(Television History and Trivia)




Victor Edward Swanson,


    The material provided on this page is a service of Victor Swanson and The Hologlobe Press.  The material may be used freely by a person, if the person does not use the material for commercial purposes.  The material may be used by persons employed in the media, such as staffers of radio stations, but persons employed in the media must announce that the material has been taken from the Web site of The Hologlobe Press, the main Internet address to which is www.hologlobepress.com.  Of course, the material is provided for fun or to teach.


I state that Barack Obama is a shit-head man,
a gutter man, and a rotten man, and I can see why
he might be compared to a wild animal in a jungle forest,
given he pushes for the old-world tribal way of life and
a primitive society.  I woke up on Thursday, March 12,
2015, and I soon discovered two police officers had
been shot a few hours previously in Ferguson, Missouri,
a place where Barack Obama had pushed for protests
and violence by thugs and crappy people, who tried to push
the idea that a young man--named Michael Brown--was
assassinated by a police officer, though the fact is that the
young man--a rotten young man--had attacked the
police officer who had had to defend himself, and that is a fact
 (which even had to be admitted by the Barack Obama
administration recently).  But then the Barack Obama
administration found some old emails of some officers
in the Ferguson Police Office, several of which
attacked Barack Obama and Michelle Obama in
supposedly a racial way, and that led to a city
employee being fired, and the police chief resigned
around the time.  I state that, despite the nature of
some emails, Barack Obama pushed for violence and
killing.  He got what he wanted.  Barack Obama is a killer!
A chimpanzee is better than Barack Obama is!
Chimpanzees do not rally gutter blacks to kill--for
the sake of killing.


This announcement is a promotional announcement
for the next edition of Television History and Trivia.
Normally, I do not promote your seeing the next
edition, but I have to, even at the start of this
edition.  In the past, I have shown up the rotten
television-history reporting by Tim Kiska (in a
book and a television show), Ed Golick, and
Michael Collins and shown up the rottenness
of Eileen Trombley Glick (who published
newsletters called Detroit Memories in the
past).  The next edition of T.H.AT., I will
show up more bad reporting by Ed Golick through
the August 2009 edition of Detroit
Memories, and the topic will focus on the
early history of Edythe Fern Melrose, who was
a famous television personality in the Detroit area
from the late 1940s to the early 1960s.
For now, you should see T.H.A.T. #36,
T.H.A.T. #71, T.H.A.T. #72, T.H.A.T. #84,
T.H.A.T. #85, T.H.A.T. #116, T.H.A.T. #117,
T.H.A.T. #120.  (Oh, also tied to crap reporting
are Rich Homberg and Fred Nahhat of WTVS-TV
or Detroit Public Television.)

Announcement (Highly Special)

On Saturday, April 4, 2015, a police officer in
North Charleston, South Carolina, known as Michael
T. Slager shot a man named Walter L. Scott several
times in the back, and video of the incident hints that
the officer went beyond recommended police
procedures.  In fact, it looks as if Michael
T. Slager (a white man) was unjustified in shooting Walter
L. Scott (a black man).  The incident has me troubled.  I
believe Michael T. Slager is a rotten man.  I am worried
Michael T. Slager shot Walter L. Scott because
Michael T. Slager was troubled by recent
incidents in which white police officers
were being attacked for taking proper actions
in struggles in which black man were killed,
and I am worried that Barack Obama helped create
a climate that caused an unstable police officer
to go over the edge.  Then again, I have a bigger
worry, given the shooting by Michael T. Slager
looked almost like an assassination.  Think about
this--Barack Obama, who is a rotten man, has
supporters, and what if Michael T. Slager
is a supporter of Barack Obama's efforts
to nationalize all the police agencies in the country
and have them put under direct control of the
federal government--Barack Obama's bad people.
In such a case, Walter L. Scott was expendable
in the effort by bad people like Barack Obama
to make the country a communistic-type
country with a federally controlled police
force--a security force beholden to Barack
Obama specifically.  We live in an age where
cameras are everywhere.  For Michael T. Slager
to shoot a number of times makes me think
Michael T. Slager wanted to put a big stain
on the local-police system of the country and give
the black race baiters and communists more ammunition
to use in their push to get Barack Obama to be the
sole authority of the police industry in the
country.  Barack Obama said about six years ago that
he wanted to create a civilian-type military that would
be as well funded and supplied as the real military.
That would be something bad!  Whatever is
the true case--Michael T. Slager is
a screw-up.

- - - T.H.A.T., Edition No. 132 - - -

    Gosh!  I need an official opening to this edition of Television History and Trivia.  Ah! ha!  Try this.  I have come up with an episode for some type of anthology series; anthology television series, which had different stories from week to week and different performers were commonplace in the 1950s, an example of which is Science Fiction Theatre (which ran for two years in syndication and which happened to get carried by WXYZ-TV, Detroit, for people in the Detroit area).  The title of my program is Obama and the Dead Man.  Quite a shocking title it has.  Do you not agree?  I can see it has a half-hour program with three main parts.  The story is about a man who ends up killing another man--a federal government man.  It is a modern-day story.  The man who killed the government man may be called "Roger" for the moment.  The story is almost completely set in a court room, and the two main parts are--(1) a part--really a compound part--that gives some introduction to the case, such as the act of killing and the opening remarks of the prosecuting attorney and (2) and opening remarks from the defendant (actually given by the defendant and not the attorney for the defendant).  The second part is the most important because it explains why the defendant--Roger--should be found innocent of the charge of murder, and the reason is "self-defense."  Roger explains how a federal-government law--which is tied to Barack Obama--allowed Roger to defend himself.  The federal law had Roger no longer able to make decisions about his own health care and forced him to buy a government health-care plan (now that the federal government completely controlled the health-care system now) and to pay fines for not following the government rule.  Roger felt he was already a "dead man" or the "dead man," because he was unable to care for himself and forced to, in essence, pay for the health care of others, such as those whose history included not taking care of their own health care, such as by always budgeting for it and those who were new to the country illegally and were being given free health care.  One day, as Roger explains before the jury, a federal government official or officials showed up at this door and were coercing him in to paying up--his having not paid his tax (penalty) for not following the law.  Although Roger explained to the government official or officials--from the Internal Revenue Service--that he was not going to pay and he would defend himself in a self-defense act if he were physically touched in any way, the official or officials tried to take him into custody, and by chance through trying to break free, Roger swung an arm and hit the official or one of the officials at the temple and the official later died.  It was only a little fine really, in the scope of things, yet the official or officials pressed the issue, being enslavists and thugs.  Roger's point to the jury is--the government did not create him, and the government--another person--has no right to tell him what health-care he must and must not have, and the government cannot block him from getting the best care for the self that he wishes, and for the government to do such things and more, Roger had the right to defend himself in self-defense against the government [Note: That is a way of life].  The story has more in relation to Roger's reasoning, but I leave it there, and, actually, the story ends with the court case beginning, and that leaves the viewer having to make a decision for the self about whether or not Roger should be convicted and about what the U.S.A. has become.  And that is Obama and the Dead Man.  Maybe, I can get some production-tax credits from the State of Michigan to get the production made.  (Oh, I have chosen the title for a lot of reasons.  Just think--some people could be watching my website, and I have tied the word "Obama" to two words "dead man".  Maybe some computer system in Europe will be triggered, and I will get them pissed off.)

    And that is it for the introduction.

    I have to go now into a commentary piece (backed up with facts and logic).  It has be commonplace for me to use editions of Television History and Trivia to expose the rotten people on television, and one reason is rotten people have become commonplace on television since the 1960s, given many communists and socialists have been allowed to get on television, examples of whom are Whoopi Goldberg, Heidi Klum (the model), and Eva Longoria.  Yes, rotten men are commonplace on television, and one is regularly seen on television in Detroit--Mitch Albom.  For example, he does Heart of Detroit pieces of commentary for WDIV-TV, Channel 4.1, as he has for several years, and they are see on Sunday mornings.  In the previous edition of Television History and Trivia, I showed only one reason why movie-tax-credits or television-tax credits for movie or television producers is a rotten idea--The television shows are bloated with people who make money for doing nothing, or, that is, the above-the-line costs are bloated, bloated, bloated.  For some time, I have had a document on the Internet known as Film and Television Production Tax Credits: The Bad Side of the Issue, and the document shows up more why the credits are a rotten idea [the document can be reached by using this TV Tax link].  Oh, hold it!  Tax credits are what a state may give producers to make television or movie products in the state!  So far--since 2008--in Michigan, the tax credits have cost Michigan about $500-million.  By the way, around this time, people in Michigan are complaining roads are not be cared for properly in Michigan.  Just think what $500-million could do to fix roads.  What really gets me is states are using taxpayer money to cover the "risk" of making things by producers of movies and films.  Hey, Mitch Albom, why not cover the risk of machine shops, tire-repair shops, auto stores, auto paint stores, et cetera?  I say in jest--Yes, let us give money to every business!  I state that, really, television and movie producers produce nothing useful for life, such as nuts and bolts and dresses and hair combs, but they can produce propaganda and get tax credits.  In addition, there are, for example, hundreds of television networks, and more are coming all the time, and the bloat gets bigger and bigger and bigger--almost without any restraint--and states try to top each other to bring in productions into their borders--In essence, it is like, today, California raises the credits to beat New York, and, tomorrow, New York raises the credits, and the next day, Michigan raises the credits, et cetera.  Now I get back to Mitch Albom specifically.  Mitch Albom is a writer for the Detroit Free Press (which is a communistic/socialistic newspaper), and Mitch Albom has a radio show on WJR-AM (Detroit) on weekday afternoons, and Mitch Albom writes books (often dealing with death or the mystical sort of), which often become movies, such as made-for-TV movies.  On Sunday, March 15, 2015, the Detroit Free Press published one of Mitch Albom's articles, which was entitled "No cause to crow for killing film credits" [Albom, Mitch.  "No cause to crow for killing film credits." Detroit Free Press, 15 March 2015, p. 13A.].  By the way, Mitch Albom is a supporter of the Democratic Party (which is a socialististic/communistic political party), and Mitch Albom supports Barack Obama, a truly rotten man.  The article focused on the work by the House of Representatives in Michigan and the killing on tax incentives for the movie and film industry.  Mitch Albom was involved in pushing for the creation of the tax-credits program in Michigan.  In Mitch Albom's article, Mitch Albom argues that state tax-credits have brought in money to create jobs and help businesses.  At this time, only a little over 1,000 permanent jobs tied to the movie-film industry have been created in the state with the tax-credit system.  Near the end of Mitch Albom's article, it is noted--"...The state Senate still could salvage it.  But without restructuring or more funding, it will never do what was intended.  It went from an innovation to a typical liberal vs. conservative grenade.  You can hear it in the angry comments every story engenders...."  Notice that Mitch Albom brings up politics, but more importantly, you should see that Mitch Albom brings up that old "liberal"--really communistic theme--spend more money, give that thing more funding.  When is the funding enough, Mitch Albom?  The production industry is already bloated, and taxpayers have no real say-so in limiting the "above-the-line" costs in the industry--it is an unrestrained monster.  Mitch Albom's logic is rotten, but Mitch Albom has shown himself over the years to be a rotten man.  By the way, Michigan will never be a hob-nobbing place for the Hollywood crowd--the place has too much cold weather, and, in truth, Detroit is not an attractive city and it is a dead city (despite what people say about the downtown area today and what is going on there).  I note--the production-tax credit system is not yet dead officially in Michigan, and it may not die, given Rick Snyder (the governor of Michigan) is a socialist, evidence of which shows in what he has helped make law in the state (such as things related to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010), but Mitch Albom has shown his willing to kill the taxpayers of Michigan by giving away their money.

    Hey, I have another idea for a movie, which maybe I could get production-tax credits for from the State of Michigan.  The movie is about the plot by a U.S. president--let me use Barack Obama--and his associates to use taxpayer money to greatly affect the election of a good leader of a country that has been an ally to the United States of America, and the current leader of the foreign country, who is running against an "enslavist," is not a communist and does not have good terms with the U.S. president, who is like a communist and who has worked in countries nearby the so-called ally--I like "Israel"--to install rotten people, such as Islamic terrorists tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, in to political offices, such as in Egypt.  The story can focus on a so-called non-profit group--entitled "OneVoice Movement"--based in the United States of America and its ties to the U.S. Department of State, from which grants, something like at least $350,000 to help get out the vote, originated.  And, by the way, of course, the story will show the historical proof of U.S. president's siding with rotten political leaders and corrupt governments--communists and such--in other parts of the world, such as Cuba, Mexico, and Venezuela.  The story will show how, like what happens in the United States of America, corrupt people are working to bus people to the polls for the election in the so-called ally nation.  I wonder if I should show the relationship of movie and television stars and rock stars to the group called "OneVoice Movement," such as Paul McCartney, Rhea Perlman, Danny DeVito, and Brad Pitt, all supporters of socialism and communism [Note: Although the performers are rotten people by showing their support for corrupt politicians and even mentally ill politicians, Americans buy their products].  Yes, I could show scenes in the movie of the performers attending events with the U.S. president.  I see my product as a "docudrama" made-for-TV movie based on facts for use on HBO or NBC or Lifetime or OWN.
    [Note: On March 17, 2015, there was an election in Israel, and around that time, a U.S. Senate committee was conducting an investigation into allegations that the Barack Obama administration was involved in using U.S. taxpayer money to support the "left-wing" candidate.  [Edwards, Steve.  "Obama-linked nonproft filed for new IRS status after accusation of meddling in Israeli election."  FoxNews.com, 17 March 2015.; Edwards, Steve.  "Source: Senate panel probing possible Obama administration ties to anti-Netanyahu effort."  FoxNews.com, 15 March 2015.; Harkov, Lahav.  "Netanyahu Warns: The Left is busing Arabs to vote, the Right is in danger."  The Jerusalem Post, 17 March 2015, 13:43.; Key, Pam.  "GOP Rep: Obama Trying To Overthrow Netanyahu."  Breitbart.com, 12 March 2015.; Klein, Aaron.  "Senate Targets Obama Meddling in Israel Election."  WND, 14 March 2015.]]

    In 1973, I--I believe--inspired a story to be written and published in Variety (a trade newspaper) entitled "Where the money goes for 100G half hour" for September 12, 1973; I wrote Variety asking for information about the costs of making a show, and I received no direct answer, but a few weeks later, Variety had a story for me and other readers to see.  At that time, an executive producer might get around $8,000 for a half-hour show.  I will say then that, I have an $8,000 figure at the moment.  That is tied to my half-hour production entitled Obama and the Dead Man.  Now my docudrama made-for-TV is a two-hour product.  That means I have, in essence, four $8,000 to take into account--$32,000.  $32,000 plus $8,000 is $40,000.  I am the writer of both stories.  I can say that a half-hour story produced for a writer about $7,500 in 1973--so I have $7,500 times five, and that gives me $37,500.  When I add $40,000 to $37,500, I get $77,500.  Since 1973, there has been inflation.  In 2015 dollars, $77,500 (in 1973 dollars) is--I use a U.S. Department of Labor calculator--$407,934.52.  Wowwie!  And that is the world of money in the movie and television industry today.  And I could get tax credits, too, to make the program!  And I have not even gotten into the cost for supervising producers, producers, associate producers, co-producers, consulting producers, directors, performers, et cetera.
    [Note: Go see the previous edition of T.H.A.T. to see how many executive producers are working on The Odd Couple series for this season.  There are, in essence, nine.  So $8,000 (in 1973) times nine is $78,000 (in 1973).  In 2015 dollars, $78,000 is $410,566.35.]

    Okay, my amounts in the previous two paragraphs are very rough estimates, and I would not be surprise that executive producers get a lot more today, but the information has value, and you should see why movies for movie houses can cost hundreds of millions of dollars today.

    For nearly forty years, I was a subscriber of Variety; I dropped the publication when I felt it was pretty useless as a magazine providing history information about television [by the way, I was a subscriber to Broadcasting magazine for some thirty years or go till I felt it was a waste of time, used more to promote executives and such than to provide information about television].  Basically, I have read thousands of television reviews in Variety between 1946 and about 2005, so I have some experience seeing what makes good and bad shows and what to talk about in reviewing televisions.  Basically, today, there are no more television reviewers--for example, newspaper articles are nothing more than promotional pieces today.  In additions of Television History of Trivia, I do television reviews, and I have some, though short, in this edition.
    On Thursday, March 5, 2015, ABC-TV began to run the series called American Crime on a weekly basis.  I saw the opening of the first episode, and right then, I knew the series, which features Felicity Huffman and Timothy Hutton, was another bad series on television.  It was an ugly and violent and unpleasant show!  It is more unlikable television, and prime-time television on the broadcast networks does not need any more of this crap.  Viewers should avoid the series.
    On Tuesday, March 17, 2015, NBC-TV began to run the second season of Undateable.  The series features Chris D'Alia, Brent Morin, Bianca Kajlich, and others.  The purpose of the series, which was created by Adam Szytykiel, seems to me to be about pushing the gay-and-lesbian agenda, and because the purpose is to push politics and not entertainment, the entertainment value is bad, but the series is not as bad as One Big Happy is.
    On Tuesday, March 17, 2015, NBC-TV--remember, NBC-TV is the socialistic/communistic network--began to run One Big Happy, a weekly television series, a so-called sitcom.  I did not see the first episode, being on a long-distance driving trip.  On March 24, 2015, I tuned into see the series.  The program had three packagers involved--Warner Bros. Television, Visualized Inc., and A Very Good Production (which is Ellen Degeneres' company).  The episode was not a "very good production," and, in fact, the episode was bad.  One Big Happy was created by Liz Feldman, and the series has Ellen Degeneres (a well-known lesbian and entertainer) as one of the executive producers.  The program is another political piece, and it is so much so a political piece--pushing the lesbian agenda--that it fails as a comedy.  Let me start with the last line delivered in the episode--"Uck!  Straight people." (which was said by a character called Lizzie (played by the lead actress in the series whose name is Elisha Cuthbert), while the character was sort of spying on characters (played by Nick Zano and Kelly Brook) who were in bed, and Lizzie was sort of putting forth disgust).  That was and is crap!  The episode was filled with pushing lesbian agenda and with lesbian jokes, and it began that format right at the start.  The episode came off a flat and stilted and staged, and I could see the actors working--they had to work to sell their lines and actions (in some cases, they had to over do it and they looked stiff).  The episode was not smooth or natural, flowing along under the guidance of the good written dialogue and actions.  It was not fun.  In addition, Elisha Cuthbert's bad acting did not help.  Oh, this episode had a black guy-white gal couple.  So the producers also covered that black-white-couple thing, too, and to me, it looked as if it was a black guy and white jewish gal (based on the looks of the characters or performers).  I say that the episode was done strictly for political reasons.  Yes, One Big Happy was not and is a pleasant comedy, and I suggest you avoid it, unless you just want to be happy that someone is pushing the gay agenda on television.

    Let me now cover something that your favorite television newscast probably did not cover.  Did you ever hear of a man named "James Baker III," who, for example, worked in the U.S. President Ronald Reagan administration in the 1980s (such as as the Chief of Staff) or ever hear of an entity called "J Street," which is activist group?  J Street is an entity that has shown that is anti-Israel, and it is an entity funded in part by George Soros (who is a big supporter of communism and socialism and Barack Obama), and J Street is an entity that wants Israel was shrink down to the 1967 boundaries, giving up land to Muslims or people who support Sharia (Islamic law).  James Baker is a man who has shown himself to not be a supporter of Israel since the 1980s.  On Monday, March 23, 2015, James Baker III gave a speech at a J Street event, and during the event, James Baker III, in essence, put down Israel and even Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who had recently won an election in Israel through a big margin.  Despite what James Baker III has shown himself to be, Jeb Bush (who seems to be a man who wants to be a U.S. president) seeks advice from James Baker III or has James Baker III as an unpaid adviser.  Now that you have some background.  Did you happen to see the PBS special called James Baker: The Man Who Made Washington Work, which was available to PBS stations for the first time on March 24, 2015.  Did the show indicate that James Baker III is anti-Israel, which means he is pro-Islamic people?  I purposely missed the show, knowing what Jim Baker III really is.  It looks as if James Baker: The Man Who Make Washington Work was used by PBS to sell as good a man that is not good, being anti-Israel and pro-Muslim radicals.  ["Jim Baker's Tart Message for Bibi at J. Street."  The Daily Beast, 24 March 2015.;  "J Street." discoverthenetworks.org, 24 March 2015, 5:59:37 p.m.; Goodman, Alana.  "Jeb Under Fire for Adviser's Keynote to Anti-Israel Group." Freebeacom.com, 23 March 2015.; O'Keefe, Ed.  "Jeb Bush stresses support for Israel in wake of James Baker's comments."  The Washington Post, 24 March 2015, 8:54 a.m.]

    And I have another one of those--Did your favorite television newscast put this thought together?  On June 30, 2009, Bowe Bergdahl (of the U.S. Army) walked away from his military unit in Afghanistan, and he was missing for about five years, and then on May 31, 2014, he was freed by the enemy, and he was freed, for one, because the Barack Obama administration traded him for five high-ranking Taliban men (killers) who had been in U.S. custody, and Barack Obama praised Bowe Bergdahl publicly--though evidence hinted that Bowe Bergdahl should not be praised--and Barack Obama's associates, such as Susan Rice (the National Security Adviser), work to sell the idea that Bowe Bergdahl was a good guy.  By the way, between June 30, 2014, and about March 24, 2015, men from Bowe Bergdahl's military unit were pushing out the idea that Bowe Bergdahl was rotten, a deserter, and smart individuals realized Bowe Bergdahl was not a good guy.  On March 24, 2015, the U.S. military handed out a charge sheet against Bowe Bergdahl to Bowe Bergdahl, noting "Article 85" and "Article 99" as charges, and on March 25, 2015, the U.S. military held a public event, noting that Bowe Bergdahl was being charged under the Code of Military Justice with desertion (related to "Article 85") and "misbehavior" before the enemy (related to "Article 99").  Yes, a smart person can see that the conclusion is that Barack Obama did indeed trade five enemies of the U.S for a U.S. deserter!  [Bethea, Nathan Bradley.  "We Lost Soldiers in the Hunt for Bergdalh, a Guy Who Walked off in the Dead of Night."  TheDailyBeast.com, 2, June 2014.; Bradner, Eric, and Barbara Starr, Ed Lavandera, and Ted Barrett.  "Military charges Bergdahl with desertion."  CNN.com, 25 March 2015, 4:00 p.m. ET; Griffin, Jennifer, and Chad Pergram and The Associated Press.  "Bergdahl to be charged with desertion, officials say."  FoxNews.com, 25 March 2015.; Hanchett, Ian.  "Susan Rice Flashback: Bergdahl Served 'With Honor and Distinction.'"  Breitbart.com, 25 March 2015.; Joscelyn, Thomas.  "Five of the Most Dangerous Taliban Commanders in U.S. Custody Exchanged for American Captive."  The Weekly Standard, 30 May 2014, 3:42 p.m.; Lamothe, Dan.  "Bowe Bergdahl, once missing U.S. soldier, charged with desertion."  The Washington Post, 25 March 2015, 2:00 p.m.]
    [Vic note and special commentary: The announcement of March 25, 2015, was given by Colonel Daniel King of the U.S. Army.  I note that history shows that Barack Obama, has been purging leaders in the U.S. military, and it is evident that Barack Obama has been working to make the U.S. military smaller and weaker, such as by cutting the budget of the U.S. military.  I see Colonel Daniel King as someone that Barack Obama might wish to hurt, especially since I have deduced that Barack Obama is an enemy of the United States of America and is a man who likes to hurt others, especially non-followers of Sharia.]

  Announcement for the novice again: To get useful television-delivered news or Internet-delivered news, go to Fox News Channel, WorldNetDaily.com, "The Drudge Report," and CNS News (which is on the Internet and which was launched on June 16, 1998), since the entities do not blindly support Barack Obama, as do CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV (to learn about bad journalism, you might tune in to CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV from time to time to see how they differ from the Fox News Channel and those mentioned with it in presenting political stories and events, and you should discover CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV avoid covering things that make Barack Obama look bad or show his true nature, which could harm you).  If you are unclear of my intentions, I say in different words that you should boycott CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV and hope they lose more ratings and advertising revenues, since they are expendable, and it is time for you to find the guts to be mean and heartless and cancel them--since they are hurting you.

    On Tuesday, March 10, 2014, I spent seven hours (straight) looking at microfilm reels of the Cheboygan Daily Tribune at the library at Cheboygan, Michigan, and I was looking for every article published about The Mackinaw WAGB-83 (a former icebreaker on the Great Lakes) in the reels that I was looking at (now I have seen all the articles about the former icebreaker in that newspaper from December 1944 to January 1977), and the next day, I spent about nine hours typing up my notes in to a document that I have about the ship, and after I was done with that, I decided to play a bit--I began to do a little research on an actress named Mady Correll, who was the featured player in a television series made at WWJ-TV in the 1959, which was strictly a local production that was aired lived.  The television series was called Policewoman.  I did not find much information about Mady Correll, especially in one source.  I found that she lived from April 10, 1907, to December 18, 1981.  Based a group of sources, I can stay that mostly she was a stage actress, who worked on, for instance, Broadway shows.  However, she was in a few movies, such as Midnight Madonna (which was released in 1937), Invisible Enemy (which was released in 1938), and Monsieur Verdoux (which featured Charlie Chaplin and was released in 1947).  Around October 1936, she was acting in a stage play called Dead End, and it was reported that she was soon going to work on a film with actor Phil Regan, and the film was to be called End of Adventure.  I could not find anything about the film.  It looks as if it was never made.  I could not even find a film that featured Phil Regan and Mady Correll with a different name.  Let me show you only a couple plays that Mady Correll was in.  Around August 1948, she was appearing in a play called Captain Applejack at the Putnam County Playhouse in Mahopac, New York, and around January 1951, she was appearing in The Willow Tree at Theater '51 in Dallas, Texas, as the woman with the baby carriage.  When she was working on Policewoman, she already had at least twenty years in the professional acting profession.  Okay, let me back up. Dead End is a famous play, and it could be said it is historic.  The play originally opened at the Belasco Theater (in New York) on October 28, 1935, and the play was written and directed by Sidney Kinisley.  Mady Correll was not a performer in the cast when the play opened.  What is important here is Gabriel Dell, Billy Halop, Bobby Jordan, David Gorcey,  and Leo Gorcey were some of the performers, playing young guys (kids) or even what would be thought of as the "Dead End Kids."   Keep those guys in mind.  The play would show up at other locations, such as at the Erianger theater in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) for a two-week run that started on December 25, 1936, and at that time, Mady Correll was a part of the cast, as were Francis DeSales (who in the 1950s would be a semi-regular in the television series called Mr. and Mrs. North, which would feature Richard Denning, who would later be a regular in the first Hawaii Five-0 television series), and Warren Ashe.  I do not know when Mady Correll joined the cast of the play called Dead End.  Gabriel Dell, Billy Halop, Bobby Jordan, David Gorcey, and Leo Gorcey went on to become well known as actors in the movie business. Dead End was made in to movie that was released in 1937, and "Dead End Kids" were in the movie, and, generally speaking, "Dead End Kids" went on to do other movies.  The "Dead End Kids" as a group varied a bit over the next twenty years or so, and some of the famous guys were Bernard Punsley, Huntz Hall, and Richard Benedict, and the group was called, for example, the "East Side Kids" and the "Bowery Boys" (the name depended on what movie studio was using them as a rule).  Some of the early movies were Crime School (which was released in 1937), Angeles with Dirty Faces (which was released in 1938) and Angeles Wash Their Faces (which was released in 1939).  A fun period for the group was between World War II and 1959, when the group made a number of Bowery Boys movies, in which the headliners were really Leo Gorcey and Huntz Hall (and it was when Leo Gorcey and David Gorcey's father played Louie (the owner of a sweet shop) in some films), and it was when Leo Gorcey was one of the highest paid actors in movies for a while.  In the 1960s, WJBK-TV, Channel 2, Detroit, ended up buying the package of Bowery Boys movies from a syndicator, and I watched them regularly, since they were fun and likable.  When the Bowery Boys movies were no longer made, some of the performers continued to act, and, for example, Huntz Hall, Gabriel Dell, and Billy Halop did series work in either the 1960s or the 1970s.  As I have said--I did not find much information about Mady Correll while searching the Internet.  I discovered that Warren Ashe (who has already been mentioned in this paragraph) died in 1947 (it seems), and before he died, Mady Correll had been married to him, and I found that Mady Correll married Spencer James in December 1949.  I wonder if the makers of the Policewoman series decided to do sort of a live takeoff of the 1957 syndicated film series entitled Decoy, which featured Beverly Garland as Casey Jones.  That I will  never know.  Now I report that this section is sort of part one of a theme that will be continued on in the next edition of Television History and Trivia, where I will talk about a research journey that I had tied to a person called "A. Pryor."

    It has been a while since I looked to see what WHPR-TV, Detroit, is up to, and, in fact, I have not talked about the station since T.H.A.T. #93, which was published on January 10, 2012, and one reason for that is, in essence, the station nearly was uncatchable over the airwaves.  On Saturday, March 14, 2015, I went to the website for the station to see what was going on, and I went looking for press-release stuff on the Internet.  I discovered WHRP-TV was sold by Highland Park Broadcasting LP to Locus Points Network in early 2014, and I found that the station broadcast a special on December 31, 2014, which was a concert featuring Michael Henderson, Joe 'Pep' Harris (who was in The Undisputed Truth, a singing group with a heyday in the 1970s), and others, and I learned one program on the station is called Table Talk with Brenda Perryman, and some other persons with programs are Dr. Keefa Weatherspoon, Coleman Young Jr., and Reverend Jim Holley.  In the past, I noted that Reverend Jim Holley and Coleman Young Jr. pass along nonsense thought as a rule on their television shows, and, actually, much of what I have heard Coleman Young Jr. say keeps Detroiters stupid.  By the way, on March 14, 2015, in the three o'clock hour in the afternoon, and female hostess did note that, in essence, the economy is bad, meaning maybe she is not a person to buy that crap about the economy being pushed out from the Barack Obama administration.  It seems I might soon seen WHPR-TV--"The New TV33 WHRP"--through broadcast means again, since that is the impression that I got through my research, and it seems it will have a better signal.  Of course, then from time to time, I might stumble across the ramblings of rottenness being spewed by a guy with dark glasses one, who still hosts programs--speeches or lectures--on the station (it is the so-called "Son of Man" guy).  That ends that for a moment.

    The previous paragraph was written when I was away from the Detroit area and was not able to tune into WHPR-TV (Channel 33).  On Tuesday, March 17, 2015, the day when Benjamin Netanyahu won an election in Israel, despite Barack Obama's efforts to make him lose (which may have involved U.S. taxpayer money), I was in the Detroit area again, and I hit digital Channel 33, and I discovered Channel 33 was on the air in digital form, and the quality of the images were good.  So if you have digital-to-analog converter box, you should run the scan-for stations feature, if you wish to tune in to see Channel 33 (without having to hit button "3" twice to have the station show up on the screen).  At the moment, I can only say that the digital Channel 33 showed up in late 2014 or early 2015.

    Special commentary: If you want to see a rotten man or a piece of crap of a man, you should tune into Channel 33, WHPR-TV, when "The Son of Man" is on the air.  That is the man who always wears sunglasses to hide it eyes.  (There is that old rule--A person who wears sunglasses continually is working to hide his true nature from others, who might see his rottenness in the person's eyes.)  On Wednesday, April 1, 2015, I happened to tune into Channel 33, when "The Son of Man" show was on, and "The Son of Man" was doing his endless lecturing and rambling.  It was at about 9:32 p.m., when "The Son of Man" said--"...Life of a black man don't matter in this country....".  The line of speech was tied to the idea of the Ferguson, Missouri, incident in which a police officer defended himself from a rotten young black man.  "The Son of Man" also noted that the police officers in Ferguson were--"...murders dressed up as police officers....".  "The Son of Man"--the name of the man shows off something rotten--is a pusher of lies, and it is not surprising since he has the American radical Islamic nature, like those of the "Nation of Islam."  Really, "The Son of Man" is a black racist, who pushes hatred, though he does it not so directly.

    On Sunday, March 29, 2015, I finally saw two Detroit-area television shows so that I could do reviews of them both (I have been continually putting off looking at one of the shows, having seen it important to cover other things first in this day an age of Barack Hussein Obama, the communist).  On February 22, 2014, Channel 50, WKBD-HD, Detroit, began to carry a monthly series called Michigan Kingpins, which is basically a show that runs from the very late summer of one year to the very late spring of the next year, and now the program is in the second season.  In the first season, the host was Mark Martin, and some of the other on-camera people were Lisa Bishop and Mark Rottenberk.  Oh, hold it!  What is it about?  The theme of the series is bowling, and the program is a highlights show, focusing on things that have happened in bowling over the previous month or so in at least the Detroit area.  On the episode for March 29, 2015, which was a second-season episode, the main host was Mark Martin.  It could be said that he is a throwback to the 1940s and 1950s, since he is not GQ-type guy or model, which is commonplace on television today.  Mark Martin, though he does not have seventy years of television experience, did well in his delivery and was pleasant on camera.  In the episode, the co-host was Stephanie Penxa, and her delivery was a bit stiff and came off as if she were reading cue cards.  Another on-camera performer in the episode was Lou Marquez (who was in the "tech corner").  The show had a voice-over announcer, and it was Lorne Plant, who, over the previous several years, hosted the series informally called State Champs!.  This series is done well for a locally produced show.  This episode of Michigan Kingpins aired at 12:30 p.m., and it followed an episode of Robo Zone, which is a limited-run series, which began to run on WKBD-HD on March 1, 2015.  Both series have Lou Bitonti as the executive producer.  Robo Zone is a highlight show that focuses on students of schools around Michigan who are involved in making electrical-type robots and taking part in competitions.  The host is Lorne Plant, and the episode for March 29, 2015, had Stephanie Funkhouse and Kiara Lancaster as reporters.  Robo Zone is another adequate production from Yellow Flat Productions.  [Note: I have done a little research, and I have found that Mark Martin has been, for one, a writer of newspaper articles, such as for the Oakland Press (Oakland County, Michigan), and that is all that I have for information about Mark Martin.]

    Here is some television news about the broadcast-station industry in the Detroit area.  On Tuesday, March 17, 2015, I discovered Channel 47 was gone (that is, the family of five networks on Channel 47 were gone--TBN (47.1), JCTV (47.2), SoaC (47.3), TCC (47.4), and Enlace (47.5), and that means, it had disappeared over the two previous weeks or so (when I had been out of town).  On the screen for each channel was "This Channel is AVAILABLE  For more Information Contact info@pitcomm.com".  On the evening of Wednesday, March 25, 2015, I tuned to the Channel 47 group again, and I discovered none of the channels existed anymore--the carrier waves were gone.  A few days later, I tuned in to the 47 group, and on 47.2, which had a broken-up signal for me to see, I saw video material from a network called "ESAT" (an Ethiopian network).  I will see what happens in the future.

    There is something bad to report--as far as I am concerned.  The people who run the TCT Kids network (18.3 broadcast in Detroit) reformatted the network schedule so that old television series, such as The Beverly Hillbillies and Sherlock Holmes (the version from Sheldon Reynolds), are not run between 11:00 p.m. to about 2:00 p.m. any longer.  Rats!

    And now it is time for something complete different (?)--a television review.  On Tuesday, March 31, 2015, Fox TV pushed out the first episode of a new weekly series called Weird Loners.  I saw the entire pilot episode, and it was a drag.  It was not humorous or funny.  The characters are people that a good person would not want to see from week to week, like a bad neighbor.  For example, Stosh (played by Zachary Knighton) is a dork, and Eric (played by Nate Torrance) is a creep (and would probably sleep with anyone), and in the first episode, Zara Sandhu (played by Meera Kohit Kumbhani) came off as a cold-hearted and uncaring woman.  The main characters were not "weird"--they were bad people.  There is difference between "weird" and "bad."  For example, Uncle Fester (from The Addams Family television series of the 1960s) may have been weird or odd, but he was not a bad person, and a viewer could like him.  I can see why the main characters of Weird Loners are "loners," and it is because they are unlikable.  It makes me think--Only people who like to put people down or are people like those presented in the series would like this series.

    From time to time, I go looking for information in newspaper advertisements for television sets of years ago.  Let us look at some television news about new television sets.  That is, the sets were offered in new forms between about 1950 and 1954.  In 1950, the General Electric Co. introduced and began to sell a line of television sets called the "Black-Daylite" television sets; for example, the line was introduced in Albany, New York, at the Dewitt Clinton Hotel in August 1950 by Havens Electric Company (a distributor), and twelve models were introduced, and the range of sets covered table models, console models, and combinations (with photographs and radios).  While I did research about the "Black-Daylite" sets, I could only find such sets were on the market as new products from 1950 to 1954 (but they could have been sold in years beyond 1954).  (Oh, keep an eye on the prices, and the prices do not include taxes.)  In November 1950, General Electric had a console set called the Model 17C101, which had a 17-inch-diagonal screen (or picture tube), and the set was selling for about $389.95 at The Modern Shop (a store) in Rome, New York.  By the way, one selling point of the "Black-Daylite" sets was the sets had rectangular picture tubes, allowing more camera area to show to the viewer [round screens had been the rule in years past], and such sets had aluminized black picture tubes.  In December 1950, G.E. Supply Corporation  in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was advertising sets for sale; the 16-inch combination set known as Model 16KI was advertised for $499.95, and the 16-inch console set known as the Model 16C103 was advertised for $299.95, and the 16-inch table model called the Model 16TS was advertised for $279.96.  In July 1951, General Electric had a "Black-Daylite" set that had a 17-inch screen called the Model 17C103, which was a console set, and in August 1951, Jimmy's Radio & Electric was a store at Watkins Glen, New York, and at that time in history, the store was selling the Model 17C101, which had a 17-inch screen.  In February 1952, Joy Automatics (a store) in Corning, New York, had at least three "Black-Daylite" sets for sale; the Model 17T2, which was a console set with a 17-inch screen, cost $279.95, and the Model 20C105, which was a console set with a 20-inch screen, cost $379.95, and the Model 20C-105 could be bought on terms, allowing up to 78 weeks to pay.  Foster-Bodie Television and Appliance, which was located at 202 Schenck Street in North Tonawanda, New York, in March 1954, had some "Black-Daylite" sets for sale in March 1954; the 21-inch console version called the Model 21C115 cost $279.95, and the 21-inch table version called the Model 21T11 cost $219.95.  Generally speaking, the General Electric "Black-Daylite" television sets with rectangular picture tubes looked like wooden boxes--either square or rectangular--and they had mahogany or blond wood finishes; the table models were square sets, and the rectangular-console sets looked like they stood on one end (the speaker, which was big, was underneath the screen), and the combination sets were sets--rectangular in form--that were sort of lying on one of the long sides.

    Here is one last little history note.  I have run across some websites that state that a television series called Peter, Clare and Oscar, which was produced live in Detroit at WJBK-TV, Channel 2, was a "1950" series.  The series, which featured Clarence Cummings Jr., was a "1949" series.  [Note: I do not yet have the exact air dates, but it was indeed a 1949 series, debuting in 1949.]

    And "for the record," I have this note.  People who get the television-listing publication related to, for instance, the Macomb Daily notice there was a change in the name of the television-listing publication recently.  TV plus became TV Channels with the edition for March 8, 2015.

    Remember: The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan was a television show that was produced across the pond and shown on CBS-TV in the late 1960s, and I urge you to find The Prisoner on DVD, maybe from a library, and watch it, and you should show it--all the episodes--to teenagers, or buy it as a present for teenagers.

Stay well!


copyright c. 2015
Date published: April 10, 2015

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan  49721
The United States of America

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    the country and its failures and its betrayal of
    the American public, click on: T.H.A.T. #55.
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For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Never Forget These Media Darlings ? --
    A Guide for the Individual in the United
    States of America, which can reached by
    using this link: Media.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Film and Television Production
    Tax Credits: The Bad Side of the Issue,
    which can be reached through this link:
    Tax Credits.
For further reading, you should see the document
    AMERICA for the individual woman and the
    individual man, which can be reached by
    hitting this link: Thoughts.
For further reading, you should see the document
    LOGIC for the individual woman and the
    individual man, which can be reached by
    hitting this link: Logic.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Political Lessons for the Individual Woman
    and the Individual Man in the United States of
    America, which can be reached by hitting this
    link: Lessons.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Nonsense Statements and Quotations
    of Barack Obama, which can be reached at
    this link: Quotes.
For further reading, you should see the document
    about censorship, Fairness?: A Guide for the
    Individual Woman and the Individual Man
    in the United States of America, which can be
    reached at this link: Fairness.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled National Health Care and Mass Failure:
    The Reasons it is a Dead Issue, which can be
    reached at this link: Health.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled  A Collection of Words--Just Words--
    That Show Dangerous People, which can be
    reached through this link: Words.

Keep in mind: T.H.A.T. documents and Michigan
    Travel Tips documents published since the middle
    of 2008 contain more quotations and statements
    of Barack Obama's that you should see.  To see
    the editions of Michigan Travel Tips, you should
    go to the catalog page, which can be reached by
    hitting this link: Travel.
