The United States of America is Not "Healthy"
Anymore and Never Will Be Again--
Stupid Americans by the Millions and Tons of Rotten
Politicians Like Having the Federal Government
in Charge of Health Care, When It
Should Never Be


Victor Edward Swanson,

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan  49721
The United States of America

copyright c. 2017

October 29, 2017
(Version 1)
(Draft version)

    This document is a proof document, which will show the idiocy of having a government in a country be the decider of health-care for the citizens of the country and which will also show why almost all the politicians of the United States of America are rotten people and why most Americans are stupid or rotten.  Communists and socialists or "progressives" or "liberals" (all of whom I consider "enslavists") like a health-care system for a country to be fully under the control of the government, since it gives such government people the ability to control the "citizens" (or the "masses"), pressuring the citizens do what the government wants or face defective health care or penalties or death, and, for instance, "progressives" and such in the United States of America between at least 2008 and 2017 were pushing for a goverment-run health-care system defined informally as "single-payer," which is just a way of identifying a health-care system completely controlled by the government.  When a government completely controls the health-care system of a country, the politicians not only control the life-and-death dates of citizens but also the government ends up setting up a system in which it is hard to control costs to the citizens since there is no competition forces in existence--there can be bloat in the costs paid as taxes to the government to fund the health-care system, which can involve offering services to those who are foreigners, to those you would otherwise not care for themselves well, to those who want stuff for free, to those who would go to emergency rooms for no good reason, to those who have screwed-up their lives through use of alcohol or mind-altering drugs (when it was known they should not have been involved in such things since the things are known to ultimately hurt the body or mind), to those who want to change their outward appearance from male to female or female to male, et cetera.  Also a government-run system is very likely to result to bureaucratic waste, endless useless paperwork, the inability to fire bad doctors and nurses and bureaucrats, et cetera.  On March 23, 2010, the federal government passed the Patent Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (which became informally called "Obamacare"), and a smart person knew the law was designed in the long run to kill off private-health-care insurance and lead to a "single-payer" health-care system; the law had come about though nonsense and shanigans, such as the U.S. Congress bastardizing the way in which the law--in bill forms--would be voted on to pass the U.S. Congress, the Democrats' locking out of "Republicans" to the process of putting provisions in the law (since the "Democrats" (communists, socialists, black racists, and other bad people) controlled the U.S. Congress), the bribing (in essence) some U.S. Congress members to help pass bills (the bribes offering money for projects wanted by those bribed--for their "districts"), and the lying to the public about what the bills had written in them and what the bills would lead to [Note: See my document entitled National Health Care and Mass Failure-The Reasons it is a Dead Issue, which shows off the nonsense and can be reached by using this Health link].  The creation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010--a biggest pusher of which was Barack Hussein Obama as the U.S. president, who lied continually about the bills and everything--was rotten, and soon after the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 had been made law, bad results began to show up, such as the rise of health-care premiums, deductibles, and co-pays and the loss of private health-care insurance in the marketplace (insurance companies started to give up the offering health-insurance plans, forced to by idiotic government rules).  Between March 2010 and January 2017, Republicans in the U.S. Congress worked (sort of) to pass bills that would repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, and good smart persons well deduced the actions were all fake really, given most of the Republicans never went to the public regularly to report why the law was rotten and proving why the law was bad and given while Barack Obama was the U.S. president and Barack Obama would never sign any bill that would kill the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.  Also, a few good smart people were understanding many of the "Republicans" in the U.S. Congress between 2008 and 2017 were in truth communists or socialists, and good examples of that were U.S. Senator John McCain (of Arizona), U.S. Representative John Boehner (of Ohio), and U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell (of Kentucky), the latter two were top leaders in the Republican Party in the U.S. Congress in the United States of America at the time.  After the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 had passed, a number of entities (such as Landmark Legal Foundation) started lawsuits to get the law or main parts of the law killed, such as in relation to "constitutionality," and what resulted for the most part were idiotic decisions by judges, and the biggest nonsense came from the U.S. Supreme Court on June 28, 2012, when a ruling was issued that upheld the constitutionality of the law, and it was a decision that, for instance, corrupted the meaning of words (such as "tax" and "fee") [Note: To learn more about the rottenness of the decision, see my document entitled Not Supreme in Nature--The U.S. Supreme Court and the Obamacare Decision: The Majority Pushed "Enslavism" on the Country, which can be reached through this Supreme link].  The U.S. Supreme Court decision was rottenness to the highest degree, and it showed off the corrupt minds of almost all involved in keeping the law, especially most of the members of the U.S. Supreme Court.  In 2016, while people were running to be elected as the next U.S. president through an election scheduled for November 2016, a few "Republicans" were running on the idea that they would get the Patient Protection and Affordable Care of 2010 eliminated or repealed or killed if elected, and many Republicans who were running for offices in the U.S. Congress were pushing out the same idea.  Through the election of November 2010, Donald Trump (a "Republican") became the next U.S. president, and the "Republicans" ended up controlling the U.S. Congress (which is made up of two parts--the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives), and the Republican Party was pushing out the idea that it was going to work hard to get rid of "Obamacare," but good smart persons understood that killing it would probably not really happen, having learned how the "Republicans" (especially the leaders of the Republican Party) had not really fought back against the Democrats and Barack Hussein Obama (as the U.S. president) during the eight years of Barack Hussein Obama as the U.S. president, obstructing almost nothing, such as very, very large federal budgets.  The evidence was clear to good smart persons in the country--most of the Republicans in the U.S. Congress were bad thinkers, socialists or communists, lazy, elitists, or stupid (despite often having so-called "degrees" from prestigious universities [Note: Many good smart persons were well aware the "degrees" often had come from socialistic or communistic-type universities, such as Harvard University].  Donald Trump took on the office of the U.S. president on January 20, 2017.  "Repeal and Replace"--this set of words, which had been a slogans of Republicans in, for example, 2016, became to possible goal for the Republicans in the U.S. Congress and U.S. President Donald Trump.  To a good smart person, the slogan of "Repeal and Replace" was a idiotic idea, since the good smart person well understood any "replacement" would be a collage of nonsense and just more failure; the good smart person was well aware of the history of the creation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, and it was rotten, and the good smart person knew all the Democrats in the U.S. Congress now were rotten people, and many Republicans in the U.S. Congress now were rotten people, and, in fact, a good smart person was well aware of the few Republicans who would very likely be the leaders in throwing a wrench into passing any good bills, having often been in league with the Democrats while Barack Hussein Obama was the U.S. president, such as U.S. Senator Susan Collins (of Maine) and U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (of Alaska), both of whom had shown themselves to a good smart person to be bad people.  Between January 20, 2017, and October 2017, several attempts were made to pass bills to kill "Obamacare," such as the American Health Care Act bill (which passed the U.S. House of Representatives in May 2017 and which died in the U.S. Senate in July 2017), and another plan was informally called the Graham-Cassidy bill.  In October 2017, U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski was one of the Republicans helping to stall the killing of a repeal bill, wanting to keep "subsidies" flowing to insurance companies.  In October 2017, millions of Americans wanted "Obamacare" to remain and millions of Americans wanted a "replacement"; even anti-Obamacare people (such as "conservative" radio-talk-show host Sean Hannity) were pushing or a "replacement."  It showed off the idiocy of the American public, since many Americans actually still had it in their minds that a group of politicians, most of whom were idiots and many of whom were evil really (being black racists or communists or socialists), could actually come up with a health-care system or health-care law that would make the lives of the citizens better.  Incidentally, most Americans seemed to be ignorant to the idea that, when a government can either fine a person or jail a person for not accepting the federal government as the determiner of health-care plans and what types of health-care plans a person must buy and as an entity that can tax a person for buying a health-care insurance plan greater in quality than that allowed by the federal government, the person lives in a rotten country--a country of enslavism.  Since Americans in great numbers were not revolted by the idea of having the federal government highly involved in their health care and were not revolting against the idea of having the federal government being involved in the health-care system of the country, it showed the defectiveness of most Americans.  No matter what the federal government makes for a health-care law, it will always be bad in the long run, even if a great law is made at some time for a little while, since over the years to come (probably of the near future) more bad politicians will always be working to create a "single-payer" system--once a federal government gets involved, has established itself in the health-care process, and has laws set down, the laws can always be changed for the worse (easily), and, in fact, a great or good health-care law can never be created when, for instance, enslavists (communists and socialists, who are bad people) are involved, a whole bunch of politicians with different opinions and beliefs are involved, politicians are not required to be tied to the law (as is the case with "Obamacare"), politicians have to be bribed to pass a bill, and a high degree of compomising has to be done amongst politicians to pass a bill.  It is simply logic--The result from a collage of nonsense and bad people is always shit!

    P.S.: Yes, there are "black racists" in the U.S. Congress.  Consider the logic of my document entitled Black-Racist U.S. Representative Frederica Wilson (a Democrat related to Florida) Shits on a Killed U.S. Soldier--Army Sergeant La David Johnson (a Black Man), which can be reached through this Frederica Wilson link.  Why would any good smart person want Frederica Wilson to have any say in the person's health care or the health care of the person's children or grandchildren?


    Note: This document was originally posted on the Internet on October 29, 2017.

    Note: This document is known on the Internet as

For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Conservatism for
    Children and What Conservatism Means,
    which can be reached by using this link:
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Conservatives and
    The United States Constitution Versus
    Enslavers and Enslavism (Communism,
    Sharia, Socialism, et cetera), which can
    be reached by using this link: Enslavism.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled The "Enslavers" Want
    Your Retirement Plan or Pension Plan,
    which can be reached by using this link:
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Nonsense Statements
    and Quotations of Barack Obama, which
    can be reached by using this link: Quotes.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Madness in a President
    and Other Matters of a Defective Mind,
    which can be reached by using this link:
For further reading, you should see my
    document entitled Sharia Law, Shariah-
    Compliant Finance, Radical Islam, and
    Barack Obama, which can be reached by
    using this link: Sharia.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Never Forget These
    Media "Darlings" ?: A Guide for the
    Individual in the United States of
    America, which can be reached by
    using this link: Media.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled A Little History of
    Barack Obama Events: A Show of
    Deconstruction, which can be reached by
    using this link: History.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Lessons for Children
    about Politics and Dangerous People,
    which can be reached by using this
    link: Children.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled The Next Elections:
    What Has to be Done to Protect the
    United States of America, which can
    be reached by using this link: Elections.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled World Tyranny:
    Warnings about  the Insane Who are
    Trying to Create a Communist World
    Country, which can be reached by
    using this link: World.

Note: Many other documents exist at the
Web site for The Hologlobe Press that will
give you information about the bad that Barack
Obama and his associates are doing to the
United States of America, such as the Michigan
Travel Tips documents and the T.H.A.T.
documents that have been published since
the fall of 2008.

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