"Agenda 21" and the United Nations:
The Enslavists' Campaign to Control
The United States of America
by Controlling the Land
Victor Edward Swanson,
The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan 49721
The United States of America
copyright c. 2013
March 9, 2013
(Version 1)
(Draft version)
Generally speaking, in the United States of America, the rise of communism, which is one of the "enslavism" forms of government, began in the early 1900s; for example, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson was anti-United States Constitution, and he showed his uncaring for The United States Constitution in some of his writings, which showed his wish to be able to work against the ways of The United States Constitution, and, in fact, he called himself a "progressive," which, today, is a cover-over word for communist. In the 1930s and 1940s, Franklin Roosevelt was the U.S. President, and he was another "progressive," and, fortunately, for the citizens of the United States of America, World War II kept Franklin Roosevelt busy, distracting him from instituting more laws tied to the ways of "enslavism" than he was able to. Another man with an mentality of an "enslavist" was U.S. President Lyndon Johnson, and in the late 1970s, there was U.S. President Jimmy Carter, and in the 1990s, there was Bill Clinton, and now the United States of America has Barack Hussein Obama as the U.S. President, a man who not only is a hard-line enslavist, pushing for an "enslavism" form of government for the country, but also is a defective man in many ways. Although "progressives" and such bad people have been around since the early 1900s in the United States of America, guided by, for example, The Communist Manifesto, it has really been since the 1970s that the push to drive people of the United States of America into enslavism has really been going on in earnest, and a part of the drive has gotten inspiration from Saul Alinsky's book of the early 1970s called informally Rules for Radicals, which focused on how deviant persons and such could take down a society so that they could become the leaders, and one topic of attack was "environmentalism" or the idea of "pollution," focusing on getting people in the United States of America to take up willingly or unwilling the push for more laws to control how the environment is treated and to ultimately save the planet from what man does or is doing to it, such as by using carbon-based fuels. Since the 1970s, federal government entities, such as the Environmental Protection Agency and NASA, have pushed along the false idea that man is instrumental in changing the climate and is causing climate change that will lead to increased storms, the extinction of the polar caps, great rises in the sea levels, droughts, et cetera. Since the 1970s, communists and such with direct ties or indirect ties to the United Nations, which is controlled today of communists and like people, have been working to get the United States of America to adopt United Nations-based treaties, which can supersede U.S. laws, even The United States Constitution, or adopted laws like those proposed by the United Nations that can directly or indirectly put people of other countries in control of the United States of America, especially the industries and their use of the land. Since the 1970s, so-called non-profit groups tied to such ideas as those about saving animals in the wild and cleaning up the environment have been taken over by communists and other radicals and have adopted promoting the false idea that climate change is the result of what man does so that more laws can be created in the United States of America to control the people and what the people do, and, for some of whose wishing for control it means drastically reducing the population of the world. Since the 1970s, people who wish to impose enslavism on the citizens of the United States of America have been working to get communities to adopt "sustainable development" programs or like programs based on United Nations ideas, one of which is to get more people out of the rural areas and get most of the people concentrated in cities and metropolitan areas, where they can be controlled more easily, such as by controlling the ways in which they may or may not travel and how they come about getting food, and two ways in which to get people out of the rural areas is to (1) have governments, such as the federal government, buy up private lands over time and keep people out of those lands and (2) to have governments institute laws--whether knowingly or unknowingly--that ultimately make it more and more expensive to live in rural areas. Of course, another way in which to get people out of the rural areas so that the people can be controlled better by enslavists who are in government jobs, such as the U.S. Presidency, is to destroy the economy, which would lead to a loss in jobs and businesses, which would keep people from traveling as much as they used to, which would result in fewer tourism dollars for the rural areas, which need tourism dollars. Providing information about all those who are involved in pushing the full scope of "Agenda 21" is too complex for me to present here or for me to present yet, but "Agenda 21" does involve, for example, people in the big non-profit foundations, educational institutions, the U.S. Congress, and the U.S. Presidency, and a person must understand more Democrats are involved in the push than Republicans are, but some Republicans are involved, such as by agreeing to pass laws that lead to provisions of the "Agenda 21" idea being implemented, unaware what the laws really mean (it seems to be commonplace, today, for lawmakers to vote "yes" for laws, unaware what the laws really have contained within them), and even members of small-town governments can be involved in pushing themes of "Agenda 21" along, following recommendations from government entities that higher in stature than they are, which, ultimately, are designed to take away property rights and property--land and money and whatever--from the citizens of the United States of America. I have presented the basic theme of "Agenda 21" through this document so that you are aware people with ties to the United Nations in some way are working to impose enslavism on the citizens of the United States of America, and now that you are aware some people believe in "Agenda 21" as a way to take over control of the United States of America, you can now look for other sources that report about "Agenda 21" and can now look for signs that themes of "Agenda 21" are being imposed on you.
Note: This document was originally posted on the Internet on March 9, 2013.
Note: This document is known on the Internet as www.hologlobepress.com/agenda21.htm.
For further reading, you should see the
document entitled Conservatism for
Children and What Conservatism Means,
which can be reached by using this link:
For further reading, you should see the
document entitled Conservatives and
The United States Constitution Versus
Enslavers and Enslavism (Communism,
Sharia, Socialism, et cetera), which can
be reached by using this link: Enslavism.
For further reading, you should see the
document entitled The "Enslavers" Want
Your Retirement Plan or Pension Plan,
which can be reached by using this link:
For further reading, you should see the
document entitled Nonsense Statements
and Quotations of Barack Obama, which
can be reached by using this link: Quotes.
For further reading, you should see the
document entitled Madness in a President
and Other Matters of a Defective Mind,
which can be reached by using this link:
For further reading, you should see my
document entitled Sharia Law, Shariah-
Compliant Finance, Radical Islam, and
Barack Obama, which can be reached by
using this link: Sharia.
For further reading, you should see the
document entitled Never Forget These
Media "Darlings" ?: A Guide for the
Individual in the United States of
America, which can be reached by
using this link: Media.
For further reading, you should see the
document entitled A Little History of
Barack Obama Events: A Show of
Deconstruction, which can be reached by
using this link: History.
For further reading, you should see the
document entitled Lessons for Children
about Politics and Dangerous People,
which can be reached by using this
link: Children.
For further reading, you should see the
document entitled The Next Elections:
What Has to be Done to Protect the
United States of America, which can
be reached by using this link: Elections.
For further reading, you should see the
document entitled World Tyranny:
Warnings about the Insane Who are
Trying to Create a Communist World
Country, which can be reached by
using this link: World.Note: Many other documents exist at the
Web site for The Hologlobe Press that will
give you information about the bad that Barack
Obama and his associates are doing to the
United States of America, such as the Michigan
Travel Tips documents and the T.H.A.T.
documents that have been published since
the fall of 2008.To get to the Site-Summary Page for The
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