(Television History and Trivia)




Victor Edward Swanson,


    The material provided on this page is a service of Victor Swanson and The Hologlobe Press.  The material may be used freely by a person, if the person does not use the material for commercial purposes.  The material may be used by persons employed in the media, such as staffers of radio stations, but persons employed in the media must announce that the material has been taken from the website of The Hologlobe Press, the main Internet address to which is www.hologlobepress.com.  Of course, the material is provided for fun or to teach.

Special Important Announcement

    I now have videos on YouTube, and they are history pieces, and they can be found at the channel for "The Hologlobe Press" (the search term).  One of the videos is about my making of a model of 40 Mile Point Lighthouse, and other videos are about Ms. Anna May Wong, Ms. Sandy Benson (The Naked Lady of The Soupy Sales Show of KABC-TV), and WAYN-AM (of Wayne State University).  By the way, you can use this Videos link to read about my videos.  And I still have a document at the website for The Hologlobe Press entitled A COVID-19 Document that Shows the Rottenness of the CDC, Many in the Medical Community, Many in the Media, and All the Democrats, such as Gretchen Whitmer, Andrew Cuomo, and Joseph Biden, and the document can be reached by using this COVID-19 link.

- - - T.H.A.T., Edition No. 248 - - -

    On November 5, 2024, about half the voters in the country voted for Kalama Harris and a little more than half of the voters in the country voted for Donald J. Trump, and after the voting took place, I was surprised by something.  In the past, the Detroit Free Press published articles showing how the people in Michigan voted, maybe to show off how well the communists and socialists and liberals and progressives did.  This year, the Detroit Free Press had nothing in any edition of the newspaper, though there could have been something presented online.  That, is, the newspaper in the past published a breakdown of counties and such in detail.  Why was there nothing this year?  But the newspaper did publish articles that showed disappointment in how half of the country voted and showed disappointment that Donald J. Trump won, and the newspaper even pushed out more lies about Donald J. Trump in some articles--it was standard business for the entity.  All I say is that the Detroit Free Press is shit, and at least half of the voting public in this country is shit (those who support communism and socialism and liberalism and progressivism) and that more than half of the public in the country is shit, given many people did not vote at all.  And given that, I continue to write for me first and not for the public first--to find truth for me--and if the rotten people of the country see my works and dislike them, I care not, since they are shit, working to hurt good people, like me.

    I begin the main body of this edition of Television History and Trivia with "Popeye" as the main topic, because I came across some forgotten news about Popeye recently.  On December 19, 1919, a comic strip (or comic panel) began to run in newspapers, such as The Washington Times, in the country, and one main character in it was Olive Oyl.  The panel was called The Thimble Theater.  On January 17, 1929, "Popeye" appeared as a regular character in the comic strip, and then the strip was called only Thimble Theater, as it has been for a while.  In 1933, Popeye began to appear in movie shorts for movie theaters, and movies--cartoons really--with Popeye would get made for movie theaters from 1933 to 1956.  In 1935, Popeye began to appear in nationally distributed radio shows--first on NBC radio, then on ABC radio, and then on CBS radio--and that was for about a three-year period.  Between 1935 and about 1938, the voice of people for radio was done by Detmar Poppen (for about a year) and then by Floyd Buckley, and between 1933 and 1944, the voice of Popeye for the movies was done by William Costello (for a very short time) and then by Jack Mercer.  Harry Welch did a bit of work as the voice of Popeye in the 1940s (I leave the stretch of time vague here) while Jack Mercer was in the military.  Jack Mercer did the voice of Popeye for the remainder the theatrical shorts--once he was able to do it again (whenever that was exactly).  In about March 1956, a company called Associated Artists Productions acquired the rights to distribute the theatrical cartoons with Popeye to television stations in the country, and the cartoons soon showed up on television stations.  In the Detroit area, Popeye cartoons began to show up on television--particularly on CKLW-TV, Channel 9, Windsor, Ontario, Canada--on February 23, 1957, and, generally speaking, Popeye cartoons were run seven days a week from then (though not quite from the start) to January 1965, such as under Popeye and His Pals.  The cartoons presented by CKLW-TV were within shows hosted by Toby David as Captain Jolly or Paul Schultz as Poopdeck Paul.  Oh, beginning in October 1960, CKLW-TV and other stations in the country began to run new cartoons with Popeye (with the voice of Jack Mercer), and these were made specifically for television.  That is some rough Popeye history.  Over the history of Popeye, a few people have worked to claim they were the first voice of Popeye.  For one, in August 1960, obituaries published in newspapers around the country, such as the Detroit Free Press, pushed out the theme that Wallace Vincent Clark (dead at age 63) was the original voice of Popeye.  I can find no proof that Wallace Clark was the first, and it seems no one else can.  Maybe, Wallace Clark did something on stage or for a local radio station in a "bit" in the late 1920s or the 1930s, and what he did is not documented.  It is well known he was not the first voice of Popeye on radio in a regular way or in movies in a regular way or on television in a regular way.  The claim related to Wallace Clark has to be set aside.  For the issue of Broadcasting for August 27, 1973 (page 53), it is noted that Harry Foster Welch died, and it was reported that he began to do the voice of Popeye in 1927.  There is a big problem with that.  Popeye did not appear in cartoon form until 1929.  I found in old articles (which I have in my files now) that, in the 1930s (the late 1930s), Harry Foster Welch was making personal appearances (made up to look like Popeye), and in the 1940s, he was billed as the voice of Popeye on stage and screen and even radio [such as in The Daily Argus for July 22, 1942).  Well, the "screen" thing does not make sense at this point, based on information put together by historians, such as Keith Scott and even me.  The "stage" thing makes since.  Let me interrupt my main line of thought.  It is unknown when Harry Foster Welch began to appear on stage as "Popeye" or a "Popeye."  What if Harry Foster Welch was a Popeye on stage some time between 1920 and 1929 and then Elzie Segar (who is credited with having created the Popeye that appeared on radio and movie and television shows) developed the work by Harry Welch into something for The Thumble Theater in 1929.  Do not take that too seriously.  Remember the obituary for Harry Welch.  Oh, by the way, The Detroit Times published a photograph with a caption related to Harry Welch on January 8, 1943 (page 24), and the caption was--"Madelline Carroll accepting books for soldiers from Harry Foster Welch, Popeye's creator.".  Do you see a problem?  Now, let me get to the claim about Harry Welch's doing the voice of Popeye on radio.  There is no clear evidence that he did the voice of Popeye on radio.  I found recently an ad in Broadcasting for December 15, 1939 (page 77), and it noted that a company called Gellatly Inc. was offering a new "Popeye" series for radio (three times a week) for sale to radio stations.  Maybe Harry Welch did voice work for Gellanty Inc.'s product.  How much product was there?  So far, I have found no evidnece that a radio show with Popeye was being used by radio stations in the country in 1940.  But in 1940s, radio-show listings in newspapers were non-existence or very shallow (having notes for only a few stations in a market--the big stations).  By the way, in the late 1940s, television-show listings for the Detroit television stations were weak.  I think that, if the operators of Gellatly Inc. were serious, they had at least a sample product for radio-station executives to see in late 1939 and early 1940, and the product would be on record.  Incidentaly, on August 1, 1940, Gellatly Inc. and Radio Advertising Corporation merged to become Radio Advertising Corporation (with W.B. Gellatly as the head operator), and the entity had offices in New York, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and San Francisco, where salesmen could be based, who could go to radio stations with sample records of a new "Popeye" series.  If there was at least a sample program on record, someone had to have done the voice of Popeye.  Maybe Harry Welch was involved with Gellatly Inc., but at the moment, it is unknown if Harry Welch and Gellatly Inc. were linked in anyway.  So far, given I have found no radio-show listings for Popeye on radio stations in the country in 1940s, so it looks as if it is possible the Gellatly Inc. product never went beyond the pilot stage.  At the moment, I report that Detmar Possen and Floyd Buckley did do the main or regular voice work for Popeye on radio in the 1930s, and William Costello, Jack Mercer, and Harry Welch did the main voice work for Popeye for the movies, and Jack Mercer did the work for Popeye on television (in the 1950s and early 1960s at least).  I also report that, before I wrote this material, I sent an email to a Mr. Jerry Beck (a historian) to see whether or not he knew anything about the Gellatly Inc. product, and he sent my message to Mr. Keith Scott (another historian), and Keith Scott sent me a message, most of which I present here.  Keith Scott said--"Jerry Beck sent me your query because I have made a lifelong study of uncredited theatrical voices, particularlly in animated cartoons but also in radio.  However, to answer you specific question, I am unaware of any 1939 POPEYE radio episodes in circulation among radio collectors, unless they reside in an archive like the Library of Congress Recorded Sound Division.  The only movie credits I know for Harry F. Welch are a few Popeye cartoon shorts recorded in 1945 and released the following year.  This was because Jack Mercer was serving his county in World War II and was stationed in Germany.  Welch also did one record album as Popeye, and he was credits with 'Narration, Harry F. Welch' on the LP cover.  It was 'Popeye the Sailorman' on Peter Oan Records, 1960.  Mercer also did various LPs as Popeye including one with almost the identical title as the Welch record, 'Popeye the Sailor Man,' on Golden Records, and 'Popeye's Favorite Stories,' for RCA-Camden....".  So at least Jerry Beck and Keith Scott are aware of the mystery of Gellatly Inc. in relation to the history of Popeye because of what I found recently, and it looks as if the Gellatly Inc. product got pulled before it could make a debut, such as because there were not enough buyers or because Gellatly Inc. ended up with money problems (which would lead to the merger with Radio Advertising Corporation).  But at this point, the discussion is yet incomplete about the Gellatly Inc. idea.  Maybe, Harry Foster Welch subbed for Detmar Poppen or Floyd Buckley in the 1930s because of, for instance, illness with Detmar Poppen or Floyd Buckley, and that subbing work was never recorded on paper, such as in newspaper articles.  I am not done with the story, as you can see.  During the search about Popeye, I came across an article in The Exhibitor for September 16, 1953 (page 10), which was published when I was three-months old.  The article was actually one with an image and a caption.  The caption was--"Seen, left to right, are EXHIBITOR's Mel Konecoff, 'Popeye,' impersonated by his screen voice, Harry Foster Welch, and Oscar Morgan, Paramount general manager in charge of short subjects, all enjoying Popeye's spinich at the recent New York cocktail party on the occasion of the 3-D short, 'Popeye, The Ace of Space.'."  What can be made of the piece?  It does seem to hint that Harry Foster Welch was involved in the making of the 3-D short.  Today, it is generally pushed out that Jack Mercer was the voice of Popeye for the 3-D production, such as by IMDb.   So, here, we have in the image a Paramount executive with Harry Foster Welch.  They were probably the guiding force for the material in the caption, such as presenting the idea that Harry Foster Welch was Popeye for the3-D production.  Were they pushing out a lie?  That would be odd, expecially since Jack Mercer did do more Popeye productions.  Maybe the writer of the caption goofed or worked with bad information that had been provided by someone.  On Sepember 6, 2024, I passed along the article (a "screenshot") to Keith Scott, because something does make sense about history related to Popeye in the movies.  Of course, when I sent the article to Keith Scott, I knew the article could be crap or a bomb, but I wondered if Keith Scott could provide another thought based on the article.  Also, when I sent that article, I was well aware modern-age writers (such as those in this century) use modern sources, such as books and Wikipedia, as sources for their articles or books, and I knew Keith Scott may have flawed information or knowledge (that ties to new sources).  By the way, I get materials and data from old articles and newspapers--first--such as those of the early 1900s, some one-hundred-years-ago things.  Let me back up in time, and let me provide that last section of Keith Scott's email to me--"If you would care to see my research, I am the author of two animation-reference books, 'The Moose That Roared' (a history of the Jay Ward Productions saga, Rocky & Bullwinkle, etc., etc.), and my more recent book 'Cartoon Voices of the Golden Age, 1930-1970' published in 2022 by Bear Manor Media....it covers the history of cartoon acting from the dawn of sound in 1928 to the cut-off point of 1970 when theatrical cartoons were almost gone, having pretty much migrated to television, starting from around 1957.  That book has a long chapter covering the Fleischer and Famous cartoons released by Paramount and contains a lot of information about the evolution of the Popeye voice, as well as Betty Boop and much more.  (There are also chapters covering the cartoon studios of Warner Bros., MGM, Columbia-Screen Games, UPA, Walter Lantz-Universal and Walt Disney.)."  By the way, cartoons were on television stations in the 1940s, such as Tom and Jerry cartoons (which are not the Tom and Jerry related to the cat and mouse that you could have in mind), and those cartoons had been made for the theaters, and, in the late 1940s and early 1950s, in Detroit, some of the umbrella titles used by television stations for the showing of cartoons (which had been made for theatrical movies) were Cartoon Carnival and Cartoon Time and Animated Antics.

    I have been doing research on cartoons offered to television stations by distribution companies of the 1940s and very early 1950s, and I will in the near future provide information about early cartoons made for and seen on television in the early days of television in some edition of Television History and Trivia.

 Announcement for the novice again (reworked in March 2019): To get useful television-delivered news or Internet-delivered news, try Breitbart News Network (the history of which goes back to 2007), WorldNetDaily.com, Newsmax TV (which was started up in 2014), CNS News (which is on the Internet and which was launched on June 16, 1998), and One America News Network (a.k.a. OAN), since the entities do not blindly support Barack Obama-type people (communists, socialists, progressives, liberals, and Shariaists), as do CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV (Note: To learn about bad journalism, you might tune in to CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV from time to time to see how they differ from the better places mentioned).  I note that the Fox News Channel is evolving into a rotten channel, becoming like those that I have put down in this paragraph.  If you are unclear of my intentions, I say in different words that you should boycott CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV and even now much of what is on the Fox News Channel and hope they lose more ratings and advertising revenues, since they are expendable, and it is time for you to find the guts to be mean and heartless and cancel them--since they are hurting you.  In 2019, "The Drudge Report" was sold, and it should be treated as suspect for now.   [Note: Everyone in the Democratic Party in the country is rotten, and the Republican Party establishment has shown itself to be socialistic and communistic within the last few years, and only a few of the rotten people tied to the Republican Party are U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, and Chris Christie.]
    [Note: Here is an example of Chris Christie's rottenness.  On Sunday, February 6, 2022, Chris Christie was a guest on This Week with George Stephanopoulos (of ABC-TV), which had Martha Raddatz as the host, and Chris Christie pushed out crap.  For example, Chris Christie said--"...And let's face it.  Let's call it what it is. January 6 was a riot that was incited by Donald Trump...an effort to intimidate Mike Pence and the Congress into doing exactly what he said in his own words last week--overturn the election.  And he's trying to do a cleanup on aisle one here...." and "...He actually told the truth by accident.  He wanted the election to be overturned....".  That is bullshit!]

    The 2024-2025 broadcast network prime-time television season is another flat and even ugly thing, and the proof is shown in the previous edition of Television History and Trivia, but since new stuff shows up continually--as time marches on--there is always something to talk about.  On Tuesday, November 12, 2024, NBC-TV--the communistic-based network--pushed out the debut of a new series called St. Denis Medical, and, in fact, two episodes were presented, starting at 8:00 p.m. (Detroit time).  I did not see anything of the second episode, dropping out of NBC-TV since I had had enough of St. Denis Medical from the first episode.  Right from the start of the first episode, the ugliness showed with up, such as with the appearance of Alex (played by Allison Tolman), a nurse, who is unpleasant and not funny in the least.  And the production took on that unpleasant tone of The Office, and it had the same production presentation as The Office had had by continually having the camera float around and jump around, maybe done to make it seem what was being shown was exciting.  The tone that The Office had had was later used in such series Superstore and American Auto, both of which died quickly.  It seems to me that St. Denis Medical will be no true great hit, but it could be a "hit" for reasons that I have talked about in the past, such as, unlike in the 1950s, a series need not get so much of a viewing audience to reach the hit status today.  Overall, the characters in St. Denis Medical are ugly and not the type of people whom you would want to show up in your living room from week to week-to make you feel good.  I can say that the cast seems to fit right in with what liberals (socialists and such) like to see as characters, such as freaks.  The series does fit the tone of NBC-TV of these days.  As I have said, it does not take much of an audience to make a series a hit these days, and there are enough rotten television reviewers around, such as at newspapers, to help try to sell a bad series as good.  On Sunday, November 10, 2024, the Detroit Free Press published an article by Julie Hinds (Hinds, Julie.  "Just what the doctor ordered."  Detroit Free Press, 10 November 2024, pp. 1B and 2B.), and it worked to sell the idea that St. Denis Medical was going to be great for viewers, and, in essence, the newspaper used more than one full page to sell the idea, and it is a newspaper that rarely has any information about television series, unlike in the 1950s and 1960s.  Oh, the subtitle for the presentation was--"NBC workplace sitcom 'St. Denis Medical' and its quirky characters deliver humor and hope".  It was a truly overblown presentation.  Look at the nonsense presented in the opening of the article by Julie Hinds (who sounds like a typical socialist)--"The workplace mockumentary is a TV genre that has helped many of us cope with full-time employment.  The therapeutic value of watching old episodes of 'The Office,' 'Superstore' or 'American Auto' (all from NBC) is roughly equal to one intensive neck massage, two glasses of white wine, a 30-minute walk or 548 corporate training sessions on tolerance for that cubicle neighbor who chews too loudly.  Besides the laughter part, the key to those kinds of comedies is empathy.  The formula typified by 'The Office' (the U.S. version, not the more acerbic British original) acknowledges that being inside a confined space with the same people five days a week is akin to being stranded on a desert island with them.  But instead of going all 'Lord of the Flies' on one another, the characters who sell paper for Dunder-Mifflin (and keep the big-box retailer Cloud Nine stocked on 'Superstore' and run the corporate side of a fictional Detroit car company on 'American Auto') ultimately reveal their humanity.  They are flawed without being awful people....".  Bullshit!  What a bunch of crap that material from Julie Hinds is!  Later--on the second page of the article--there was this material--"...is a series that finds humor in the irritating things about other people and yet delivers a strong dose of hope.... [Note: And the article did not have a closing period after "hope".]".  What the hell is that "hope" thing?  What "hope" is being pushed out?  I was hoping for comedy and fun, and both never came.  So people are supposed to come home from work and sit around and see these depressing characters to make themselves feel better.  And there is woke crap tied to what was on the screen and in the article!  The next sentence in the article had--"Set at an Oregon 'safety net' hospital that cares for all patients despite their insurance and financial status....".  Do you see the socialism in Julie Hinds' mind.  Julie Hinds is saying nothing about whether or not the show is fun to see, but the show has social values tied to socialism and such.  By the way, Oregon is a socialistic state.  Much of the article comes off as material from a pseudo-intellectual who is working sell flap-doodle as high-thought.  And the final paragraph of the article was--"There may be nothing unique about 'St. Denis Medical' to those who already are fans of 'The Office,' 'Superstore' or 'American Auto.'  But, wow, is it comforting.  And sometimes that's all you need a sitcom to be.  A slightly rundown Oregon hospital might be your happy place.  I think it's going to be mine.".  I say that there was nothing comforting in the series, and there was no "comedy" in the episode that I saw of this sitcom.

    I am not done with the Detroit Free Press, and, for the record, I present something that can be looked back at in the future, and what I present is a bit of what was on page 21A for the Detroit Free Press on November 10, 2024 in "With Trump win, we prepare for backward plunge" (Detroit Free Press Editorial Board.  "With Trump win, we prepare for backward plunge."  Detroit Free Press, 10 November 2024, pp. 21A and 23A.) [Note: One person on the editorial board is Nancy Kaffer, a communist and a person who always looks like an angry feminist, who had the start of an article from her called "Republicans said they'd oppose abortion ban. Will they?" at the bottom of page 21A (where an image of her was presented.].  The Board presented (to start)--"Well, we're going back.  Donald Trump is America's next president, winning the popular vote and the Electoral College, a feat no Republican president has pulled off in more than 20 years.  He increased his share of the vote among nearly every democraphic, and his votes elected GOP majorities to the U.S. House and Senate.  As Trump swept every battleground state, Vice President Kamala Harris formally conceded Wednesday afternoon around 1:30 p.m. [Note: There was not an ending period to the last sentence.]  It's clearer than ever that Trump's 2016 victory was no fluke.  Twice now, American voters have chosen to set aside the various rhetorical agitations and belligerent incitements of the president-elect, in favor of finding comfort in the throw-caution-to-the-wind approach to governing.  The 'drill, baby, drill' ehos.  But we've been here before.  The nation withstood one Donald Trump presidency, with the added catastrophe of a world-changing pandemic.  Now, we prepare to endure another four years of an extermist agenda obscured by daily bouts of headline-grabbing  moments, outrageous international faux pas and absurd falsehoods emanating from the White House.  We also ought to prepare to understand our neighbors better, even if that's not what you want to hear.  For most of us, it remains a mystery why the words that come out of Trump's  mouth offend so many Americans, but mean little to almost the same number.  A solid majority of this country simply likes what Trump has to offer, or at least are willing to look past his not-so-subtle bigotry and senophobic rhetoric for reasons the folks on the other side of this widening divide aren't able to understand....".  That is most of what appeared of the article on page 21A, and it is bullshit, and it is made up of lies about Donald Turmp!  Good historians will note that Joseph Biden was shit and Kamala Harris was shit, and their policies of communism and socialism and liberalism were shit for the country.  Yet, the people at the Detroit Free Press say that the first four years of Donald Trump were shit.  It is crap from the people of the Detroit Free Press.  In four years, I--if alive--will bring up this article again, showing how full of shit the presentation was; of course, maybe in one year, the better for the country will already be showing up.
    [Note: On the "opinion page" for the Detroit Free Press for November 17, 2024, had a piece called "What it will take to survive Donald Trump's 2nd term" [Owens, Keith A.  What it will take to survive Donald J. Trump's 2nd term."  Detroit Free Press, 17 November 2024, pp. 21A and 23A.].  Keith A.Owens is another shit black, as shown in only one portion of his piece--"...What happened [the election of Donald J. Trump] was not about what Kamala Harris did wrong, or what Joe Biden did wrong.  Both of them gave thier all, trying to rescue a broken nation from itself.....".  That is bullshit from a shit black man, a black racist, as shown by the nature of the article.  It is only one more of the pieces in the Detroit Free Press that passed along crap in November 2024 about Donald J. Trump.]

    And so you want me to believe the presentation about St. Denis Medical from Julie Hinds, who fits right in with all the crappy people on the editorial board at the Detroit Free Press?

    By the way, on Friday, November 1, 2024, the Detroit Free Press presented an article called "Harris leads Trump in Mich. in Free Press final poll" (Spangler, Todd.  "Harris leads Trump in Mich. in Free Press final poll."  Detroit Free Press, 1 November 2024, pp. 1A and 10A.], and subtitle was "She is ahead by 3 percentage points".  Did the Detroit Free Press have a corrupt poll and did the Detroit Free Press use a poll to "hope" sell Kamala Harris a good and great?  The poll ended up looking like shit!  Actually, the poll was done by EPIC-MRA of Lansing, Michigan, which shows that organization is crap.

    Oh, I have to bring this up.  Kamala Harris got to be on Saturday Night Live on November 2, 2024, and that was crappy.  That was not the only crappy thing about the show.  For instance, a freaky-looking gal named Chappell Roan did a country song that focused on lesbianism, and a big deal was made of that event, especially after the show aired, which is how I learned about it.  Incidentally, when I look back at the history of the musical performers on the show in recent years, I see that many went nowhere and have disappeared.  It would not surprise me if Chappell Roan disappeared in the near future.  I sure do miss the days when country music was country music.  Incidentally, Jelly Roll was on Saturday Night Live on September 28, 2024, and about that time, I was getting exposed to a hit of his--a highly depressing song--on radio, and every time it was started on a radio station, I turned it off, which is one of the very few songs of the last 50 years that I have turned off immedidately.  But even crap can become a hit in this day and age, which can happen with television shows.  And Jelly Roll is another freaky-looking person.

    Announcement: Recently, I have added some new documents to the collection of my documents at the website for The Hologlobe Press.  One of the documents is entitled A Document that Dispels Myths and Nonsense of Science-Fiction Books, Movies, and Television Shows (A Logic Puzzle), which can be reached through this Myths link.  Another document is And So You Think You're Going to the Moon, Mars, or the Stars..., which can be reached by using this Moon link.  And yet another of the documents is entitled And the Stupid Women Shall Lead--and Lead Every Good Individual into Shit, Driven on by Communism, Feminism, and Defective Female Beliefs and Little-Girl Thinking, which can be reached through this Stupid Women link.  And here are other documents--A Review of What Television Controlled by Socialists and Communists Worked to Sell as Truth in Relation to the U.S. President Donald J. Trump Impeachment (at Impeachment) and T.H.A.T. Special Edition--The First Helicopter-based Traffic Reporters on Radio for the Detroit area of Michigan (at Helicopter Traffic).

    Hey, have you ever come home and turned on the television and caught a movie already in progress?  Well, this time my Looking at the Movies segment will sort of be like that.  In the early 1970s, WXON-TV (then on Channel 62) was airing Early Showtime on weekdays in the early evening, such as at 6:30 p.m..  On Friday, March 20, 1970, WXON-TV began to run "The Winning Team" (a 1952 movie) that told the story of a famous baseball player known at Grover Cleveland Alexander (who was played by Ronald Reagan).  Today, you can find that movie on YouTube.  However, it seems if you use "the winning team" as a search term, you will not find the full movie offered up for free.  I found it recently with the opening credits and the closing credits mssing.  If you fire up that movie on YouTube, you will feel like you are joining the movie while it is already in progress.  Fortunetely for you, another video ("title sequence" thing) exists on YouTube so that you can see the opening credits, which will let you know the production has such perfomers as Doris Day (playing the love internest in the story), Frank Lovejoy, Eve Miller, James Millican, Rusty Tamblyn, Gordon Jones, and Hugh Sanders.  Some others whom you will see if you see the movie--and probably not recognize--are known baseball players, such as for the Detroit Tigers, the New York Yankees, the Chicago Cubs, and the Cleveland Indians, at the time the movie was made.  I cannot point them out here or if I were seeing the movie with you.  Despite that, I urge you to see as a Looking at the Movies time the movie called "TheWinning Team".

    I have to report on a topic that I touched on in the previous edition of Television History and Trivia.  The "Love Your Enemes" theme of "Jesus"-related spots on television is crap.  Take the religion out of the discussion!  If you are a good person, to protect yourself again rottenness, you do not "love" your enemies and you must be able to jump instantly into "hate" mode.  Those who push the non-hate thing are crappy, even if they are big-name celebrities or sports figures, who are mostly really stupid people--mostly involved in themselves and promoting themselves.  Another crappy thing is the "Stand Up to Hate Campaign" on television (related to professional sports organizations, such as the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, and WNBA).  That campaign has such people as Shaquille O'Neal and Jim Harbaugh and Billie Jean King (an idiot woman), and most of the people in the commercial--which pushes "Hate is winning out there" statement--seem to be Democrats (supporters of communists and socialists).  And another jackass commercial is the "A trusted space" thing, which comes from "atrustedspace.org".  It is all bad television!

    Hey, I have to jump in with this nearly final--unexpected to you--topic.  I have seen several times a commercial on television for Cascade (dish-soap stuff), and it reports that, people who wash dishes by hand can use 24 gallons of water in 11 minutes.  I have been washing dishes by hand for some 50 years, and I have never even come close to using 24 gallons of water, but I do not let the water run and run and run and run while I slosh around the dishes.  The commercial from Cascade is deceiving and stupid.  What dumb-ass uses 24 gallons of water to do dishes?  [Oh, I have a spray-like nozzle on the kitchen sink faucet at both of the places where I live, which has a quick shut off lever.

    Oh, on November 5, 2024, rotten people in Michigan put a real snake-in-the-grass person into a U.S. Senate seat in relation to Michigan, and the person is Elissa Slotkin, who has used lies about what she stands for to get elected, such as by saying she is good since she has been at the CIA (which, like the FBI of today, is corrupt, as good people know).  I saw an article in the Detroit Free Press for November 24, 2024 [Spangler, Todd.  "New Michigan senator: I will find compromise for the common good."  Detroit Free Press, 24 November 2024, pp. 1A and 14A.].  "The common good"--that is a theme of hard-line communists.  What is the "common good"?  When you "compromise" with communists, things become more communistic.  Another piece of shit woman---who promotes herself as a "Democrat" (and if you hate what the Democratic Party is, you would not be in it)--has reached a higher office in politics, and that is bad for the country.

    Remember: The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan was a television show that was produced across the pond and shown on CBS-TV in the late 1960s, and I urge you to find The Prisoner on DVD, maybe from a library, and watch it, and you should show it--all the episodes--to teenagers, or buy it as a present for teenagers.


Stay well!


    P.S.: You are urged to see my document entitled One of "The Rules of Man"--A Rule About Health Care that No Politician May Supersede with Law, which can be reached through this Rule1 link.  I have deduced that all the Democrats and most Republicans support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and have no intention of killing it, though it should be killed for violating, for one, "The Rules of Man."  For example, Republicans Jeb Bush and Chris Christie support the rotten law, and that is one reason that I define them as stupid men and not men who are good enough--in this day and age--to be the U.S. President.  I note that the "mandate"--which forces everyone to buy government-approved health-care insurance--violates one of "The Rules of Man," and it is a rule that is attacked in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.  Anyone who supports the "mandate" is not a good enough person or a smart enough person to be the U.S. president--the mandate is "enslavism," and the "mandate" allows government people--who are often usually bad people, as history shows--decide what health care a person can get, and that is bad.

copyright c. 2024
Date published: December 10, 2024

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan  49721
The United States of America

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    the American public, click on: T.H.A.T. #55.
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For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Never Forget These Media Darlings ? --
    A Guide for the Individual in the United
    States of America, which can reached by
    using this link: Media.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Film and Television Production
    Tax Credits: The Bad Side of the Issue,
    which can be reached through this link:
    Tax Credits.

Keep in mind: T.H.A.T. documents and Michigan
    Travel Tips documents published since the middle
    of 2008 contain more quotations and statements
    of Barack Obama's that you should see.  To see
    the editions of Michigan Travel Tips, you should
    go to the catalog page, which can be reached by
    hitting this link: Travel.
