Ranked-Choice Voting--It is More
Crap from the Democrats
(Communists, Socialists, Progressives, and Liberals,
all of whom are evil people)


Victor Edward Swanson,

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan  49721
The United States of America

copyright c. 2022

November 21, 2022
(Version 2)
(Draft version)

    Some people in the country, especially older persons, still say that something that is "rank" is something the smells--and smells bad.  In recent years, people have been hearing more and more about the idea known as "ranked-choice voting," and I report that "ranked-choice voting" is "rank" or it smells.  The idea of ranked-choice voting has already been adopted in a few places of the country; for example, Maine adopted the idea in 2015, and New York City adopted the idea in 2019.  The general idea for voting in the country has been--in relation to a political office--people vote for a candidate for public office whose is running against other candidates, and the candidate with the highest number of votes of all the candidates gets to be in the political office.  It is a simple system.  Since at least 2015, communists and socialists progressives and liberals have been working to complicate the voting system of places and, it seems, the entire country ultimately.  In "ranked-choice voting" idea, each voter votes by ranking the people running for an office in a first choice, second choice, third choice, fourth choice, et cetera.  When the voting is over, it is determined whether or not a candidate got at least 50 percent of the vote, and if a candidate does, that candidate wins the election.  Now, here I only  talk about three candidates for office since it is simpler than talking about four or more candidates for office.  In the case of a three-candidate race, if not one candidate gets at least 50 percent of the vote, then the votes of the third highest person are given to the second-place winner, and the third-place person is wiped out (and, for instance, there is no re-do election between the first-place winner and the second-place).  It can happen that a second-place finisher originally can end up being the winner of the election by being votes that were originally given to others.  That can mean a real "majority"-chosen person may not really win an election.  In addition, a person's voting--in relation to a three-person race--could actually work out so that would be against the person's real self interest--by leading to having the person's third choice (who really is not wanted really) wiping out the person's first choice, since the third person's votes could end up in the hands of the second-place person or second-highest winner in the election.  More problems can come in the election process, since the people who count the ballots have a more complex mess of ballot stuff to work with, such as in a recount.  I have over the years seen ballots in which the election for a U.S. president involves more than three candidates, and it can cover a "Democrat Party" candidate, a "Republican Party" candidate, a "Libertarian Party" candidate," a "Communist Party" candidate, a "Socialist Party" candidate, a "Green Party" candidate, a "Workers' Party" candidate, et cetera.  Now how does the distribution of votes go if no one gets at least fifty percent of the votes.  Could the votes for the Libertarian Party candidate, the Communist Party candidate, the Socialist Party candidate, the Green Party candidate, and the Workers' Party candidate end up in the hands of a Democrat (who was the preliminary second-place winner) and wipe out the Republican (who was the preliminary first-place winner).  Who gets to make a determination of what votes go to whom?  By the way, Democratic Party, Communist Party, Socialist Party, Green Party, Workers' Party and like others are, in essence, all the same thing--they are political parties that promote ways of enslavism and not The United States Constitution and a constitutional republic.  A good person can see that it becomes more possible for bad people--communists and socialists and progressives and liberals--to get their types of people in power through a ranked-choice voting format; by the way, it has been commonplace that communists rarely win in elections, but through the ranked-choice-voting format, they may still not win, but they will more likely block anti-communists from winning--when anti-communists seem to be heading for a win as suggested by polls taken before the election--because their votes can end up going to a second-place candidate, who may be a Democrat who is trailing in the polls before the election, instead of their votes being mute votes (as has usually happened in regular elections).  If a Democrat is leading in the polls before an election, then what can happen?  A person who does not support the Republican Party can vote for the Democrat and not vote for anyone else, leaving less votes for the "Communist Party" candidate, the "Socialist Party" candidate, the "Green Party" candidate, the "Workers' Party" candidate, et cetera, whose votes could end up in the hands of the Republican if the votes were made.  Beyond that, I can cite another type of problem.  For the election of November 8, 2022, voters in Alaska had a mess; because of ranked-choice voting, the voters in Alaska ended up with a slate for a U.S. senator seat that involved three persons--Pat Chesbro (a Democrat), Lisa Murkowski (the incumbent, who is calling herself a Republican), and Kelly Tshibaka (a Republican).  In a worthwhile election, there is and should only be one person realted to each political party running for a particular seat or office.  When at least two persons of the same political party show up on the ballot for the same office in a final election, such as two Republicans, who are competing against one Democrat, one of the Republican's votes might end up helping the Democrat, such as when a Republican gets the most votes preliminary (but not over 50 percent), and the Democrat ends up in second place preliminary, and the other Republican ends up in third place preliminary, and then the votes from the third-place winner (who ultimately gets cancelled) end up in the hands of the second-place winner (the Democrat), and the second-place winner then actually ends up being labelled the final winner (displacing the preliminary first-place winner).  The ranked-choice-voting format is not a system that promotes free and fair elections--it is a collage of crap!  [Note: And I have focused on the final-election theme.  It can get worse when you have ranked-choice voting used in primary elections and then final elections.  It is crap piled on crap!]

    Follow-up One:
    On Monday, November 21, 2021, Kelly Tshibaka (a true Republican) was a guest on the third hour of the three-hour The Mark Levin Show (hosted by Mark R. Levin), a nationally syndicated radio show.  At that time, the election for the U.S. Senator seat in Alaska had yet to be completed.  Kelly Tshibaka reported that the ranked-choice voting system, which had been screw-up for the primary, was the problem.  Kelly Tshibaka reported that, because of the voting system, Lisa Murkowski sort of got a free pass into the election process, and Kelly Tshibaka reported that Lisa Murkowski, who had recently voted to pass the Respect for Marriage Act through the U.S. Senate, was not a true Republican, having been kicked out of the "Republican Party" in Alaska.  It was reported that the counting was still going on, and the computations to figure out how to distribute the votes of those were were being cancelled had yet to be done.  [Note: A bunch of socialists or communists in the Republican Party who took part in the voting for the Respect for Marriage Act voted to pass the act, and some of those were Mitt Romney (a hard-line socialist at least) and Susan Collins, and when socialists and communists vote to pass something, there must be something rotten with the thing voted for, though it may take time to be seen.]

    P.S.: Since Democrats (communists, socialists, liberals, progressives, and the like), who are perpetual liars, are pushing hard for the adoption of "ranked-choice voting," there has to be something rotten about ranked-choice voting, or they would not push hard for ranked-choice voting.


    Note: This document was originally posted on the Internet on October 19, 2022.

    Note: This document is known on the Internet as www.hologlobepress.com/ranked.htm.

For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Conservatism for
    Children and What Conservatism Means,
    which can be reached by using this link:
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Conservatives and
    The United States Constitution Versus
    Enslavers and Enslavism (Communism,
    Sharia, Socialism, et cetera), which can
    be reached by using this link: Enslavism.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled The "Enslavers" Want
    Your Retirement Plan or Pension Plan,
    which can be reached by using this link:
For further reading, you should see my
    document entitled Sharia Law, Shariah-
    Compliant Finance, Radical Islam, and
    Barack Obama, which can be reached by
    using this link: Sharia.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Never Forget These
    Media "Darlings" ?: A Guide for the
    Individual in the United States of
    America, which can be reached by
    using this link: Media.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled A Little History of
    Barack Obama Events: A Show of
    Deconstruction, which can be reached by
    using this link: History.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Lessons for Children
    about Politics and Dangerous People,
    which can be reached by using this
    link: Children.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled The Next Elections:
    What Has to be Done to Protect the
    United States of America, which can
    be reached by using this link: Elections.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled World Tyranny:
    Warnings about  the Insane Who are
    Trying to Create a Communist World
    Country, which can be reached by
    using this link: World.

Note: Many other documents exist at the
Web site for The Hologlobe Press that will
give you information about the bad that Barack
Obama and his associates are doing to the
United States of America, such as the Michigan
Travel Tips documents and the T.H.A.T.
documents that have been published since
the fall of 2008.

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