(Television History and Trivia)




Victor Edward Swanson,


    The material provided on this page is a service of Victor Swanson and The Hologlobe Press.  The material may be used freely by a person, if the person does not use the material for commercial purposes.  The material may be used by persons employed in the media, such as staffers of radio stations, but persons employed in the media must announce that the material has been taken from the website of The Hologlobe Press, the main Internet address to which is www.hologlobepress.com.  Of course, the material is provided for fun or to teach.

Special Important Announcement

    I now have videos on YouTube, and they are history pieces, and they can be found at the channel for "The Hologlobe Press" (the search term).  One of the videos is about my making of a model of 40 Mile Point Lighthouse, and other videos are about Ms. Anna May Wong, Ms. Sandy Benson (The Naked Lady of The Soupy Sales Show of KABC-TV), and WAYN-AM (of Wayne State University).  By the way, you can use this Videos link to read about my videos.  And I still have a document at the website for The Hologlobe Press entitled A COVID-19 Document that Shows the Rottenness of the CDC, Many in the Medical Community, Many in the Media, and All the Democrats, such as Gretchen Whitmer, Andrew Cuomo, and Joseph Biden, and the document can be reached by using this COVID-19 link.

Extra Special Important Announcement

    The main media is corrupt, and I have proof, which exists in numerous documents that I have at the website for The Hologlobe Press, and this document shows corruption, too, and now I have something that the main media probably did not report to you.  On October 3, 2024, Intelligencer (which is tied to New York Magazine) published a piece by Elie Hoag called "Jack Smith's October Cheap Shot".  Elie Hoag noted such things in the piece as--"Smith has now dropped a 165-page doorstop of a filing in federal court, on the issue of Trump's immunity from prosecution...." and "...He [Jack Smith] asked the judge [Judge Tanya Chutkan] for, and received, permission to file a brief that was 180 pages long, four times the normal maximum....", and in relation to the filing, Elie Hoag noted--"...First, this is backward.  The way motions work -- under the federal rules, and consistent with common sense -- is that the prosecutor files an indictment; the defense makes motions (to dismiss charges, to suppress evidence, or what have you); and then the prosecution responds to those motions...." and "...So Smith turned the well-established, thoroughly uncontroversial rules of criminal procedure on their head and asked Judge Chutkan for permission to file first -- even with no actual defense motion pending.  Trump's team objected, and the judge acknowledged that Smith's request to file first was 'procedurally irregular'-- moments before she ruled in Smith's favor, as she's done at virtually every consequential turn...." and "...Yet Smith now uses grand-jury testimony (which ordinarily remains secret at this stage) and drafts up a tidy 165-page document that contains all manner of damaging statements about a criminal defendant, made outside of a trial setting and without being subjected to the rules of evidence or cross-examination, and files it publicly, generating national headlines...." and "...And that brings us to our final point: Smith's conduct here violates core DOJ principle and policy.  The Justice Manual -- DOJ's internal bible, essentially -- contains a section titled 'Actions That May Have an Impact on the Election.'  Now: Does Smith's filing qualify?....".  You should see that Jack Smith with help from Judge Tanya Chutkan pushed out material that can be wrong and corrupt and distorted into the public square and into the minds of voters, and it was like what had happened a few years ago with the impeachment hearings of the U.S. Congress focusing on Donald J. Trump, during which the presentations were one-sided presentations--only presenting information that the Democrats wanted pushed forth before the public and clearly suppressing evidence that could have changed the opinions of the public.  And now the main media has not well shown the corrupt actions of the filing from Jack Smith (who really has no legal power to conduct such work) on October  2024, a filing that comes under the heading of a publicity event that was designed to make it seem that there is something corrupt and dangerous about Donald J. Trump.

- - - T.H.A.T., Edition No. 246 - - -

    Hey, is the average television viewer dumber than the average television viewer was in the 1940s and 1950s when television was starting out in the country?  Or--should I say--are most of the Americans stupid today?  I think that answer is--yes.  I give no big amount of proof here.  Hey, are you one of the dumb ones?  In the middle of September 2024, I was seeing an advertisement on television for Kamala Harris, and I wondered how many Americans found at least one statement presented to be idiocy and nonsense.  I expected many would not even pay attention to the statement.  The statement was as said by Kalama Harris in a loud and even angry tone--"...We are helping dig families out of debt by telling billionaires to pay their fair share.".  Okay, how can billioniares' paying more in taxes help people in debt get out of debt?  How is, for instance, Kalama Harris going to get people in debt out of debt?  Is Kalama Harris going to create money out of thin air and give it away to some?  How is "telling" someone to pay "their fair share" get people in debt out of debt?  Kalama Harris pushed out idiocy on television, and, in essence, it is more ugliness from the mind of a crazy person, and I do not use "crazy" lightly, as if simply throwing it out in to the atmosphere.  I state that Kamala Harris is a truly "craze" person, who often tells lies and passes along statements that make no sense, and her craziness has been shown on television, but it seems many people lack the brains to detect it.  Did television create the stupidity in America?  I say that is played a tiny part.  The biggest problem has been the rise of "feminism."  It has pushed a lot of stupid women in places of power and has helped destroy the American family in which a strong male can exist to knock down crap, which men are much morely likely to do than women are.   And the "Feminist Movement" has led to the rise in ugliness on television over the last few decades, and it is easy today to find ugliness on television, a bit of which I show in this edition of Television History and Trivia.

    Hey, let me show off a big lie, which was presented to the American people on television by Tim Walz (the communist who is working to be the next vice president of the United States of America), and the lie was presented on C-SPAN on February 14, 2007, and it may not be in your memory.  Tim Walz said--"...I spent 24 years in the National Guard--some of that full time.  I was an artillery man.  I deployed in support of 'Operation Enduring Freedom.'  My battalion provided, uhm, basic security throughout the European theater--from Turkey to England--uhm, in the early stages of the war in Afghanistan.  And that same battalion is now in Iraq at this time....".  That is crap!  Tim Walz was out of the National Guard right before the battalion was officially deployed!  And the bullshit just keeps coming.  Later--in August 2024--when people were showing that Tim Walz did not deploy in Iraq, Tim Walz pushed out the idea that the 2007 statement was defective because he does not always use grammar well.  That is bullshit on top of bullshit!  Grammar--dealing with, for example, proper period placement and proper verb tense--has nothing to do with his 2007 statement.  Tim Walz told a big lie in 2007 and then he worked to cover it with crap in 2024!  [Kinnard, Meg.  "Here's a look at questions about Tim Walz's military record."  The Associated Press, 8  August 2024, 6:24 p.n. EDT.; Walker, Jackson.  "Walz admits he misspoke on military record: 'My grammar is not always correct.'"  cbsaustin.com, 30 August 2024, 6:32 a.m..]

    For me, there is not much to see on prime-time broadcast network television, so I have the tendency to look for old movies on YouTube, such as those with these characters--Mr. Wong, Mr. Moto, Sherlock Holmes, Charlie Chan, and Bulldog Drummond   I do not recommend childern see anything on broadcast network television, where stuff for children could be found in the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, when there was a lot of syndicated stuff for children, too.  On Tuesday, February 23, 1954, WXYZ-TV, Channel 7, Detroit, began to run a weekly series for children (and adults) called Rocky Jones, Space Ranger, and it was a serial-type production, like the many theatrical movie series of the 1930s and 1940s, and this series was syndicated.  Each show was a half-hour show.  Years later, the series was put together into "derived-TV" movies, and "derived-TV" movies are movies that were put together from episodes of real television series.  I do not know if the derived-TV movies with Rocky Jones ever aired on a television station in the country.  By the way, WXYZ-TV carried Rocky Jones, Space Ranger from February 1954 to about May 1955, and then WWJ-TV, Channel, Detroit, carried the series from about June1955 to August 1955 in repeat form.  Today, the Rocky Jones, Space Ranger exists as derived-TV movies on YouTube, and, for instance, I know these exist--"Beyond the Moon" (orginally called "Behind the Curtain of Space"), "Inferno in Space", "Blast-Off", "Silver Needle in the Sky", "Menace from Outer Space", "Crash of Moons", "Manhunt in Space", and "The Gypsy Moon".  The main performers in the television series were Richard Crane (as Rocky), Sally Mansfield (as Vena), and Robert Lyen (as Bobby), and then there were semi-regular performers, such as Scotty Beckett, Patsy Parsons, Maurice Cass, Charles Meredith, and Frank Pulaski.  To me, the derived-TV movies with Rocky look no worse than the many sci-fi-themed movies for theatrical-movie houses of the 1950s do, especially since the series was originally put to film and not aired live and put to kinescope film for repeat showings.  I have been thinking about derived-TV history, and, certainly, the movies tied to Rocky Jones are some of the oldest derived-TV movies that exist, and they could be the oldest.  Between 1946 and 1954, there were few filmed television series in half-hour form made, which could later be made into derived-TV movies.  Incidentally, it would be hard to make useful derive-TV movie from a 15-minute series or a 10-minute series of the late 1940s or early 1950s.

 Announcement for the novice again (reworked in March 2019): To get useful television-delivered news or Internet-delivered news, try Breitbart News Network (the history of which goes back to 2007), WorldNetDaily.com, Newsmax TV (which was started up in 2014), CNS News (which is on the Internet and which was launched on June 16, 1998), and One America News Network (a.k.a. OAN), since the entities do not blindly support Barack Obama-type people (communists, socialists, progressives, liberals, and Shariaists), as do CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV (Note: To learn about bad journalism, you might tune in to CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV from time to time to see how they differ from the better places mentioned).  I note that the Fox News Channel is evolving into a rotten channel, becoming like those that I have put down in this paragraph.  If you are unclear of my intentions, I say in different words that you should boycott CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV and even now much of what is on the Fox News Channel and hope they lose more ratings and advertising revenues, since they are expendable, and it is time for you to find the guts to be mean and heartless and cancel them--since they are hurting you.  In 2019, "The Drudge Report" was sold, and it should be treated as suspect for now.   [Note: Everyone in the Democratic Party in the country is rotten, and the Republican Party establishment has shown itself to be socialistic and communistic within the last few years, and only a few of the rotten people tied to the Republican Party are U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, and Chris Christie.]
    [Note: Here is an example of Chris Christie's rottenness.  On Sunday, February 6, 2022, Chris Christie was a guest on This Week with George Stephanopoulos (of ABC-TV), which had Martha Raddatz as the host, and Chris Christie pushed out crap.  For example, Chris Christie said--"...And let's face it.  Let's call it what it is. January 6 was a riot that was incited by Donald Trump...an effort to intimidate Mike Pence and the Congress into doing exactly what he said in his own words last week--overturn the election.  And he's trying to do a cleanup on aisle one here...." and "...He actually told the truth by accident.  He wanted the election to be overturned....".  That is bullshit!]

    When I write documents for the Internet--specificially the website for The Hologlobe Press--I write for me first, since I want to know the truth about what is happening in the world and the country and what really happened in the country in the past, and I now have this section, which you get to see even though it was not written for you first.  In August 2024 and early 2024, people were hyping up the idea that a debate was going to take place between Kamala Harris (a Democrat and a communist) and Donald J. Trump (a Republican and an anti-communist) on September 10, 2024, and on September 10, 2024, the event was supposed to take place at 9:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), and on that day, I was away from my main home, and I was in a rural area, where I could only see broadcast-network coverage of the event, and the PBS affiliate did not come in well over the air for my television set, as it had last year, but it seems the new transmitter for the affiliate in the area is a temporary one or not as strong as the previous one had been--there had been a fire months ago at the transmitter site for the station and it had been off the air for my rural area for months.  I paid attention to the broadcasts related to the debate between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), though, during the debate proper, I only listened while doing television tracking work on a television show for CKLW-TV (a.k.a. CBET-TV) in the 1970s that was called Sports Scene (with Don Daly).
    I have to put in here who were the people who were involved at the networks for presenting the debate or, really, the wrap-around broadcast stuff for the debate, so that they can be remembered, given their work was rotten, like that which I have shown for other broadcasts related to taking down and lying about Donald J. Trump.  Basically, PBS offered up coverage under ABC News Presidential Debate Simulcast, and at least these persons were involved--Geoff Bennett, Amna Nawaz, Amy Waler, Kevin Madden, Ameshia Cross, Deena Zein, Lisa Desjardins, and Laura Barron-Lopez.  NBC-TV presented the event (in essence, the start-up one-hour program) under Debate Countdown: Harris V. Trump, and at least these persons were involved--Lester Holt, Savannah Guthrie, Tom Llamas, Hallie Jackson, Kristen Welker, and Chuck Todd.  CBS-TV had a program called America Decides (the short title) from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at least, and CBS-TV had such persons as Norah O'Donnell, Margaret Brennan, John Dickerson, Nancy Cordes, Ed O'Keefe, Ed Gordon, and Major Garrett pushing out words.  The debate proper offered up by ABC-TV, the host network and the supplier of the debate to other networks, was called 2024 Presidential Debate, and the moderators for the event were David Muir and Linsey Davis, and the wrap-around broadcast was called Race for the White House, and taking part in the program were at least Martha Radditz, Jonthan Karl, Mary Bruce, Rachel Scott, Matt Gutman, Rebecca Jarvis, Reince Preibus, Mireya Villarreal, Donna Brazile, Dan Penneil, Chris Christie, Selina Ward, Maria Elena Salinas, and Pierre Thomas.  [Note: I could not get all the persons for my list probably, given, for instance, I was jumping around from network to network while viewing.]
    The debate was shallow, since when the person only gets to talk for a two-minute segment or a one-minute segment, the person cannot really present complex thought on complex issues.  The format for the debate was more a high-school debate in which people could present a collection of words and did not have to provide back-up proof of what was being said.  That helped Kamala Harris, who offered up not much more than platitues and fluff and phrases and jargon, such as her "opportunity economy," which is a meaningless set of words.
    The first question was asked by David Muir, and Kamala Harris was the first to answer, and the question was about whether or not people are better off than they were before the Joseph Biden-Kamala Harris administration would take control of the executive branch of the government.  Kamala Harris did not answer the question, and she went on a ramble about other things.  For example, Kamala Harris offered up the idea that she was going to--if elected--give proposed small-business owners $50,000 (in tax breaks or cash or something), and, right there, I knew she was going to create more inflation, since that idea comes down to making fake money or to pulling money out of the sky.  In addition, what would be the qualifications for the money?  Could anybody get it?  Who was going to make a determination about who gets money?  Will it somewhat end up that supporters of the Democratic Party would be more likely to get money and supporters of the Republican Party would be blocked (if possible) from getting money?  The scheme comes down to the government determining who does and who does not get to run businesses.  On top of that, Kamala Harris has already pushed out the inflation expanding nonsense of giving $25,000 to people who want to buy homes, which will cause a rise in prices of homes (of the market in general), since more money to buy homes will sort of be in the marketplace (though it is fake money and money that is pulled out of the sky and is money that was not based on real assets for the country being made).  In addition, Kamala Harris pushed out the idea that Donald Trump wants to impose a 20-percent sales tax on the average person, and that is crap and a lie, but Donald Trump has hinted that maybe a 20-percent tariff should be put on the goods from China (a communistic country), which works to undercut the American worker by selling products cheaper (and cheaper-quality products) in the United States of America.
    Over the next few minutes, rebuttal to rebuttal went on, and Donald Trump had to work to show that what Kalama Harris often had said was a lie.  For example, Donald Trump had to report that he has no connection to at thing called "Project 2025," which is a set of ideas to helping the country out of the problems it has, and that set of proposals comes from the Heritage Foundation.  Donald J. Trump reported that he has no ties to the "project" and has not read the document.  And Kalama Harris reported that, in essence, Donald Trump created the worse economy in decades, and that was a lie.  Even though the American public has no clear idea about what Kamala Harris would do to help the economy, Kamala Harris pushed out the idea that a great group of economics says that her economic plan is great and Donald Trump's plan would create inflation, and she pushed out the idea that she was supported by 16 Nobel laurets, but I am well aware the "Nobel Prize" and related matters have been corrupted in recent decades and have no value.
    Mostly, Kamala Harris pushed out fluff ideas during the debate.  She noted that she wants to lift up the middle class, though she did not say how she would do it.  She pushed out the idea that Donald Trump demeans the U.S. military, but I have seen no evidence that he has, and I have seen him a military-related events.  She pushed out the idea that Donald Trump does not respect the office of the U.S. president, but Donald Trump did not violate The U.S. Constitution while he was in office, as Joseph Biden would when he took over the job as the U.S. president.  She pushed out the idea that Donald Trump works to divide the people, hinting at racist stuff and doing race baiting, but there is no evidence that Donald Trump has worked to divide the people of the country up and make one group become an enemy of another group.  She brought up the idea that Donald Trump is bad because he calls people bad names, but I say that calling bad people out for what they are has to be done, and a person--such as in a office of some type--sometimes must show up shitty people for what they are and not be nice; Donald Trump does was a man is supposed to do to beat up on crap.  She worked to sell the idea that Donald Trump disparages the American people, and that is crap.  She pushed out the idea that Donald Trump would toss out or get rid of The U.S. Constitution, and there has been no evidence that he would.  She worked to sell the idea that a police officers were killed at the "January 6" breech of the U.S. Capitol in 2021, but no officers died at the event, and Donald Trump had to spend time noting that a police officer--without real reason--shot and killed a woman at the event.  She worked to sell the idea that Donald Trump is a person who likes "Putin" and even "adores" such a strong man, working to bolster the lie that Donald Trump is in league with Putin (like he was in the "Russian collusion" thing, which is a big lie).  Hey, get this--She noted that Donald J. Trump is not concerned with your "dreams" and that she will "put you first"; it is not the job of a U.S. president to be concerned directly with you and only with "you," and it is not possible anyway for a U.S. president--who might have 350-million people as a country--to look after your "dreams" and such, and what Kalama Harris pushed out was "girly" nonsense.  She brought up the idea that Republicans--very conservative Republicans--in the U.S. Congress were willing to go along with the big immigration bill, but Donald Trump pushed out the word to kill it, but the Republicans sort of working with the Democrats on the things were not very conservative, and one happened to be Lisa Murkowski, a socialist by nature.
    By the way, during the debate, it was pushed out by Linsey Davis (the female moderator), working to make Donald Trump look like a liar, that no states have basically open abortion laws, but about eight state do have almost no-restriction laws, such as New Mexico, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington.
    After the last commercial break in the debate proper, Kamala Harris spoke first with a summary.  She talked about a "new way forward," though I have no idea what is it.  If the new way forward is not anti-communism and is not based on The U.S. Constitution, then it must be about communism, since it cannot be anything else.  She talked about not "going back," but she did not way what that past thing was, but I know the past thing is based on The U.S. Constituion, and if she was talking about going back to the time with Donald Trump as the U.S. president, I have to report that Donald Trump did not screw up the country when he was the U.S. president, such as with an open border or no border for the country.  She noted how she "cares about you" and will be a "president for all," and it was all a part of a line of flap-doodle and cliches.
    Bascially, the wrap-around programming from the networks presented fluff and shallow ideas, and there was no big note about how such-and-such policy from Kalama Harris would be crappy.  Instead of talking about ideas and substance, Jonathan Karl and the ABC-TV team made a big deal in the warm-up program and in the "post-game" (as Jonathan Karl put it) about a "handskake."  The reporters and hosts were so impressed by how Kamala Harris came to make the handshake between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris take place. Martha Radditz pushed out the ideas that Kamala Harris showed herself to be the "candidate of hope."  What the hell do I--a man and not a fluffy shit--care about a "candidate of hope"?  I want someone who can beat up on bad people, such as the Russians and communists and like people.  I want someone who can be stern and not a "happy face."  Sometimes a man has to be stern and be angry and be tough.  Jonathan Karl in the "post-game" for ABC-TV was one of the person who said that Donald Trump "looked angry," hinting that people should not like him and vote from him since he can look angry.  That was shit from Jonathan Karl!  Mary Bruce worked to sell the idea that Donald Trump was instrumental in killing "Roe v. Wade" and was instrumental in causing women to go through hell in relation to trying to get an abortion (which Democrats want to happen right beyond birth, as history shows), and I say that Donald Trump had had to look stern to put down the lies about his stance about abortion during the debate.  Rachel Scott worked to sell the idea that Donald Trump looked bad because Kamala Harris got "under his skin," but Kamala Harris got under my skin because she told lie upon lie.  And the overall theme from the ABC-TV crew was to sell the idea that Kamala Harris looked "presidential."  [Note: They did not note whether or not she has a great set of boobs or whether or not she is a "boob" in relation to ideas.]
    The debate gave me more information about that Kamala Harris is a bad person, and the debate proper ended at about 10:45 p.m. (Eastern Time), and all the networks were done with the event at about 11:00 p.m., and it was another kiddie show from the network news people, who, if Kamala Harris (a crazy woman) becomes the U.S. president, should be taken to task for allowing the country to become another hard-line communistic country in the world.

    On Monday, September 16, 2024, Hillary Clinton was a guest on MSNBC with Rachel Maddow, and Hillary Clinton showed off her high ugliness by saying things that were lies and intended to incite more violence against Donald J. Trump, who, in a way, only hours before (over the weekday, really) had been clearly the target for another hoped-to-be celebrated assassin, a person who could be credited with having killed Donald J. Trump.  For example, Hillary Clinton pushed out the idea that the press is not doing more to show up "...how dangerous Trump is....".  Hillary Clinton also pushed out--"...Eh, you know, the late great journalist, ah, Harry Evans, ah, you know, one time, ah, said that, ah, journalists, ah, should, you know, really try to achieve objectivity, and by that, he said, I mean they should cover the object.  Well, the object in this case is Donald Trump, ah, his, ah, demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world....".  Everything that I present from Hillary Clinton is shit thought, but that is to be expected from a supporter of communists and such.  It was clear to a smart and honorable person that Hillary Clinton was working to incite more violence against Donald J. Trump--based on lies.

    Recently, WHPS-TV, Channel 15.2 (broadcast), Detroit, started running The Tavis Smiley Show on weekdays from noon to 3:00 p.m..  It is not a television show; it is a radio show.  While the audio is running, WHPS-TV shows graphic material. On Sepember 16, 2024, I happened to catch a part of a program--an episode of The Tavis Smiley Show--but it was a show that had originally aired the day after the big debate event and was being presented in the 6:00 p.m. hour (and beyond, but I only stayed on the channel for the 6:00 p.m. hour to see what shit Tavis Smiley, who is known to me for pushing push out shit was presenting).  He had two guests--Condoleezza Rice (a supporter of socialism, though naming the self a Republican, which Mitt Romney has been famous for doing) and Dr. Marcus Anthony Hunter (who is at UCLA and whose background is focused on sociology and African-American studies, useless fields of knowledge).   The hour was pushed out to sell to blacks the idea that Kalama Harris is a great person, though no evidence was presented to back up that theme by Tavis Smiley, Condoleezza Rice, and Marcus Anthony Hunter.  Condoleeza Rich said--in relation to the big-deal debate--that Kamala Harris "wiped the floor with him" and that Kamala Harris was like an "Alpha Female" during the debate and that Donald Trump was a "nightmare" while he was the U.S. president.  Marcus Anthony Hunter worked to sell the idea that Kamala Harris showed herself to be "competent" and a "charamatic leader" during the debate.  By the way, during the broadcast by WHPS-TV, there were commercial breaks (of sorts), and the station played old stuff, such as old stuff with the "WHPR" identification and such as a promotional piece talking about the television station and a radio station in the Virgin Islands, a piece that had, for instance, shots of new studios and lobby-like places--it is years old stuff.  The three persons ofd the radio show tried to sell the idea that Donald J. Trump "destroyed the economy."  It was all bullthist from Condoleezza Rice, Marcus Anthony Hunter, and Tavis Smiley.  And Tavis Smiley was all upset that Kamala Harris--during the debate--did not bring up the subject of "reparations" (giving free money from whites to blacks), "poverty" (giving free money to the poor, especially blacks), and criminal justice.  Since Tavis Smiley and the others were unconcerned about truth and facts, such as about what Kamala Harris did during the debate, you have a collection of girly minds in the three.  All in all, it was ugly television that worked to teach blacks ignorance with shallowness and no facts.

    On the morning of Tuesday, September 24, 2024, I saw more ugliness on television, and it was during a segment that I just happened to catch at about 9:40 a.m. on CBS News Detroit (headed by Sandra Ali and Kris Laudien) on WWJ-TV, Channel 62.1 (broadcast).  They group was interviewing a contestant on the new season of Survivor--Jon Lovett, who is yet another gay communist (which means that he has a screwed-up mind).  He has worked for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, such as a speech writer for Barack Obama.  It was easy to tell that Jon Lovett is a rotten man, and he pushed the idea that Survivor is a "social experiment in democracy," and he pushed out the idea that it is important in this day and age when democracy is "theatened," which a good and honorable person knew was a word said to suggest Donald J. Trump was a threat to the country, so it was more ugliness and bullshit on television.  [Note: In the past, I have reported that the news operation at WWJ-TV is crap.]

    Let me back up in time a bit.  On September 11, 2024, NBC-TV put on a one-hour special at 10:00 p.m. (Detroit time).  Incidentally, the idea of the "special" for television has really gone to crap over the last few decades.  The "specials" as a rule are not designed to be "specials" with showmanship; they are designed to push political crap.  For instance, long gone are the fun broadcasts about Peter Pan, and long gone are the special with cuties, such as with Mitzi Gaynor (a cutie to me), who had such specials years ago as Mitzi...A Tribune to the American Housewife (February 4, 1974), Mitzi Gaylor and a Hundred Guys (March 24, 1975), Mitzi...Roarin' in the 20's (March 14, 1976), Mitzi...Zings into Spring (March 29, 1977), and Mitzi...What's Hot, What's Not (April 6, 1978).  The so-called special on NBC-TV on September 11, 2024, was a one-sided political piece called A Closer Look with Seth Meyers (hosted by Seth Meyers, a supporter of communists on a daily basis on television, in essence).  The program was a one-hour Trump-bashing thing, which, really, should have offered equal time (that is, Donald J. Trump should have been given time to respond to the crap, as he had done during the debate, doing it like a "man" and not a mushy piss-ass boy).  Nothing entertaining was presented by Seth Meyers, especially in the last two minutes or so when he did a history run down of Donald Trump using all the lies about Donald J. Trump that have been used for years by Democratic Party-supporting politicans and media people.  Incidentally, the program was not listed in TV Guide, and that is good, since maybe many people then did not get the idea to maybe tune into it.

    To continue on with showing crap that has been on television recently, I have this collage section, presenting a bunch of "quickies."  On September 16, 2024, WDIV-TV, Channel 4.1, showed Tough Guy: The Bob Probert Story (the story about a former NFL hockey player), and through commercials for it on the Channel 4.1 group around the time, I think people got the impression that the show was made by Channel 4.1, but it was not, and I will not report who made it.  What is important is that the showing by WDIV-TV allowed "fucking" and "fuck up" and "fucked up" (twice) to be presented in audio form and text form to viewers.  Years ago, television stations would not put such words before the public.  WDIV-TV did something very crappy!  On September 25, 2024, in the morning, I happened to catch a portion of The Nine (on WJBK-TV, Channel 2.1), and the crew for the day (Maurcielle Lue, Deena Centofanti, and Ryan Ermanni) bought up the idea that some entity in England has determined that the reason some people are picky eaters is genetics.  I say that that is bullshit!  The entity is passing along crap!  Your DNA is not going to carry information about whether or not you will be a picky eater, since so much more important information has to come first, and a person's being a picky eater is learned while living.  In early October 2024 at least, I saw a commercial--several times--in which some Democratic Party-related women were putting down a Republican candidate related to some political office  in Michigan by putting out the idea that he would be radical on abortion--they were for abortion, period--and in the commerical, the women--three gals--were fat gals, and they were saying that they should be able to do what they want with their bodies (leaving out the idea that babies are other bodies), and to me, it was all crap [Note: I found them to be ugly fat gals, and I wondered who the heck in the form of a guy would want to have sexual relations with the fat ugly gals.].  In the previous edition of T.H.A.T., I showed the rottenness of Off the Record (a weekly political-talk show tied to WKAR-TV, Michigan, and other stations in Michigan that carry the program) and Tim Skubick (the host of the program), and now I have more that shows the bias of Tim Skubick (who supports communism and socialism and communists and socialists); on Friday, October 4, 2024, Tim Skubick had Michigan Senator Mallory McMorrow (of Royal Oak) as a guest on Off the Record, and Mallory McMorrow--while talking fast to make is seem she was smart--pushed out all the Democratic Party bullshit of the day, and Tim Skubick actually pushed out the idea that he was hoping she would run to be the governor of Michigan (which he should not have done, if wishing to not seem biased), and, generally speaking, the interview segment worked to put down Donald J. Trump, such as to push out the lie that the time of Donald J. Trump as the U.S. president--the"impact" of Donald J. Trump--was bad, bad, bad, and Mallory McMorrow worked to sell the ideas that Kamala Harris was "phenomenal" and was full of "energy" and the Republican Party has changed for voters, hinting the Republican Party has become corrupt and dangerous and the like with Donald J. Trump, though the Democratic Party is the communistic and socialist party.  In early October 2024, I saw commercials for U.S. Representative Elissa Slotkin (of Michigan), who is a Democrat, and she passed along the idea that she would--when necessary and if elected to the U.S. Senate--go against not only Republicans in the U.S. Senate but also Democrats in the U.S. Senate, but she thinks it is okay to be a member of the Democratic Party, which is a communistic political party, so her statement was nonsense.  On October 5, 2024, the second new episode for the new season for Saturday Night Live was broadcast by NBC-TV, and the second-to-the-last bit was a piece entitled "Sushi Glory Hole," and I say that the theme of using "glory hole" made the bit highly ugly and not funny.  In October 2024, I saw a political commercial on television with a black guy called "Buddy," a supporter of the Democrat Party, and Buddy pushed out the idea the Donald J. Trump would give only the rich more tax cuts, and Buddy pushed out the nonsense that he is not rich and would not get any tax cuts (though Donald J. Trump had pushed through tax cuts for, in essence, everyone when Donald J. Trump was the president).  And on October 1, 2024, CBS-TV was the origination entity for the Vice Presidential Debate between J.D. Vance and Tim Walz, and several times the moderators (two communistic gals--Norah O'Donnell and Margaret Brennan) did commentary that was designed to put Donald J. Trump down, and, for instance, one time, it was pointed out the warming is taking place at an "unprecedented rate," and the CBS-TV production pushed out the idea that the cost of housing is causing inflation, which is at the very least a misleading statement.  Broadcast networks showed bias against the country (as founded under The U.S. Constitution) by having a 60 Minutes special on the air (on CBS-TV) on Monday, October 7, 2024, and the program was heavily focused on Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, and Jimmy Kimmel Live of ABC-TV had Tim Walz as a guest on Monday, October 7, 2024, and on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, Kamala Harris appeared on The View (that show with a group of rotten women) and pushed forth the idea that Donald J. Trump would "terminate The Constitution, and Stephen Colbert used his late-night weekday program of CBS-TV to have Kamala Harris as a guest on Tuesday, October 8, 2024.  And on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, the first episode of Accused showed up on Fox TV at 9:00 p.m. (and not at 8:00 p.m. as listed in TV Guide), and the start of the show showed that it was yet another depressing show on prime-time television, and then in the first commercial break showed  up, and there was a commercial for a anti-depressent drug--just what was needed in an odd way.

    Announcement: Recently, I have added some new documents to the collection of my documents at the website for The Hologlobe Press.  One of the documents is entitled A Document that Dispels Myths and Nonsense of Science-Fiction Books, Movies, and Television Shows (A Logic Puzzle), which can be reached through this Myths link.  Another document is And So You Think You're Going to the Moon, Mars, or the Stars..., which can be reached by using this Moon link.  And yet another of the documents is entitled And the Stupid Women Shall Lead--and Lead Every Good Individual into Shit, Driven on by Communism, Feminism, and Defective Female Beliefs and Little-Girl Thinking, which can be reached through this Stupid Women link.  And here are other documents--A Review of What Television Controlled by Socialists and Communists Worked to Sell as Truth in Relation to the U.S. President Donald J. Trump Impeachment (at Impeachment) and T.H.A.T. Special Edition--The First Helicopter-based Traffic Reporters on Radio for the Detroit area of Michigan (at Helicopter Traffic).

    I have reported that I write for me first--and then I write for others--so that I am well aware of what the world really is, and when I come across so-called "historians" who pass along crap, I get angry and I fight back and I do not "love the enemy."  On Friday, September 27, 2024, Fox TV aired a college football game in prime time, and during the game, I was exposed to a crap commercial, and it had a "Jesus" theme, and, by the way, it was from an entity (which will go unnamed here) that has had such other related commercials on television over at least the last year.  The commercial, in essence, worked to sell the line that a person should "love your enemies."  That is bullshit!  You do not "love" the enemy.  To love the enemy is a girlie thing and stupid thing, and it is even dangerous to a good person's well being.  Maybe the makers of the commercial are communists or socialists who are hoping to teach people not to fight back against bad people, such as communists and socialists, and I note the the current "pope" is a communist.  The commercial worked to teach crap!  On the same day, I happened to go to YouTube to, for one, check on the status of my channel on YouTube--"The Hologlobe Press".  On the first main page, I discovered YouTube had a video from MSNBC called "Ken Burns on the 'incredibly dangerous' party that the GOP has 'morphed' into" (which had been posted five days previously).  I was already aware Ken Burns was a big supporter of the Democracy Party and an enemy of the Republican Party.  In the video, a bald guy named Ari Velshi interviews Ken Burns about a new documentary made by Ken Burns.  Before talk related to the documentary was present in earnest, Ken Burns passed along a lot of crap history, and it shows that documentaries from Ken Burns cannot be trusted--since Ken Burns is corrupt and a liar.  By the way, Ari Velshi passed along crap, such as by noting that Liz Cheney is a "very conservative Republican."  Liz Cheney is a supporter of socialism and communism, as was shown in how rotten she was during government hearings related to Donald J. Trump, such as the events that I have talked about in documents that I have on the Internet at the website for The Hologlobe Press.  Liz Cheney is like her father--Dick Cheney (a former vice president of the country), who showed his support for communism and socialism through what did in government and out of government, like that done by Mitt Romney (a man who has called himself a "Republican" but is a supporter of communism and socialism).  Mostly, it was Ken Burns who passed along crap history.  Ken Burns reported that the Republican Party has been corrupted by "darkness" and is anti-immigration and is racist, and he noted that Abraham Lincoln is probably turning over in his grave in relation to what the Republican Party has become recently.  Hold it!  The members of the Democratic Party, such as Vice President Kamala Harris, have allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter the country, and Republicans have shown that action to be rotten--and I say that it is--and because Republicans are against the ways of allowing people into the country illegally (against immigration laws that exist), it does not mean Republicans are "anti-immigrant" or anti-immigration."  Ken Burns worked to sell crap.  There is no evidence that, for example, Donald J. Trump is racist, and Donald J. Trump was really the main focus of Ken Burns' attack through television.  Ken Burns worked to sell the idea that, in the early 1900s, the Republican Party was more "progressive" than the Democratic Party was.  Hold it!  It was U.S. President Woodrow Wilson who defined himself as a "progressive" and who, in essence, helped greatly to get the term "progressive" used as a term to be used instead of "communism" and "socialism" by people who were communists and socialists.  Ken Burns worked to sell the idea that Dick Cheney is "not a Rhino," and a "Rhino" is a Republican who is really a socialist or communist, and Ken Burns pushed out the idea that Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney think that "Grave danger is another term of Donald J. Trump."  By the way, Liz Cheney was kicked out of the "Republican Caucus" of the U.S. House of Representatives--by Republicans"--a little before she would be voted out of her position in the U.S. House of Representatives.  I report that Ken Burns passed along even more crap in the interview, but that crap will go unreported, since what I have presented shows that Ken Burns cannot be trusted to pass along truth in documentaries and that Ken Burns passes along shit.  Ken Burns--who was praised by Ari Velshi for getting recently the "Liberty Award" (though Ken Burns supports the ways of communism and socialism, which are not about "liberty" for the individual) is shit!

    It was on November 2, 1948, when the first election coverage by television came to the Detroit area, and it came as a national election through WWJ-TV (Channel 4), WJBK-TV (Channel 2), and WXYZ-TV (Channel 7); commercial television had come to Detroit in June 1947 through Channel 4 only.  There was network-passed-along information, and there was local information.  But there was no really high-class live video from the networks, since Detroit was, in essence, isolated; live network programming was yet not available to Detroit from New York City (New York) and Washington (D.C.).  Network information was wire-service information, and it was film that was shot one day, flown to Detroit, and aired the next day.  It seems very likely that Detroit television stations did get telephone information from network headquarters, such as from New York City, but I have no proof of that yet.  Incidentally, Channel 4 was associated with NBC News; Channel 2 with CBS News; and Channel 7 with ABC News.  It will be on November 5, 2024, when yet another national election coverage will come--with all types of technology, from computers systems and streaming to satellites and such.  And next month, we shall know how many Americans are rotten by the way in which they voted in the national election!

    On Monday, September 23, 2024, I worked a bit on a neighbor's basement windows, putting caulking on the outsides, and I was really finishing up a job that had been started two days previously, and I also took part one of the Sony SLV-585HF video tape machines that I had recently gotten, and I found that it had one broken plastic gear, and late in the day, I finally got exposed to a series called Through Our Eyes by seeing one episode of the series.  It was in the first half of the seven o'clock hour in the evening (Detroit time), and the episode was called "Leading."  The series goes back to 2021, and it was and is a PBS-related series, which had these other episodes--"Reclaim," "Apart," "Homefront", "Uprooted," and "Shelter."  Actually, I got exposed to "Leading" through a presentation on The World Channel.  The production was tied to "Sesame Workshop," which is the company involved with making Sesame Street.  In essence, the episode of Through Our Eyes was a communistic and socialistic propaganda piece in which, for instance, children were used to tell the goodness of "Black Lives Matter" and old "Black Panthers" and were used to push out the idea that whites are guilty of "White Supremacy"--to other children.  It was indoctrination!  The program even worked to sell the idea that "Asian hate" was a big thing in the country and police brutality was a big problem.  The program had black children and Asian children and Hispanic children as the focus, and during the program, the children were made to do chanting, saying, for example, in repetitive form--"...black lives matter, black lives matter, black lives matter....".  The program noted that a group of women started the "Black Lives Matter" thing, but the program did not note that the women were hard-line socialists (at least).  [Note: After the program was made, news stories would show that the founders were corrupt, especially in the handling of money given to the group.]  Based on the program called "Leading" of Through Our Eyes, which was teaching activism for children (who are basically stupid because of their little experience with the world and life), I can say that the Through Our Eyes was and is ugly and was and is ugly television.

    I now get back to the SLV-585HF that I mentioned in the previous paragraph, which is related to several other subjects.  I had a Sony SLV-585HF video tape machine go goofy recently, and that led to my buying on eBay four like machines, and the four had been said to be working, especially one, which had been called "reconditioned."  The reconditioned machine worked when I tried it.  The other three were not working well, especially once that had a damaged case, which had been damaged in the mails, as had the box that the machine had been sent in.  I found that the other machines had at least a defective or broken "blue gear" related to setting the tape on the head drum, and, basically, I had four machines with at least that problem.  I came up with an idea of how to fix the broken gear, which is made of plastic, so that the gear would last for many, many more years of use.  The type of gear is not only used in the SLV-585HF machine but also in other Sony video tape machines.  Since I came up with a way to fix the gear really well, I made a video of the repairing process, and that video is now on the channel on YouTube for "The Hologlobe Press".  I put the video on the Internet on September 30, 2024, and I also on that day put another video on the Internet.  That other video came about through my doing research on an experimental television station in Detroit--KQ2XBB--and that research led to my finding that the movie called The Shanghai Cobra (a Charlie Chan movie of 1945) sort of has a link to a jukebox music service of Detroit in the 1940s--"Music by Choice" (from Modern Music Company)--the Radio Electronic Television School of Detroit (or R.E.T.S.), and more. And this whole paragraph is linked to the Looking at the Movies feature for this edition of Television History and Trivia.  On September 16, 1950, WWJ-TV, Channel 4, aired The Shanghai Cobra, which is a fun movie for everyone in the family to see.  And before you see my video about the "Linked" theme, you should see The Shanghai Cobra first, since then you will have an understanding of a music service, which was informally considered a type of "wired music service."  And I note again that you can use this Videos link to read about my videos.

    Remember: The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan was a television show that was produced across the pond and shown on CBS-TV in the late 1960s, and I urge you to find The Prisoner on DVD, maybe from a library, and watch it, and you should show it--all the episodes--to teenagers, or buy it as a present for teenagers.

Stay well!


    P.S.: You are urged to see my document entitled One of "The Rules of Man"--A Rule About Health Care that No Politician May Supersede with Law, which can be reached through this Rule1 link.  I have deduced that all the Democrats and most Republicans support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and have no intention of killing it, though it should be killed for violating, for one, "The Rules of Man."  For example, Republicans Jeb Bush and Chris Christie support the rotten law, and that is one reason that I define them as stupid men and not men who are good enough--in this day and age--to be the U.S. President.  I note that the "mandate"--which forces everyone to buy government-approved health-care insurance--violates one of "The Rules of Man," and it is a rule that is attacked in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.  Anyone who supports the "mandate" is not a good enough person or a smart enough person to be the U.S. president--the mandate is "enslavism," and the "mandate" allows government people--who are often usually bad people, as history shows--decide what health care a person can get, and that is bad.

copyright c. 2024
Date published: October 10, 2024

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan  49721
The United States of America

To see the previous edition of T.H.A.T.,
     click on: T.H.A.T. #245.
To see the catalog page for T.H.A.T. editions,
    click on: T.H.A.T..
To see information about the news business in
    the country and its failures and its betrayal of
    the American public, click on: T.H.A.T. #55.
To go to the main page of The Hologlobe Press,
    click on: www.hologlobepress.com.
To see information about the impeachment trial
    of U.S. President Donald J. Trump, which shows
    why Democrats have the minds of killers, click
    on: Impeachment Trial.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Never Forget These Media Darlings ? --
    A Guide for the Individual in the United
    States of America, which can reached by
    using this link: Media.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Film and Television Production
    Tax Credits: The Bad Side of the Issue,
    which can be reached through this link:
    Tax Credits.

Keep in mind: T.H.A.T. documents and Michigan
    Travel Tips documents published since the middle
    of 2008 contain more quotations and statements
    of Barack Obama's that you should see.  To see
    the editions of Michigan Travel Tips, you should
    go to the catalog page, which can be reached by
    hitting this link: Travel.
