If you look at the Detroit Free Press for that period, you will not understand what was shown on the series, the title for which was a local title. You can determine that the series aired "serials" (those multi-part movies that were originally shown in movie theaters, sort of like filler in relation to a main feature). I know what type of product was aired on the series, but I know not exactly when such-and-such a feature was aired. In 1946, a new company called Film Equities Corporation acquired the rights to distribute 10 movie serials of the past to television stations, and the company was one of the first distribution companies (having product for television stations) of television history, and it would be one of the biggest for offering up movies and such in the 1940s. Film Equities Corporation disappeared as a distributor in 1951, as did the related companies called Nationwide Television Pictures and Standard Television Corporation; the job of the three distribution companies ended up in the hands of Unity Television Corporation. The ten serials that Film Equities Corporation got in 1946 were Phantom Empire, The Three Musketeers, The Miracle Rider, The Lightning Warrior, Adventures of Rex and Rinty, Shadow of the Eagle, Devil Horse, The Wolf Dog, Law of the Wild, and Mystery Mountain. I have noted that those serial films aired on It's Serial Time. Some time after It's Serial Time was off the air, the serials showed up on, for example, Channel 7, WXYZ-TV, in around 1954, such as on the local show called Airbase No 7. Although I do not know when any of the series of the package from Film Equities Corporation actually aired in 1948 and 1949, I make this edition of Looking at the Movies cover one of the serials. Two of the movies have John Wayne as the main performer, and one has Rin-Tin-Tin (a dog), and one has Rin-Tin-Tin Jr. (a dog), and one has Ken Maynard, and one has Harry Carey, and one has.... I stop there. The Miracle Rider (of 1935) is a serial that featured a cowboy star called Tom Mix, whose heyday was in the silent movies, and The Miracle Rider was his last film--a sound film--and that is the feature of this Looking at the Movies feature. By the way, another big distributor of material for television stations in the late 1940s was Commonwealth Film and Television. In 1950, for example, Commonwealth Film and Television and Film Equities Corporation had the biggest library of cartoons for television stations, which was before the big push to make cartoons directly for television took off in earnest and which was before the big-deal and popular cartoons that had been made for theatrical release were put in the television-product marketplace. My urging you to see The Miracle Rider makes up the longest running product that I have presented as a Looking at the Movies presentation. But you have a month in which to see it--whenever you want.
Remember: The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan was a television show that was produced across the pond and shown on CBS-TV in the late 1960s, and I urge you to find The Prisoner on DVD, maybe from a library, and watch it, and you should show it--all the episodes--to teenagers, or buy it as a present for teenagers.
Stay well!Vic
P.S.: You are urged to see my document entitled One of "The Rules of Man"--A Rule About Health Care that No Politician May Supersede with Law, which can be reached through this Rule1 link. I have deduced that all the Democrats and most Republicans support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and have no intention of killing it, though it should be killed for violating, for one, "The Rules of Man." For example, Republicans Jeb Bush and Chris Christie support the rotten law, and that is one reason that I define them as stupid men and not men who are good enough--in this day and age--to be the U.S. President. I note that the "mandate"--which forces everyone to buy government-approved health-care insurance--violates one of "The Rules of Man," and it is a rule that is attacked in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. Anyone who supports the "mandate" is not a good enough person or a smart enough person to be the U.S. president--the mandate is "enslavism," and the "mandate" allows government people--who are often usually bad people, as history shows--decide what health care a person can get, and that is bad.
copyright c. 2025
Date published: January 10, 2025The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan 49721
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